Monday, August 2, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 32


Ninianne called on the spear spell but it was not effective against Morgan who blocked it with her web cloak. She had tried several spells but it all failed. It was then Morgan hit back. The web cloak produced spikes that reached out towards Ninianne and stung her like a scorpion sting. The lady from the lake retreated with her left hand holding the area at her right shoulder. She was prep up by the other ladies.

“The sting will spread to paralyze your right shoulder and then moved to your chest and which time, it will cause your heart to stop. Then you will cease to breathe.” Morgan laughed. “You are due to die.”

It was then Vivianne arrived at the domain and rushed towards the other ladies.

“How are you feeling, Ninianne?” Vivianne took a look at the stung area which was spreading as revealed by Morgan.

“I am feeling weak.” Ninianne sighed. “Thank you for returning. I handle the leadership to you. I am not suited for it.”

Vivianne stood up and faced Morgan.

“Fight me, Morgan. I am the one who banished you from the Lake.” Vivianne drew out the sword returned by Lord Bors. “Behold, the sword of Balin.”

“I was wondering where were you hiding?” Morgan smiled. “I am going to kill all of you.”

The spikes on the web cloak spread out and then attacked Vivianne but the lady swung the sword with her hands. The blade on the sword slashed at the attacking spikes and cut them at the edges.

“The blade of Balin is like Arondight. It hunts and kills demonic beings.” Vivianne then charged at Morgan. Her move was swift and with her skills, Vivianne thrust the sword into Morgan’s chest holding the sword with her right hand. The blade sank past the dark outfit into the flesh of the lady.

Vivianne twisted the sword in her right hand to slash it upwards at the heart.

“Die, bitch!” Vivianne cursed in her breathe. It was then Morgan Le Fay faded off and only seen was the pool of blood.

“Where is she?” Vivianne called out but no one could explain what happened then.

Just as it was then when Merlin felt defeat was imminent, but he saw Morgause struck at him with the fire spell but he blocked it with a magical shield. She pressed on with more attacks causing Merlin to retreat until the Centaur appeared once more to assist him.

An arrow released by the Centaurs struck Morgause in the left shin and she fell. She crouched up and then looked at Merlin.

“I am not defeated just yet,” Morgause called out. She summoned another spell but in the midst of it, she wavered in her attack. She was distracted by something.

“Morgan!” Morgause called out and it gave Merlin an opening to call on the spell of force to release a powerful push onto the lady. The powerful magical push tossed the lady to the rear into the wall. It stunned her and Merlin took another shot at the lady blasting her past the wall into the Hall behind. He charged in and saw Morgause was wounded by the impact.

“You win, Merlin.” Morgause smiled. “You always wanted to win.”

It was then the lady faded off like her sister. Merlin was puzzled and tried to find her but she was not to be found.

“Merlin, the dragons are gone. Faded into nothing.” It was reported by the Centaurs. “Do…”

“The Black Lord had recalled them,” Merlin muttered out.

Just as Sir Erec had called for a retreat then. He had seen the new strength of over a hundred and sixty Roman Legionnaires marching from the hill to back up Arthur’s depleted army. Sir Erec knew that he cannot defeat the trained disciplined legionnaires.

“Ninth Legion, form the line. We will repel the invaders.” Marius in command of the two cohorts of the Roman Legionnaires called out. The legionnaires formed two lines and marched towards the killing field.

“Optio, lead the left side while I managed the right side of the lines,” Marisu called out to Lamorak who was still seated on the wagon. He was with the soldiers that held the long spear.

“For Rome! For the Legion!” Lamorak called out. The legionnaire reached the killing field, and then the command call was made.

“Form the Tetsudo!” The disciplined and well-trained legionnaires broke from the lines and formed the defense block that allowed them to repel any intruders. The shields clanged together to form a wall of steel, while the Legionnaire’s spear named the pilum was leveled out between the gaps in the shields to thrust at the intruders.

The Tetsudo formation fashioned by the legionnaires was a formidable block that allowed them to move forward in uniform. The intruders retreated on the path of the legionnaires, while the mounted knights were brought down when they tried to break the formation.

“Retreat!” The call went out.

Mordred saw the retreat of his army and was distracted when Arthur struck at the younger knight from the left. Mordred saw the attack move at the last moment but he managed to roll away. He got up and thrust his sword into Arthur’s right ribs when the older knight went by him. It was a fatal thrust that cut into Arthur’s ribs and at the lungs.

Arthur staggered on his feet while he used Excalibur to hold him upright when Mordred pulled the sword out.

“You are done, Arthur.” Mordred looked at the dying Arthur.

“And you will be dead.” The voice of Lancelot roared out when he rode towards Arthur. He dismounted next to the dying King and then glared at Mordred.

“Mordred, your battle with me has not ended.” Lancelot drew out Arondight from the scabbard. “You are the son of a demon and will be dealt as one.”

Lancelot charged at the other knight with his sword leveled at the chest. Mordred raised his sword to block the thrust but at the moment, Lancelot twisted his hands to swing the sword at the left side of Mordred. The other knight had then moved his body sideways to lent force to his block and in that move, exposed his back to Lancelot.

Arondight slashed at Mordred on the back, splitting the armor and into the flesh beneath. Mordred staggered forward on the impact, and before he could defend himself, Lancelot had done the back thrust of the sword into Mordred’s rear neck.

“Urgh!” Mordred gasped in his breath when the wound on his neck was severed in the veins, and the blood flooded the throat. He fell to his knees with the sword balancing him half crouched on the ground.

“Die, the son of the demon.” Lancelot took the wide swing with Arondight and severed the head from Mordred’s body.

“No!” Jaseth called out when he rushed forward to stop the kill. He cradled Mordred’s lifeless body in his arms, with the blood spurting from the exposed stump of the neck.

“No…. my son. You need not die… like this.” Jaseth sobbed his tears out at the loss of his son. “I should have been there.”


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