Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tony and Cleop Act Four Scene Four Sub-Act One


Act Four

Scene Four

Sub-Scene One

The call of the bulge


In the palace, Mark woke up early and proceeded to put on his battle suit—the grey striped suit with the dark shoes. The Queen was there, watching him dress. She felt everyone's scars and past wounds from the conflicts. She knew one across his back suffered protecting Julius Caesar from the assassin. He loved the previous Caesar like his own father.

The maids arrived with the morning meals and then proceeded to dress the Queen. Eros walked in past the Queen, ignoring her beauty, and proceeded towards the boss. He was holding the guns for the boss.

“Eros! Bring me my guns, Eros!” Mark called out.

“Have your drink, my love.” The Queen told her love.

“No time for that.” Mark says it out loud. “Eros, my guns, Eros!”

“Standing behind you, Boss.” Eros stood there with the guns in his hands.

“Come, my good man, put your guns on. If we do not have good luck today, it is because fortune dislikes the way that we challenge her. Come on.” Mark was getting agitated.

“No, I will help too. What is this for?” The Queen took the guns from Eros. He handed her the shoulder holsters. “I do not use it.”

“That is because you had breasts while he had biceps.” Eros was rude.

“Ah, leave it alone, leave it alone!” Mark took the holster and handed it to Eros. “It is bad enough that you put the guns on my heart. Show her.”

Eros demonstrated to the Queen.

“You slip it on here. Then you tighten the belt.” Eros pulled the belt.

“Really, I will help the next time.” The Queen looked towards the maids. “See how it is done. It is not. Not wear over the crotch.”

“We will succeed today.” Mark turned the focus. “Do you see, my good man? Go put on your guns.”

“Soon, boss.” Eros does not have any other gun, though he prefers the shotgun. He tells everyone they make a bigger hole.

“Is it buckled well?” The Queen asked. “We do not want the guns to fall off.”

"Sagged, you meant the holster. I will shoot the one who belts it for me.” Mark was upset then. “Eros, pull the strap harder.”

“Eros, you are fumbling. My Queen is more skilled as a squire than you are. Hurry.” Mark mocked his own boy. “Oh, my love, if only you could see me in battle today, and if only you were familiar with the techniques of war! You will see an expert at work.”

“Trust it not to be a wham bang; I am fucked.” The Queen sighed. Every guy has his worst days, or was it always?

In the yard of the palace, the boys were assembled.

“Good morning to you.” The lieutenant told the boys. “Welcome. You look like someone who understands the business of war. We get up early to do the work that we love, and we take great delight from it.”

“And the coffee still pukes after all these times.” One of the boys called out.

"There is preferred tea here.” Another said it and was jeered by others.

“My pee is more potent than the tea.” Another boy cried out.

“I know. Sonya told me. Those were better in streams.” One cut in.

“Silence all. The boss is here.” The lieutenant called out.

“The morning begins well, boys. Like a spirited young man who means to accomplish great things, it gets started early.” Mark Antony was accompanied by the Queen. He turned toward the Queen. “Come, give me that kiss. Like this.”

Mark kisses the Queen.

“Well done. Goodbye to you, my love.”

Whatever happens to me today,” Sounded more like ‘to die,’ “This is a soldier's kiss. It would be shameful and worthy of a scolding if I were to give you any baser or less noble a compliment than that. I will leave you now like a true soldier.”

“You who wish to fight, follow me closely, I will bring you into battle and victory. We drive to Dodge now.” Mark Antony told the boys. They all cheered him on.

“Did you see the bulge?” Albert asked.

“Nay, I saw only the chest. She still bulges there.” Castello smiled.

“Like your mother’s ……... only hers was between the legs.” Chapin uttered out.

“He speaks …... the wise words.” Albert laughed. Chapin stomped his feet in delight.

“Fuck you all.” Castello marched off,



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