Monday, August 2, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 33 Finale


The mood of the victorious army of Arthur was solemn with the many tending to their wounds, and to some others was to mourn the dead. The other army had retreated with their wounded led by Sir Erec. The latter had retrieved Owain’s body to return home.

Centurion Marius's timely arrival with the Legionnaires had turned the battle to their favor. The Sarmatians without their leader have retreated from the battle leaving the army led by Erec and Lord Bern had stood to fight the legionnaires but they were no match against the Legionnaires. Sir Erec was wounded in the left shoulder when he tried to cover the retreat of the army and was rescued by Lord Bern.

“I had come here not to assist you but to quell the rebellion here. It’s the duty of the guardians of the Antoinne Wall. And also to protect it once Prime Pilus.” Marius justified the march there. “The Governor of Britannica will be notified.”

“Thank you, old friend. Live well, and prosper.” Arthur had replied to Marius. Marius marched back with his legionnaires and Lamorak offered to follow them. Lamorak had told Arthur that he will return to Rome to complete his final years there.

As the defeated army of Mordred, the mood of battle was over.

“Our battle is over. We have been defeated.” Lord Bern told Sir Erec with the dejected expression. “We will return to our land.”

It was also a sad event with Belvedere and Tristam standing over the dying King of Camelot.

“Why won’t Lancelot stepped in?” Tristam asked then of the other in the tent with him. Belvedere did not reply and stepped out of the tent. He saw Lancelot was there with Jaseth seated next to the knight. He approached the two knights.

“Lancelot, Arthur is dying. Won’t you see him?”

“I hold no relevance to Camelot anymore. I came to battle Mordred for he was killing my people.” Lancelot looked to Jaseth was looking grim-faced at the spot where Lancelot had beheaded Mordred. Mordred body and removed head were retrieved by King Lot’s knights and taken back to Normandy.

“And yet you came?” Belvedere snapped out. “Why can’t you come down from your throne of pride?”

“Who are you to caution me?” Lancelot glared at Belvedere.

“The one who had known you as a friend, seen you get yourself deluded over a lady who cannot be yours, and now you acted foolishly to battle for the one you despised.” Belvedere stepped up to Lancelot. “Tell me if I am wrong.”

Lancelot was to raise his sword but held back. He looked hard at Belvedere.

“I don’t despise Arthur. I only despise myself for being the fool.” With that Lancelot took off to mount his horse and rode away. Jaseth took his mount and chased after Lancelot. Belvedere heaved a deep breath and then went back to the tent.

“Arthur asked for you, ” Tristam told Belvedere. The latter approached the dying King.

“Belvedere, take Excalibur and have it returned to the lake. Don’t give it to anyone, not even Merlin.” Arthur handed the sword over.

“My King…” Belvedere was to speak but Arthur stopped him.

“I am soon to die. Grant me this last wish.” Arthur looked at Belvedere. “When I am dead, bury me at Camelot.”

Back at Camelot, Merlin stood there alone while the allies of his had all departed for their homes. He stood on the rampart looking towards the lake where he had sent Vivianne. He looked to the rear of him and saw the spot where Morgause had lain there wounded and later whisked away. He knew that somewhere out there, Morgause had been hidden from him.

“Black Lord…” Merlin sighed. He had never met the Black Lord but there were tales of the Lord which spoke of the powers of the Lord. It was then he saw the scout riding hard to Camelot.

“I bring dire news, my Lord Merlin. Arthur is dying. He may not make it.” The scout told Merlin. The latter held up his hands and conjured up a portal before him. He stepped into it and was then outside of Arthur’s tent. He proceeded towards the tent and saw Arthur there with Tristam.

“How fares, Arthur?” Merlin asked.

“Arthur is dead.” Tristam looked at the wizard. Merlin rushed forth to search Arthur’s bedding and was stopped by Tristam.

“Excalibur? Where is Arthur’s sword?” Merlin looked at Tristam.

“Belvedere has it. He was told to return the sword to the lake.” Tristam told Merlin.

“I must have it. Step aside.” Merlin pushed the other off and conjured the portal to carry him to the Lake. He landed at the edge of the lake facing the four ladies of the lake’ Vivianne, Vivian, Nymue and Nimue.

Vivianne was holding Excalibur in her hands.

“Stop there, Merlin. Excalibur had returned to the lake by Belvedere. You will not be allowed here anymore.”Vivian told Merlin.

“No, wait. I need to have Excalibur. Arthur may be dead but I can find a new champion.” Merlin pleaded to the ladies. “And more to it, the Black Lord is here. He will reclaim the land and we will be minions to be ruled by him.”

“We have no more concerns on the ways of the realm here. We will retire to the lake. Please take note that the lake will be forbidden for the next hundred years while we rebuild the domain.” Vivianne looked at Merlin. “Goodbye, old friend.”

“No! Wait. You have to …” Merlin called out but the ladies had retreated into the lake. Merlin tried to follow on but the lake will not respond to his commands. He stood there looking at the lake and then heard the familiar voice.

“Merlin, the war is not over. I will return for you in time and avenge my sister and son.” That voice belonged to Morgause Le Fay. Merlin sighed and stepped back from the lake. He then saw the dark Elf standing there.

“I am still your friend, Merlin.” Ronin greeted the old wizard. “We could hide in the enchanted forest.”

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