Saturday, August 28, 2021

Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.4 Chapter 10



“Charlie, we have to leave.” The aide to the Triad Leader called out. “The ---- Doctor will ----”

“Shut up, you fool. How are we leave? The other team is out there led by the mad man Bugs. He works for the Delagi. They won’t let us leave. Let me talk to the Doctor.”

Charlie walked to the house phone. It rang but no one answered. That was bad news.

It was 0026hrs.

“Get everyone back here. We will make a stand here.” Charlie called out. He then changed his mind. “Stay there. We are coming in.”

The Triad members crowded into the stairs. Meanwhile outside, the Bitch was resting her hold on the trigger of her rifle. She had taken down three of the Triad members as agreed with her lover. It was all fair in their challenge. Then she had shot at the SWAT members to get them to go on cover. She liked the situation there.

“Hey, fucking Dyke. We are in for a treat. There are six of ----”

“Five, Bitch. The Sergeant won’t come out unless he needed. I know his name. Cooper and he was ex-military. How are you positioned?”

“Wide spread on the SUV bonnet. I have some bags in front of me to cover the corners.” The Bitch was leaning on the bonnet with the rifle aimed at the Police. She had her legs spread out like a golfer for the deep long drive on the shot.

“What’s your ---” The Bitch voice was cut off into a scream when the bullet impacted on her inner right thigh. She pulled herself off and sat with her back on the SUV.

“I am shot. Fucking shot at my thigh. It missed my butt hole though.” The Bitch screeched out. “Fucking arsehole almost got it.”

The other who was in another SUV back seat with the rifle resting on the dashboard aimed through the shattered windscreen pulled back. Dyke rolled out of the SUV through the opened door and rushed to the back of the SUV.

“Bitch, are you able to ---” The Dyke heard the second shot. It could mean the lover of her was dead or crawling ion between covers.

The Bitch had got the second shot in the forehead. The Magnum .338 Lapua held an effective range of nearly two thousand meters but from the Level Five of the Hotel, it was much shorter in distance and that accounts for deadly on impact. The Bitch had the back of her head splattered on the inside of the SUV when the bullet impacted through the vehicle plates.

“Bitch! Answer me!’ The Dyke knew her lover was dead. She called in to Bugs.

“The Bitch dead. We got a shooter in the Hotel. I repeat shooter in the Hotel.” The Dyke called in.

“Acknowledge, my dear. We will move in now. Stay covered.” Bugs had his signal to advance. Grenades were thrown in and upon impact the team went in blazing fire.

Charlie had his men all at the stairways when the grenades exploded. It was a good call by him or he would had been dead. Once the explosion was done, Charlie called on three of his brothers to step out.

“Lay cover fire from the left I will join you.” Charlie called out. The three rushed out and fired at the charging Melody Men followed by another two onto the other side.

Piggy was shot in the chest but the armor cover cushioned the shots however two shots went into his right knee which was not protected. He went down screaming in pain. Doc was behind him grabbed hold of Piggy. He pulled the wounded mate to the side and was rewarded with shots in the side of the neck and on the shoulder. He went down dead while Piggy was still trying to crawl.

Five of Charlie’s brothers were out there, and one on the left got hit as he was rushing out. The other two made it with their guns blazing, and the last two to join in got cover on the right. It was the ones on the right who shot Piggy and Doc.

“Daffy, pulled in Piggy.” Bugs called out to the other.

“The fuck I will. He is dead.” Daffy called back while he laid suppressing fire. Bugs looked at Piggy and saw the wounds on the head. It was sad to see your own mate die in battle, let alone when you shared the same food and drinks for some time.

“Fucked!” Bugs called out and looked to his other mates. Daffy was with him on the right while Coyote and Runner on the left. He looked to his watch; it showed 0034hrs.

“Who is shooting?” Cooper called. All his shooters replied negative. He got then call that the second squad was at the other end at the read of the Hotel.

“Squad moving in by Boot Hill.” The second squad was led by Sergeant Mac ‘Mad Dog’ Conners; a veteran in the service. He had five others with him and they moved fast in the way they were trained to fight the urban shooters. All five in line; straight line holding the metal shields and the rear two were the snipers looking at the hotel’s upper levels. The ground was soft with a layer of dust like ashes.

Mad Dog was at the rear.

They made it for ten yards before the planted explosions in the ground exploded at their path. Two well placed explosions took down three of the squad before the other three including the Sergeant took to cover behind the tombstones.

“Officers down. Its frigging mine field here.” Mad Dog called out. “I am ---”

One of the officers had stepped onto the tomb and it gave way. He fell into and onto the bones below. For even one who was trained to do battle, he was not trained to hide his fear of the dead. He screamed and tried to crawl out when the shot came and landed him on top of the corpse dead.

“Shots fired!” Mad Dog called out. Then the flood lights came on. It exposed all the officers there. The shots followed through and the second squad was dead in seconds including Mad Dog shot like a rabies dog he was named after.

It was 0034hrs and the lights went off.

Including that of the Hotel.

“We need lights.” Cooper called out when he saw the black out. He heard the explosions and then the shooting. His call to Mad Dog was unanswered.

Cooper assumed the worse.

“Do we go in?” Max asked him. Cooper remained silent.

In the Hotel, the nurse called the doctor.

“We are into Blackout. Do you want me to do it?” The Nurse asked.

“Negative. Move your observations towards the patient. No one gets them. I will take care of the intruders.”

“Doctor, Charlie is there.”

“I have no sons in my life. I am not a mother anymore. There are rules in the Hotel. Now play the music please.”


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