Wednesday, January 23, 2013

COTN House of Genoe Part 7

7. Old friends

Malech dismount the Gryphon at his next destination. He can sensed the creature wanting to leave for his own destination. Malech stroke the mane of the Gryphon and whispered to the creature.

"I would be fine here. Go on and I would wait for you." The creature looked to the old sorcerer' eyes and then flew off. "Its your home too."

Malech then looked for the tower entrance to locate the hidden stairs that would take him down to the House of Canaan. As he walked down, he can feel the eerie feeling and thoughts in his mind. He can hear the cries of the innocent and young ones. He also felt the presence of the predators. They are the unwanted ones; the misshapen creatures among the elves. They chose to live in the dark caverns and given passage on meeting them in the caverns.

Malech reached into his robe and withdraw the Oracle. It shone in his hand and lighted up the nearby area around him in this dark cavern. He descended further in until he reached the ground level. He can feel the bones beneath his feet and he chose to ignore them. He can feel the Oracle calling for the lost souls so he searched for a torch. He found one and he lit it with his magic spell. He place the Oracle back into his robe to prevent it form attracting more lost souls. He continued his search for the temple and soon find it. He walked in and close the door on it.

He took out the Oracle again and let it shine again.

"Master Malech, you have come to possess the Oracle again. Its been so long, Master." It was the sound of one of the four non-corporeal form that floated around him.

"Bow before me, Guardian of the Spirits. Bow before the holder of the Oracle, and Master fo the Spells. I command thee now." Malech spoke out in a louder tone to the floating forms.

"You do not scare us anymore, Master Malech. We fear not the Oracle anymore. In fact, the Oracle works for us now. Every time someone uses it, a part of the soul gets sucked out by us." The four floating forms speaks in unison defying the holder.

"Then faced it wrath, you imbeciles" Malech raised the Oracle and spoke out the spell to control the Spirits Guardians. As he speaks the words, the four forms find themselves dissipating by the spell.

"Stop!" The forms pleaded from the Master of Spells. "We heed your command."

They floated before Malech and bowed in unison.

"Tell us your command, Master. We would do as you asked."

"Fly to the four corners of the land. Search our survivors and bring back the warriors to their original Houses before the Nameth Day. Go now as time is of essence."

The four forms floated away leaving the old sorcerer alone in the temple.

"Good show of power there, old friend." Another voice was heard. "I did not expect the Spirits Guardians to heed another when I am truly its Master."

"And creator. I bid you welcome back, Master Artoo." Malech turned to his right to face another floating form but this one is elf like in visual like the ones on his waist belt. "I see that even the Soul World would not accept your soul."

The form known as Artoo was a Grand Sorcerer who was also Malech' master. He was considered the greatest of them all until his untimely demise when he indulge too much into the dark arts. He did not joined them but tried to master them to controlled it. The sphere of balance was not to changed as Artoo was removed from either by forces unknown to all, yet fear by all including wizards and sorcerers. He is what you termed as trap in between dimensions.

"I guess where you are now, do not have any need of change of robes." Malech was commenting of the robe worn by his master. Its the robe that carries the symbol of the Great Sorcerer; one that was never worn by any till today. Not even Malech can claim to such honor.

"I hope it does not smell too badly like my physical body." The form of Artoo sniffed at his robe. "Ever the person with the humor. Malech what made you come here. I know you seek the warriors but please entertain me with the reasons. Unfortunately, in this temple since the massacre of the Canaan, I am without any news."

"Yet you did nothing to stop it." Malech lashed out his master.

"With what, Malech? I am limited in my current form and I have no Oracle then. More to it...... Their wizard is strong. I believe you know him; Netsu by the name. Yes, he had a part in the killing of your love." Artoo smiled in his face to see the anger rising within Malech.

"Say no more, Artoo or I....." Malech have reached for the Oracle but he stopped midway before putting it down. "I am sorry."

"Don't be. I would had loved to be imprisoned in there. Or does it destroy the soul in there. We would never know as none have ever come out again. I was wrong too. I apologies for speaking on your love." Artoo floated around in front of Malech. "I would had offered you a drink but this place is without one since no one came anymore but we can talk. Unless you need one for yourself."

Malech pulled a container out of his robe.

"Good, now we can talk." Artoo sat down on mid air in what may be a seat to him. Malech took his place at a nearby bench. He sat with his legs closed together and his palms on the lap like when he was the apprentice eighty years ago. His voice speaks on the current events but his mind fleet back to the temple in Genoe then.

"Malech, if you want to be great; be it or don't waste my time. I have a lot of other apprentice who is able to appreciate what I am teaching." Malech looked at the broken apparatus on the floor. He is not overly concerned on it but next to the broken apparatus is a small hole which you can see down below. The depth of the sight is getting longer as the liquid seeped through more floorings. "I would appreciate you be more careful with the spells. I cannot resurrect the dead to live again although I could re-animate the living dead."

Malech apologies for the mistake but his master was not able to accept it when the Councilor came in to retort the sorcerer. Artoo did not take it too kindly on the outburst that he threatened the Councilor with dire intents. That ended matter but Artoo decided to take his apprentice on a field trip. They ended up at a waterfall; a beautiful scenic spot with the fauna and flora that patronize the place.

"Malech, I want you to go behind the waterfall and retrieve the idol in there. Since you are my apprentice, I would caution you as there are Guardians there. Nasty ones. Be quick, as I don't want to be late for supper."

Malech checked the waterfall and noticed there is no entrance to go behind it. He then looked at the pond and wondered. He looked up to see Artoo bending over some flowers bed. He did not hesitate as he stripped off his robe and dived in to the pond. At the bottom of the pond, he find the entrance to the back of the waterfall. He crawled on the bottom bed to pushed through the tunnel. He saw the exit and he pushed for it. He surfaced at the back to find himself in a cavern.

"Not another cavern. Why not a hidden land?" Malech sighed and pulled himself out form the water. It was then he saw the cavern was lighted by fire or the sunlight but by some creatures that cling to the walls. They have a luminous body that emits some light. He saw more than that when he see the serpents all around the flooring.

He walked forth and recalled the spell taught by Artoo. He held out his hands and the spell he called on created mist than fire. He chant another spell and this time he got a strong gust of wind instead. It did sweep away some serpents, but that also agitate the serpents.

"Darned!" Malech tried the third time. It worked but he actually emit a high sonic wave which put the serpents off. He ran on into the cavern until he saw the idol on the stone slab. The idol is protected by a large serpent and its impervious to his sonic attack.

Malech concentrate hard and he raised his hand; this time the flames came out and burnt the serpent to its bones. The flesh just melted away and so was the idol as it was made of wood.

He met Artoo on stepping out of the pond.

"I burnt the idol. This is what remain." Malech showed his master the remains of the Idol; a piece of wood with burnt edges.

"You retrieved it. That what matters. More to it, you passed my test. You can perform under pressure." Artoo points to the glass ball on his hand. "I been watching. You would be a great sorcerer one day. "

"Malech, I got your update. You don't have to remind thrice on the serpents. I hate them too. They are the ones who actually can bite me and incidentally also caused my death." Artoo was irritated as all through the years of training, Artoo have expressed that he dislikes serpents. "I killed Set years ago. Or maybe the one I know as Set. Set has always their ego in naming their leader. So the new one could be your brother, Malent."

"However, if he assumed Seti' role, then he must be all powerful like the previous Seti. We must be prepared and above all, be lucky. That in our circle; luck unfortunately does not exist. We just need to create our own." Artoo sighed and looked around him. He is looking for something but he is not telling.

"Artoo, what did you use to defeat Seti then? I need to know. That's why I came." Malech looked at his old master. He knew that there was an enemy named Seti or Set then which was defeated by Artoo. Artoo told him that one day during training; the only foe he almost lost to.

"Artoo, what did you use? A spell? Or a Potion? A weapon?" If Artoo is alive, Malech would had grabbed him by the forearms but he is a floating soul now.

"The..... Celestial Dagger...That was the weapon I used. I stabbed it into its left eye; the all seeing one." Artoo remembered now. "I guess we are alike. We work well under pressure. The Celestial Dagger was destroyed in that war. There may not be another one."

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