Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tony and Cleop Act Four Scene Eight Sub-Act One


Act Four

Scene Eight

Sub-Scene One

Victory, finally


Dodger City fell that day. Or rather, it was retaken by Mark Antony. They held the celebration at the biggest hall in the area, the City Hall auditorium. The boys were all there, celebrating their victory. Eros had assigned some of the boys to be sentries, and some were on city patrol in case Caesar made a comeback.

Mark knew that victory was hard; he lost half his boys there. It was of no help to Egypt, which had stayed behind during the battle. He had the services of the mercenaries; he hired killers from down south and around. The remnants of the remnants of the Great War had no skills to assimilate into society. He had promised, as per the previous battle, rewards, and more rewards.

Queen Cleop agreed to join in the celebration.

“Tomorrow, before the sun rises, we will kill all the boys still loyal to Caesar. I thank you all, for you are brave, and you did not fight as though you had been commanded to serve this cause, but as though it were as much your own cause as it is mine.” Mark addressed the gathered.

“We love you, Boss.’ One of the gathered shouts.

“You have all fought bravely. We lost some friends today. But they are here with us in spirit and soul. We celebrate with them as well as with loved ones. Embrace your wives and your friends. Tell them what you have done, while they wash the congealed blood from your wounds with joyful tears and heal your honourable injuries with kisses.” Mark Antony leaned over to kiss Cleop.

"Oh, light of the world, clasp your arms around my neck. Leap through my armour into my heart, in your robes and all, and ride on my heartbeats as if you were riding a horse in a triumphal parade!

Mark then saw Scarface and invited him over.

“Give me your hand. I will praise your deeds to this great enchantress, the Queen, so that she will bless you with her thanks.” Mark turned toward Scarface

“Oh, you infinitely brave man, did you face the world's greatest threat and escape with a smile?” The Queen looked at Scarface.

“I do.” Scarface smiled.

“My Queen, we have beaten them all the way back to Rome in fear.” Mark u laughed.

“What does it really matter, my Queen? They lost. I am not as young as I once was, but I still have a brain that feeds my muscles and can achieve my goals just as well as a younger man.”

“Look at this man. Give him your hand to kiss.” Mark told the Queen. Scarface received the Queen’s hand when it was handed out.

“A fine, noble man, he was. He has fought today like a god who became a man to destroy mankind out of hatred.” Mark praised Scarface. “They all are.”

“I will give you a gun made entirely out of gold, my friend. It belonged to a king, and now it is yours, man with the Golden Gun.”

“He deserved it, even if it were covered in jewels.” Mark Antony smiled at the Queen. “Let us lead a merry parade through the city. Show them the Queen.”

The couple took to the outside, where the surviving T-Fords were blown off by the drivers there.


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