Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Today is the first day of the year, and we embark on embracing another 365 days ( I checked its not a leap year so we have have 365 days only ) before we sing this again. So here is to all of you; HAPPY NEW YEAR.

For me 2012, was one long year with personal highs and lows, but I pulled it through. The high parts was so many of you were nice to listen to me tell you tales and not having to throw any tomatoes at me ( could had saved on buying them for my diet, if you had thrown me fresh ones. ) but I must be improving. 

I would endeavor to do more; as there are some long tales kept in the library.

"Conflict in the Circle" Sequel to Circle in the Empire
"Dorothy; The remake of the tale" NANOWRIMO November.
"Chronicles of the Elf' Short Tales" The individual exploits of the Elves
"Crusaders II" Sequel to Crusaders
"Tawa Incident" Satire based on James Bond "Dr.No, Goldfinger and Moonraker".

Uncompleted tales are;

"Eunuch" The life and times of the eunuch during the Dowager Cixi.
"Young Lords" The sequel to the above and the last book in the trilogy.
"Pangaea War" Sequel to New Panagea.
"1914: the German Soldier war." Another fiction historical tale.
"Killrock" Still writing as of now.

I have in mind one ficntionalised tale on the question of God but it needed some reading first to embark on.

So that would be resolution for 2013; keep on writing. And bear with me, and blog with me.

P.S. Anyone wants to buy my stocks of food rations kept since Dec 21st 2012? I think it would expired only in 2014 or 2015. I got peaches, meat, peas, and dried tomatoes......and one can opener with a two years warranty.

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