Saturday, August 28, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Stories 17

 My first news Break


Author's Note: The picture says it all. It's a ruined Coliseum and I thought of Zeus.


Contests rules:




It's a very unusual place for me to walking by but I find myself facing a white half-ruined multi-pillar Colosseum with pieces of its structures all around me. Whoever caused this mess is no match for me for sure but my curiosity had to overcome my fear. I ventured forth as I picked my path through the broken pieces of mortars and slabs. I chanced myself upon whom I may presume is the owner of the place.


"Hello there. Are you whom I assumed and presumed to be the dweller of this....  ruined place?" The gray-bearded person who was sitting there looking forlorn on a broken-off piece of the marble piece, looked up and then shouted at me.


"Of course, I am. You think any fool would like to come here and sit down just to look at this mess?" he is obviously very upset and I could be intruding on his misery now. But I saw one small manlike creature trying to run with a broken off the slab of the structure. The gray-bearded man points his finger and a small bolt of lightning came out. It struck the small manlike creature on his buttocks causing him to drop the load. It must be a painful jolt of pain.


"Perhaps I can help, if I may." I looked at the gray-bearded man who now glared at me with his eyes which seems to be blazing with fire. "I could help as I can restore this place for you to its original."


"You are a puny human who has overstepped your stay here on my mount..... But if you can do it, I would consider offering you a home here." The gray-bearded man was from a serious murderous look into that of a smiling happy man.


"Well if I did, you know repair this place, would you be kind enough to allow me to record this in the God's News Edition. It's my real first break since I did the article on the Mayan Prophecy but that was given the third-page print." When I completed the statement, I was looking sheepishly at the ground and expecting the worse. The last time I tried, I was chased by the minions of Hell on the instruction of Lucifer. I know who I am addressing here and he could obliterate me with his lightning bolts. 


"So you are the irritating Imp for a reporter from the God's News Edition. I should have known as you are here for the latest scoop on my woes. I can read the headlines now; 'Zeus being zapped by Gaia.' or 'One too many ladies for Zeus'. Okay, I submit it to you. How would you do it?" The gray-bearded man has slumped down on his shoulder. He should be as this is his twelfth time redoing his great hall on Mount Olympus.


I took out the lamp I borrowed from Aladdin and rubbed the Genie out.


"Oh, my God-ness! When did I have you as a master? Look, according to Tales and Stories rules, I am to serve only Aladdin and not you. So tell me, how can you be holding the lamp?" The blue-bodied sandy desert version of mine was unhappy to be popped out of his slumber. I took the distant cousin of mine and whisper some good words into his ears. He was soon whizzing around repairing the place while I sat next to Zeus.


"What did you tell him?" Zeus had to ask.


"Family secrets. It won't be fair for me to reveal it all. We have our ethics and responsibility as reporters. We tell the truth and not the whole truth sometimes." I winked at the God of Olympia. Soon the place was restored to its original state but I added in a new design. It's a love sign with a cupid-drawn figure on it and the wordings; "Love to my wife, Zeus."


"She would love that and won't destroy it again," I explained the Zeus why I added the new design.


"But I have many wives...." The gray-bearded God had to protest.


"That's why I did not name the wife name here." We both smiled. But I felt a smack on my head.


"Get up, you oaf. Hades has just crumbled Mount Olympus. Get there to get the first-hand report on the mess. I am sure Zeus was involved in one of his 'sow the seeding' stuff which caused it." That was my editor smacking me on the head to wake me up from my slumber.


I grabbed my bag and ran out on the Cloud Express. I reached in my bag and took hold of the oil lamp I borrowed from Jasmine. Maybe it would work.......




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