Saturday, August 21, 2021

Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.4 Chapter 9



Charlie heard the sirens at 2400hrs. It was faint and he saw the SWAT vehicle. He knew the authorities were there. The SWAT truck was parked at the street, and his men slaughtered. He wanted to call it off but then he saw the approaching men.

“Bugs and company.” Charlie cursed. His reinforcement was late. He was with four others and they took guard over the doorway. They opened fire at Bugs and company.

“Take cover!” Bugs called out. The men with him took to the cars and SUV before firing back. “We need to get in fast. Toss the grenades.”

Doc and Daffy tossed in a grenade each but it landed just outside the doorway.

It was 0004hrs.

Charlie had the entrance well covered and his fire power was halting the advance. He saw the grenades and called out the warning. The men cowered behind the reinforced walls when the grenades exploded just outside the doorway. Charlie was without the grenades. He called for a tactical withdrawal.

“Move back and hold our position near the stairs.” Charlie knew the doorway will present a narrow targeting area and he focused his men on there.

Bugs had advanced with the men to the doorway. Coyote and Runner was on the left side while Daffy and Piggy took the right. Bugs was with Doc just before the entrance.

“We got to get in.” Bugs called in. He looked at his watch. It read as 0007hrs.

“Bugs, we got one squad of SWAT here. And about a dozen patrolmen.” That was Bitch reporting. “I am responding with cover fire.” The Bitch took shots at the patrolmen to get them under cover. She knew that the SWAT Team will be a six men squad, and they will be moving to firing position. 

“I want two shooters on the left, and two on the right.” Sergeant Cooper called out to his squad. He checked his watch. The call came in at 2330hrs, and it was his shift call then which was to end at 2400hrs.

“Sam, you take the turret and lay cover fire.” The newly arrived SWAT team also came in the ‘Lenco Armored Vehicle’ but theirs was with the official Police Emblem.

“I am calling in another team on the other end. We will box them in. All silent on the sirens.” Sergeant Cooper then called in more reinforcement. He then looked to the patrolmen there. It was another Sergeant but he was with the uniformed patrolmen.

“It’s the Chief in there, Max” Sergeant Cooper told the other. “He radioed in that he was shot and was to come here as it was nearer.”

“Why do you call her a HE? She is a bitch.” Max chuckled.

“That’s because when she is fucking you, it’s like some jacked the truncheon in your ass.” Cooper laughed.

“The fuck of a choice. She probably could not explain her wounds. And we have hostile shooters here. Who are those shooters there? What did she do? Shoot the Mayor or the Cartel? The units responded to the call on shooting in the area. The first responder had arrived and saw the gathered. He called in and we came.” Max explained the call. “Hostile shootout and your unit called in.:

“It my bloody shift but I did not know the Chief was here. I was to pick my wife later but the call came in from the other Supe. He told the Chief was here. Bloody nuisance of her to see the whore at this time.” Cooper voiced out.

“You got to do it and it won’t wait anymore.” Max laughed. “Too bad it was your shift. Why you pick your wife? I thought you guys were going broke.”

“She called to change her mind and now she is probably reboarding back to her mother’s again.” Cooper looked at his watch. “I hate this job.”

“Well, wrap it up quietly, if you see the Chief. If she is dead, then we put the call on the shooters here. The Syndicate will be advised. They have to contain the fallout. They have to called off their goons.” Max whispered to Cooper. “You may get promoted then.”

“Do it.” Cooper muttered. The call went out.

“Everyone to back away from the Hotel. Its unsanctioned.” The call went out and the hotel was isolated. There were grumblings but no one dared to defy the Syndicate.

All was quiet then and so was it at the Hotel. It was 0020hrs. And someone sang the song.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find it here

“Shut up there.” Cooper called out in anger. “Or I will shoot you.”

All was silent thereafter. It was the devil’s hour they used to say.

And it was darn quiet in the hotel.

Graveyard shift was always like that. The nurse sat by the console at the safe room which was also on the Fifth Level next to the stairs. It was a simple console with the keyboard and facing it was a series of twenty screens with five dedicated to each level. There was one central huge screen which was in the middle. He was looking at the First Level. He saw the four figures there had layout the bedding frames with the mattresses to form a barricade. He had seen the six men had mounted the stairs but they remained at the top without going in. They had tried but the door won’t budged. It was because the nurse had locked all the access doors from the stairs to the levels.

“Nurse, give me an update.” The nurse heard the doctor and switched the screen to the other patients.

“Don is laying on the bed at Four.”

“VV is still at Third with the respirator machine. She is sedated.”

“VV may die on us tonight. Heat up the incinerator.” The doctor paused and then continued. “Now tell me of the intruders.”

“The Delagi boys are at the First Floor. I managed to lockdown the accesses. The Triads are on the stairs and Ground Level. Moving to the outside. We got unknown shooters out there and there are the Police.”

“A night which is turning bad for all of us.” The doctor replied. “Bring on communication set on ground and first level. I want to address the intruders.”

The speakers on those levels sounded out.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find it here

The song ended there.

“I am the Doctor. You are in my domain. I don’t like that. Leave in one minute or you meet Tiffany.”

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends

The clock read at 0024hrs.

“I am coming for you.” 

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