Canto XI
The Sixth Circle II: Heresy
Scene 1
If there was anything Dante disliked of Hell, it was the stink there. If
there was a word for it, it was brimstones. Brimstone,
an archaic term synonymous with sulfur, evokes the acrid odor of
sulfur dioxide given off by lightning strikes. Lightning was understood as
divine punishment by many ancient religions; the association
of sulfur with divine retribution is common in the Bible.
Dante and Virgil's walk soon reached a wide
crevasse that seems to swallow the dirt or mire from the surface. Virgil looked
down and sighed.
“It’s a long drop, even for a dead man’s soul.”
Virgil laughed. His laughter was soon over when he saw the two groups of souls
approaching them. Dante saw them too and then looked at the options for him.
“Do we jump or run? I doubt we can make it if
we do run.” Dante flexed his aching legs muscles.
“I doubt it too. Let us be civil then. I cannot
die anymore. I am dead.” Virgil let off a deep laugh.
The two groups stood before the two so named
“Andrei, stay away.” One in the group voiced to
the other group.
“And when had we drawn lots on them? I had my
share of the pain. I had heard that they may know of the way out. I intend to
be on that track.” The one named Andrei replied. “Are you here for the same
reason, Michael?”
“Then I supposed we are even. How about we take
once each?” That was a mutual agreement but they asked Virgil.
“You are lucky I cannot die and does not want
to. How many can you take?” Virgil asked Dante.
“No…” Dante was never a physical fighter. He
was to find a way out when Virgil 3.0 appeared out from its creator. It hovered
high and then used its sonar beam on the two groups. The groups fled when
impacted by a sonar beam. Dante and Virgil then took off in the left direction
and late they hid behind a huge tomb. There was an inscription on the stone
“I guard Anastasius, once Pope, He whom Photinus led from the straight
road.” Dante read it. “I know those lines. It was in one of the ancient poems.
It was written that he gave communion to Photinus. He was a deacon of the Greek
Church that denied the existence of God.”
“Then you are wrong. The Pope was not the one. It was the Emperor who
convinced Photinus to accept heresy. The Pope was blamed for he was the head of
the Faith. Hence his inaction led to his name here, for all to read but little
was known of his blame.”
“How do we fare if we are continued our walk?” Dante asked and noted
that Virgil 3.0 had not returned. “Could your orb be lost?”
“Unlikely, for it will not return unless we are safe. I know my
creation.” Virgil held his fate for the orb. He then turned the subject matter
to the Circle they are in.
“We are in the Circle VII. It comprises three smaller circles. One
circle is Violence against Persons, the other against themselves like taking
their own lives, and the last Circle is the act against God and Nature.”
“The last may have been sent many more there. We destroy not only God’s
creation which is the life of Man but every other thing he had done. The world has
gone into chaos for generations and in each passing one, the damage becomes
more extensive until its only recovery was death.”
“All of it began with the sin of malice. Malice is the sin most hated by
God. And malice aims to injure others whether by fraud or violence. But since
fraud is the only vice of which man alone is capable,
God loathes it most. Therefore, fraud is placed below, and their torment is
more painful.”
“Tell me more of the smaller circles, Virgil.”
“The first below is violent. But as violence; sins in three persons so
is that circle formed of three descending rounds of cruel torments. They are against
God, self, and neighbor is violence shown, against their persons and their
goods, I say, as you shall hear set forth with open reason.”
“Murder and mayhem are the violation of the person of one’s neighbor;
and of his goods; harassment, plunder, arson, and extortion. Therefore,
homicides, and those who strike in malice --- destroyers, and plunderers ---, all
lies in that first round, and like suffers with like. A man may lay violent
hands upon his person and so in that second round, eternally in vain repentance
“The suicides and all who gamble away and waste the good and substance
of their lives, and weep in that sweet time when they should be gay. Violence
may be offered the deity in the heart that blasphemes and refuses Him
And scorns the gifts of Nature, her beauty and bounty. Therefore, the smallest
round brands with its mark; both Sodom and Cahors, and all who rail at God and
His commands in their hearts’ dark.”
The frauds, which is a canker to every conscience, may be practiced by the
man on those who trust him, and on those who have reposed no confidence. The
latter mode seems only to deny their bond of love which all men have from
“Therefore, within the second circle lie Simoniacs, sycophants, and hypocrites,
Falsifiers, thieves, and sorcerers,
Grafters, pimps, and all such filthy cheats. The former mode of fraud not only
denies them the bond of Nature, but the special trust added by bonds of
friendship or blood-ties.”
“Hence, at the center point of all creation, in the smallest circle, on
which Dis is founded. The traitors lie in endless expiation.” Virgil concluded.
“Virgil, I am impressed with the clarity of your mind, impresses all you
touch; I see quite clearly the orders of the dark circles. But tell me: those
who lie in the swamp’s bowels, those the wind blows about, those the rain
beats, and those who meet and clash with such mad howls?” Dante refreshed his
mind about the things that he had seen since he arrived.
“Why are they not punished in the rust-red city. If God’s wrath be upon
them? And if it is not, why must they grieve through all eternity?”
“And what of you? You have swung your moods from here to there. What is your
understanding? Does it stray too? Or your thoughts turned so often? Have you
forgotten that the three main dispositions of the soul that leads to those
offenses Heaven hates --- Incontinence, malice, and bestiality?”
“And how incontinence offends God least? What earns the least blame from
Justice and Charity?” Dante asked. “Exactly who they are whose punishment lies
in that upper Hell outside the wall, you will understand at once why they are
confined apart from these fierce wraiths, and why less anger beats down on them
from the Eternal Mind.”
“Go back a little further,” Virgil said, “To where you spoke of usury as
an offense against God’s goodness. How is that made clear? Let me explain it
plainly. Philosophy makes plain by many reasons to those who heed her teachings.
How all of Nature --- her laws, her fruits, her seasons --- if you do read your
Physics with due care,
You will note, not many pages from the start, that Art strives after her by
imitation. Art, as it were, is the Grandchild of Creation.”
“That is the will of Providence, man was meant to labor and to prosper.
But the usurers scorn nature in herself and her followers. We have destroyed
most of Nature and God's wrath is inflamed.”
“And this is God’s wrath?” Dante raised the question with a sneer
expression. “I could have not asked for better.”
“I can do all things through him who strengthens me; Philippians 4:13.”
Virgil hit back with his own. “If we are to let our journey be determined by
God, then we might as well stop at Limbo.”
“Hush down your emotions, Virgil. I was merely stating my view of the
place. I meant no---” Dante tried to ease the agitation in Virgil.
“So was I but I am determined to see what is here and maybe return once
more to guide the others so that their souls can be at rest eternally. There is
no fear than not knowing what’s ahead.” Virgil cut in. “Let us move from here.
Even a rock may melt at what we may see ahead or gained its strength to be a
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