Saturday, August 28, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Stories 18

 The Hill behind my house.


Author's Note: I used the hill as a theme to denote the long-sufferings of the lady and how she moved on. She could have paused or stopped in her climb but she went on. She wanted to better herself after the release of her previous bond. She is a fighter and as the hill, it's a solitary warrior against the oncoming development. Both are dying in their ways, but both find a purpose to be there.

Living is using all your senses to enjoy the moments of it, even though it could be brief.



Contests rules:



It's not often I get to take walks but I made it an exception today. I got up this morning and decided to do it to the hill at the back of the house. It's not a high place but there are the steps that I need to mount. It's the only piece of the land which they have not put in any concrete slabs into the ground; well not yet, so I might as well enjoyed it before they do. I would probably be in the ground before they do them here but I am not taking my chance. As I have said, this occasion is a rare one to me. I have been sheltering myself within the four walls of my house with most times in the kitchen and the bedroom. I hardly ventured out from there unless it's Sunday to the church. Those were my only luxuries then but now I am a free bird again. Yes, I hear you up there, you rascal. Like the birds, I was a free bonny who would run the place and more so up and down his hill daily. I was then until eighteen before I got married and now after fifty years I am back to when I was eighteen. Funny how we older folks tend to repeat ourselves; it must be the need to be reminded before we forget ourselves.


I see those steps and I was told they numbered three hundred and nine to the top. Bloody use at that number at my age but if I have been pacing my twenty-five by eighty feet house more than a dozen times a day for that last fifty years, I am sure I can mount up those damn steps. I will be blessed as I may get to see more of this blasted place again beside the view from my windows before. It would be more than I have seen in the last years of the blasted Sean who still harbors his lust for me. Darned it, that must have been over sixty years when I allowed him to kissed me on my lips and that fool still thinks he would marry me in his blasted lifetime. By golly, he never moves from his family house next to ours and keeps on looking over the hedges into my yard when I am drying the clothes. I once shower him with my washing water but nothing seems to dampen his mood. I would say I should have married him but those days, it was not my decision but mom and pop's. Be heck with him, I am past my prime and he can wank his fantasy on my tombstone for all I care. Mary Anne, you sordid old lady; still thinking about those days. You got some steps to climb up there and clear your mind of those thoughts or Father Seamus would be pale-looking when he walked out of the confession booth.


Yes, the hill I am to climb; by golly, it looks rather big from this view. Maybe I ought to turn back and be that old frail lady than to die on the steps like a silly old hag trying to be a young jogger.


No, I would not turn back to my old life; I already spent fifty of my life years there. I am climbing up these steps again like when I was eighteen. I took my step and laid my hand on the wooden railings. It still feels cold and clammy like in the old days but then I had another warmer hand to pulled me up. That was how much I remember my dad as we used to climb up here when I was a kid. But not anymore as he's long gone. I felt the gravel stones on the steps below my leather-covered shoes but they are looser than before. I guess it must be from the running of those young joggers; they never did wipe their feet below before they mount the steps. We used to do that years ago, and that is probably what kept these steps still looking pristine for so many years.


Let's do it, Mary Anne; you old haggard. Yes, that's me now but I was Mary Anne the Light One then; me running upon the steps like a mountain goat. I was so strong and agile than now but now I am all solidified into a bent frame that they would probably straighten for my coffin when the time comes. I see the old oak tree still at the base of the hill. I stepped off the steps and walked towards the tree. I laid my hand on its trunk and looked for the particular spot on its bark. Oh my goodness, they have scarred the bark so much since then with those etchings, but here is mine. It said; "September 18th, 1961". Yes, it's still there as I can feel it as if it was that evening when I etched those words on it.


"Sorry, Mr.Oak. I thought it was to be my happiest day, but to be honest it was the day I became a slave. But today I am free of that oath and be gone to hell with those years. I thought I ought to apologies to you as you was the first I had told then and now I am telling you first of my liberty." I took my leave of the oak tree and walked to the steps again. Okay, it's doing it or be gone with my desire once and for all. I took the steps up one at a time and rested at every twenty or was it fifteen but who is counting then. Every time I rested on the steps, I get to view the place ever again like it was fifty years ago. But now I get to see is more houses and roads when those days they were scattered homes with smoking chimneys. The smell of the air then was roasts and bakes but today, it awful smell of God fearing fumes. Maybe if I go up more I might get to smell the clear hill trees forest air more.


Mary Anne, you done two hundred steps and nine steps. If you are thinking of quiting now, think again as its double that amount to go down to than to reach the top with half the number. But the smell here is better and the view is further but I would say is never the same as before. Even the trees up here are scarce and the thick undergrowth more or less gone. Those days I could take a nature call up here and nobody would had noticed. Its not that I needed one now but I had on my diapers which would probably took up the constant leaks. It won't dampen the air here with its smell but what I am smelling up here would not be a difference if I am on the road.


Mary Anne, its a third of the way so let's get it done with or you would put the Highlands to shame if you quit now. Think of the young dashing men up there with the kilts and dirks, and the pipers playing "Blue Bonnets Over the Border".


Come from the hills where your hirsels are grazing,

Come from the glen of the buck and the roe;

Come to the crag where the beacon is blazing,

Come with the buckler, the lance, and the bow.

Trumpets are sounding,

War-steeds are bounding,

Stand to your arms then, and march in good order;

England shall many a day

Tell of the bloody fray,

When the Blue Bonnets came over the Border.


( "Blue Bonnets Over the Border".Sir Walter Scott was steeped in the history of the Scottish Border country where he lived for a large part of his life. Here is one of his rousing, Border marching songs.' )


I hummed to myself as I mount the last hundred steps. Its an achievement for me but one I would say much came from my Highlands spirits to never give up. I stood up there and now I can see beyond the stacks of houses to the rolling hills and dipping valleys. Its a sight of an eighteen years girl then full with inspiration to faced the coming life. I used to say to myself 'come what may, nothing shall me back down from my dream.' Today I had that dream to mount up this hill again despite my age, pain and a missing leg. But before I can conclude the trip, I need to do one more thing. I reached for the nearby overhanging chestnut tree and pulled at its leaves. I took one of the leaves and placed it on my tongue. I could taste the acrid smell on the leaf but I am not really going to eat that green. I just want to blow it between my lips to hear the hymn again. But I failed to do so as it may be the wrong tree I think or my lungs are not as before.


Nevertheless, I am standing on top of the hill and free of my previous bonds. I am a free woman today standing on top of a hill admiring what was mine to admire fifty years ago. I chanced down the steps to see the perverted old man trying to make his way up.


"Sean Magnus, you perverted sicko. How dare you climbed up behind me and tries to peek under my skirt. I would had you charged with outrage of modesty." But you ought to admire his patience and true devotion after over fifty years, he still loves me still. Maybe he deserved a second chance. After all in life, not many gets a second chance. More to it, he was a great kisser.



Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Stories 17

 My first news Break


Author's Note: The picture says it all. It's a ruined Coliseum and I thought of Zeus.


Contests rules:




It's a very unusual place for me to walking by but I find myself facing a white half-ruined multi-pillar Colosseum with pieces of its structures all around me. Whoever caused this mess is no match for me for sure but my curiosity had to overcome my fear. I ventured forth as I picked my path through the broken pieces of mortars and slabs. I chanced myself upon whom I may presume is the owner of the place.


"Hello there. Are you whom I assumed and presumed to be the dweller of this....  ruined place?" The gray-bearded person who was sitting there looking forlorn on a broken-off piece of the marble piece, looked up and then shouted at me.


"Of course, I am. You think any fool would like to come here and sit down just to look at this mess?" he is obviously very upset and I could be intruding on his misery now. But I saw one small manlike creature trying to run with a broken off the slab of the structure. The gray-bearded man points his finger and a small bolt of lightning came out. It struck the small manlike creature on his buttocks causing him to drop the load. It must be a painful jolt of pain.


"Perhaps I can help, if I may." I looked at the gray-bearded man who now glared at me with his eyes which seems to be blazing with fire. "I could help as I can restore this place for you to its original."


"You are a puny human who has overstepped your stay here on my mount..... But if you can do it, I would consider offering you a home here." The gray-bearded man was from a serious murderous look into that of a smiling happy man.


"Well if I did, you know repair this place, would you be kind enough to allow me to record this in the God's News Edition. It's my real first break since I did the article on the Mayan Prophecy but that was given the third-page print." When I completed the statement, I was looking sheepishly at the ground and expecting the worse. The last time I tried, I was chased by the minions of Hell on the instruction of Lucifer. I know who I am addressing here and he could obliterate me with his lightning bolts. 


"So you are the irritating Imp for a reporter from the God's News Edition. I should have known as you are here for the latest scoop on my woes. I can read the headlines now; 'Zeus being zapped by Gaia.' or 'One too many ladies for Zeus'. Okay, I submit it to you. How would you do it?" The gray-bearded man has slumped down on his shoulder. He should be as this is his twelfth time redoing his great hall on Mount Olympus.


I took out the lamp I borrowed from Aladdin and rubbed the Genie out.


"Oh, my God-ness! When did I have you as a master? Look, according to Tales and Stories rules, I am to serve only Aladdin and not you. So tell me, how can you be holding the lamp?" The blue-bodied sandy desert version of mine was unhappy to be popped out of his slumber. I took the distant cousin of mine and whisper some good words into his ears. He was soon whizzing around repairing the place while I sat next to Zeus.


"What did you tell him?" Zeus had to ask.


"Family secrets. It won't be fair for me to reveal it all. We have our ethics and responsibility as reporters. We tell the truth and not the whole truth sometimes." I winked at the God of Olympia. Soon the place was restored to its original state but I added in a new design. It's a love sign with a cupid-drawn figure on it and the wordings; "Love to my wife, Zeus."


"She would love that and won't destroy it again," I explained the Zeus why I added the new design.


"But I have many wives...." The gray-bearded God had to protest.


"That's why I did not name the wife name here." We both smiled. But I felt a smack on my head.


"Get up, you oaf. Hades has just crumbled Mount Olympus. Get there to get the first-hand report on the mess. I am sure Zeus was involved in one of his 'sow the seeding' stuff which caused it." That was my editor smacking me on the head to wake me up from my slumber.


I grabbed my bag and ran out on the Cloud Express. I reached in my bag and took hold of the oil lamp I borrowed from Jasmine. Maybe it would work.......




Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.4 Chapter 11



Charlie was down to eleven men including him on the Ground Level and stairs. He had three of them remaining on the stairs while the others joined him at the Ground Level. He has four on the left and three on the left when the power went off. They were all blinded by the darkness.

“Turn on your handphone lamps if needed.” Charlie called out to his brothers.

On Bugs’ side, he was prepared. He took out the thermal scopes and put it on. His team did the same. They could see everything in the green halo environment.  He saw the head popped out from the cover and shot at it.

“Chan down. Damn!’ The brother next to Chan leveled the automatic rifle to fire blind above his head. He almost got his hand blown off but something came on then which was unexpected.

The lights came on at the Ground Level.

“What the –-?” Daffy called out and moved to shoot but his sight was still blinded by the sudden flash of lights. His half-raised body exposed him to the shooter. The shot impacted on his head on his exposed face.

“Daffy!” Bugs called out but the other was dead. And the lights went off and on. It was a murder, and Bugs won’t take an answer for that. He lost his control and rushed out. It was followed the leader. Coyote and Runner

It was 0040hrs.

Coyote was first, and then Runner before Bugs got hit at the legs. The leader fell to his knees and was shot in the face.

It was all over by 0041hrs.

And none of the Triad Members fired at them.,

The Melody Men were shot with arrows. There were arrows seen on the floor.

Charlie was still cowering behind the overturned settee. He was stunned when the lights went on again. He crouched up and saw the dead Melody Men.

It was baffling.

The voice came on the communication speaker once more.

“Leave while you can, Tee Chan. I don’t want your life wasted here.”

Charlie stood up with his remaining brothers looking stunned.

“Who did it?” One of the brothers asked Charlie.

“My ---” Charlie was shocked when the bullet impacted into his chest. He looked to the shooter. It was a lady dressed in armor and held a rifle. It was the Dyke.

“Fuck you all.” Dyke roared as she rushed in. She emptied her clip on the others there. She got three of them including Charlie before she was gunned down. She took one last shot at her shooter before she went down.

“Dragon, are you well?” The brother held Charlie in the arms. They were down to six standing, including the three still on the stairs.

“Call the Doctor. I am shot. Call her. Tell her CS01.” Charlie had his right hand over his chest. There was no waiting when the wall diagonal to the stairs slid open. It was a hidden compartment that was a narrow lift inside enough to fit two persons. A figure with the apron appeared.

It was the Doctor.

The Doctor was holding two guns with silencer in her hands. She shot the three of them with a single shot in her face. She rushed over to Charlie.

“Tee Sang, you were always a fool.”

“I know, Onii-san but it’s nice to see you again. How--- are you?”

“Shut up! I got to get you to the Third Level.” The Doctor did not have to call at all for the nurse was down at the Ground Level with the gurney.

“I saw the shootout. Let me get him up.” The nurse carried Charlie over the shoulder to the hidden lift. The Doctor stepped to the stairs and shot the remaining three Triad members. She then re-joined the nurse. It was tight inside but the lift worked.

“I want the Ground Floor fumigated. No one gets in. I will do the surgery by myself.” The doctor gave her instruction. Charlie was moved to the surgery table and the nurse went back downstairs.

On the First Level, Danny was getting impatient. He had heard the explosions and the shooting but no one arrived at the First Level.

It was 0102hrs then.

“I am not staying to wait for them. I am going down by the lift tunnel.” Danny was crazy and he took his man along. Glenn stood up from his cover and followed with Randy behind. He went for the stairs and saw the metal door was opened. He stepped out with the shotgun and saw the dead three Triad Members. He motioned to Randy who followed him down. They reached the Ground Level and saw the massacre there.

“What the ---” Randy called out. It was then Danny had rappel down by the cables.

“Someone did them in.” Danny stepped up to the Melody Men. “The Men are dead.”

It was then the wall to the left of the stairs slide open and the nurse appeared with the tall vertical laundry cage. The nurse was surprised by the sight of the four men there. He had forgotten to seal back the metal doors. He was caught in the act.

“I ---” The nurse was to move but Danny stopped his movement with the rifle levelled at the nurse.

“Move and I will shoot you.” Danny warned the nurse. He turned to the last men of his.

“Get to the lift. I want to see my father.”

“Danny, you can’t go up. Its forbidden.” The nurse told Danny. “You will break the rule and not only you but your father will die too.”

“I don’t care. If my father’s dies, all of you die too.” Danny glared at the nurse. “Now get out of my way.”

The lift door closed then. A metal door came down over the opened doorway. A humming sound was heard.

“You done it, Danny. Your call had threatened the Hotel. Now, the system takes over. You are soon to die. We all will.” The nurse looked to the dead bodies there. “There is no escape. Not even me.”

“I ---- don’t understand. You are the nurse here. You must know how to get out.” Danny was panicking then. “Tell me or I will shoot you.”

“Shoot me then. I will be dead soon.” The nurse approached the dead bodies. He began to load them onto the cage. Glenn moved forward to assist and then Randy. It was a gruesome task but it was done. As for Danny, he was pacing around and collecting the guns as if he was to do the last stand.

“Take them with me to the basement. There is the incinerator there.” The nurse told Glenn. They pushed the cage to the lift but the nurse motioned to the other side of the stairs.

“We can’t use the lift. It does not go down. There is a chute there. Tossed them in to drop to the incinerator. It will start once the bodies are piled there.” The nurse told Glenn.

“There is a basement here?” Glenn asked.

“Yes. It’s sealed from the outside. The incinerator will burn the body when it reached certain weight and it will be even to crisp powder the bones, and the fans will pull the ashes out to the cemetery.”

Meanwhile outside at the Police perimeter, Sergeant Cooper was getting frustrated. He tossed the communication to the ground.

“The Commissioner is not taking my call. Neither is Mayor.: Cooper looked at Max. “Do you know the President’s number?”

“At this hour, I doubt he will pick up even if Kremlin called.” Max chuckled. “Or was it Beijing now?”

“You find it funny, huh? We are freezing here and we don’t know what is happening in there. Mad Dog did not reply my calls. I assumed he is dead too.” Cooper voiced out in anger. It was then he was told that a metal door had appeared over the entrance to the Hotel.

“Can you call in a M1 Tank or better still a drone? Then we can all go home.” Cooper sounded out with sarcasm. The call came through then and it was not the Commissioner or the Mayor.

“Sergeant Cooper. This is the Syndicate Rep. Call off the siege. Get your men to drive the stranded vehicles to the Yard. We will take over from there.” Cooper does not know the caller but the call request was genuine and cannot be disputed. “And Cooper, congrats to your new rank as Captain.”

“Stand down. All personnel to leave.” Cooper called out and then to Max. “Get me some of your men to drive the stranded vehicles off the grid back to the Yard.”

“On whose call?” Max asked.

“Mine, Sergeant and its Captain Cooper to you from now.” Cooper then walked to his assigned vehicle.

“Shucks, how come they never call me? I could be Commissioner by now.” Max grunted out his frustration.

And it was 0120hrs then.

The protection was over.

In Macau, The Godfather died of a heart failure precisely at 1320hrs. Someone fed him Viagra into his drink. He turned stiff then. He was listening to the song.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find it here




Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.4 Chapter 10



“Charlie, we have to leave.” The aide to the Triad Leader called out. “The ---- Doctor will ----”

“Shut up, you fool. How are we leave? The other team is out there led by the mad man Bugs. He works for the Delagi. They won’t let us leave. Let me talk to the Doctor.”

Charlie walked to the house phone. It rang but no one answered. That was bad news.

It was 0026hrs.

“Get everyone back here. We will make a stand here.” Charlie called out. He then changed his mind. “Stay there. We are coming in.”

The Triad members crowded into the stairs. Meanwhile outside, the Bitch was resting her hold on the trigger of her rifle. She had taken down three of the Triad members as agreed with her lover. It was all fair in their challenge. Then she had shot at the SWAT members to get them to go on cover. She liked the situation there.

“Hey, fucking Dyke. We are in for a treat. There are six of ----”

“Five, Bitch. The Sergeant won’t come out unless he needed. I know his name. Cooper and he was ex-military. How are you positioned?”

“Wide spread on the SUV bonnet. I have some bags in front of me to cover the corners.” The Bitch was leaning on the bonnet with the rifle aimed at the Police. She had her legs spread out like a golfer for the deep long drive on the shot.

“What’s your ---” The Bitch voice was cut off into a scream when the bullet impacted on her inner right thigh. She pulled herself off and sat with her back on the SUV.

“I am shot. Fucking shot at my thigh. It missed my butt hole though.” The Bitch screeched out. “Fucking arsehole almost got it.”

The other who was in another SUV back seat with the rifle resting on the dashboard aimed through the shattered windscreen pulled back. Dyke rolled out of the SUV through the opened door and rushed to the back of the SUV.

“Bitch, are you able to ---” The Dyke heard the second shot. It could mean the lover of her was dead or crawling ion between covers.

The Bitch had got the second shot in the forehead. The Magnum .338 Lapua held an effective range of nearly two thousand meters but from the Level Five of the Hotel, it was much shorter in distance and that accounts for deadly on impact. The Bitch had the back of her head splattered on the inside of the SUV when the bullet impacted through the vehicle plates.

“Bitch! Answer me!’ The Dyke knew her lover was dead. She called in to Bugs.

“The Bitch dead. We got a shooter in the Hotel. I repeat shooter in the Hotel.” The Dyke called in.

“Acknowledge, my dear. We will move in now. Stay covered.” Bugs had his signal to advance. Grenades were thrown in and upon impact the team went in blazing fire.

Charlie had his men all at the stairways when the grenades exploded. It was a good call by him or he would had been dead. Once the explosion was done, Charlie called on three of his brothers to step out.

“Lay cover fire from the left I will join you.” Charlie called out. The three rushed out and fired at the charging Melody Men followed by another two onto the other side.

Piggy was shot in the chest but the armor cover cushioned the shots however two shots went into his right knee which was not protected. He went down screaming in pain. Doc was behind him grabbed hold of Piggy. He pulled the wounded mate to the side and was rewarded with shots in the side of the neck and on the shoulder. He went down dead while Piggy was still trying to crawl.

Five of Charlie’s brothers were out there, and one on the left got hit as he was rushing out. The other two made it with their guns blazing, and the last two to join in got cover on the right. It was the ones on the right who shot Piggy and Doc.

“Daffy, pulled in Piggy.” Bugs called out to the other.

“The fuck I will. He is dead.” Daffy called back while he laid suppressing fire. Bugs looked at Piggy and saw the wounds on the head. It was sad to see your own mate die in battle, let alone when you shared the same food and drinks for some time.

“Fucked!” Bugs called out and looked to his other mates. Daffy was with him on the right while Coyote and Runner on the left. He looked to his watch; it showed 0034hrs.

“Who is shooting?” Cooper called. All his shooters replied negative. He got then call that the second squad was at the other end at the read of the Hotel.

“Squad moving in by Boot Hill.” The second squad was led by Sergeant Mac ‘Mad Dog’ Conners; a veteran in the service. He had five others with him and they moved fast in the way they were trained to fight the urban shooters. All five in line; straight line holding the metal shields and the rear two were the snipers looking at the hotel’s upper levels. The ground was soft with a layer of dust like ashes.

Mad Dog was at the rear.

They made it for ten yards before the planted explosions in the ground exploded at their path. Two well placed explosions took down three of the squad before the other three including the Sergeant took to cover behind the tombstones.

“Officers down. Its frigging mine field here.” Mad Dog called out. “I am ---”

One of the officers had stepped onto the tomb and it gave way. He fell into and onto the bones below. For even one who was trained to do battle, he was not trained to hide his fear of the dead. He screamed and tried to crawl out when the shot came and landed him on top of the corpse dead.

“Shots fired!” Mad Dog called out. Then the flood lights came on. It exposed all the officers there. The shots followed through and the second squad was dead in seconds including Mad Dog shot like a rabies dog he was named after.

It was 0034hrs and the lights went off.

Including that of the Hotel.

“We need lights.” Cooper called out when he saw the black out. He heard the explosions and then the shooting. His call to Mad Dog was unanswered.

Cooper assumed the worse.

“Do we go in?” Max asked him. Cooper remained silent.

In the Hotel, the nurse called the doctor.

“We are into Blackout. Do you want me to do it?” The Nurse asked.

“Negative. Move your observations towards the patient. No one gets them. I will take care of the intruders.”

“Doctor, Charlie is there.”

“I have no sons in my life. I am not a mother anymore. There are rules in the Hotel. Now play the music please.”


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Dante Book 1 Canto XI Scene I

 Canto XI

The Sixth Circle II: Heresy

Scene 1


If there was anything Dante disliked of Hell, it was the stink there. If there was a word for it, it was brimstones. Brimstone, an archaic term synonymous with sulfur, evokes the acrid odor of sulfur dioxide given off by lightning strikes. Lightning was understood as divine punishment by many ancient religions; the association of sulfur with divine retribution is common in the Bible.

Dante and Virgil's walk soon reached a wide crevasse that seems to swallow the dirt or mire from the surface. Virgil looked down and sighed.

“It’s a long drop, even for a dead man’s soul.” Virgil laughed. His laughter was soon over when he saw the two groups of souls approaching them. Dante saw them too and then looked at the options for him.

“Do we jump or run? I doubt we can make it if we do run.” Dante flexed his aching legs muscles.

“I doubt it too. Let us be civil then. I cannot die anymore. I am dead.” Virgil let off a deep laugh.

The two groups stood before the two so named pilgrims.

“Andrei, stay away.” One in the group voiced to the other group.

“And when had we drawn lots on them? I had my share of the pain. I had heard that they may know of the way out. I intend to be on that track.” The one named Andrei replied. “Are you here for the same reason, Michael?”

“Then I supposed we are even. How about we take once each?” That was a mutual agreement but they asked Virgil.

“You are lucky I cannot die and does not want to. How many can you take?” Virgil asked Dante.

“No…” Dante was never a physical fighter. He was to find a way out when Virgil 3.0 appeared out from its creator. It hovered high and then used its sonar beam on the two groups. The groups fled when impacted by a sonar beam. Dante and Virgil then took off in the left direction and late they hid behind a huge tomb. There was an inscription on the stone slab.

“I guard Anastasius, once Pope, He whom Photinus led from the straight road.” Dante read it. “I know those lines. It was in one of the ancient poems. It was written that he gave communion to Photinus. He was a deacon of the Greek Church that denied the existence of God.”

“Then you are wrong. The Pope was not the one. It was the Emperor who convinced Photinus to accept heresy. The Pope was blamed for he was the head of the Faith. Hence his inaction led to his name here, for all to read but little was known of his blame.”

“How do we fare if we are continued our walk?” Dante asked and noted that Virgil 3.0 had not returned. “Could your orb be lost?”

“Unlikely, for it will not return unless we are safe. I know my creation.” Virgil held his fate for the orb. He then turned the subject matter to the Circle they are in.

“We are in the Circle VII. It comprises three smaller circles. One circle is Violence against Persons, the other against themselves like taking their own lives, and the last Circle is the act against God and Nature.”

“The last may have been sent many more there. We destroy not only God’s creation which is the life of Man but every other thing he had done. The world has gone into chaos for generations and in each passing one, the damage becomes more extensive until its only recovery was death.”

“All of it began with the sin of malice. Malice is the sin most hated by God. And malice aims to injure others whether by fraud or violence. But since fraud is the only vice of which man alone is capable,
God loathes it most. Therefore, fraud is placed below, and their torment is more painful.”

“Tell me more of the smaller circles, Virgil.”

“The first below is violent. But as violence; sins in three persons so is that circle formed of three descending rounds of cruel torments. They are against God, self, and neighbor is violence shown, against their persons and their goods, I say, as you shall hear set forth with open reason.”

“Murder and mayhem are the violation of the person of one’s neighbor; and of his goods; harassment, plunder, arson, and extortion. Therefore, homicides, and those who strike in malice --- destroyers, and plunderers ---, all lies in that first round, and like suffers with like. A man may lay violent hands upon his person and so in that second round, eternally in vain repentance moan.”

“The suicides and all who gamble away and waste the good and substance of their lives, and weep in that sweet time when they should be gay. Violence may be offered the deity in the heart that blasphemes and refuses Him
And scorns the gifts of Nature, her beauty and bounty. Therefore, the smallest round brands with its mark; both Sodom and Cahors, and all who rail at God and His commands in their hearts’ dark.”

The frauds, which is a canker to every conscience, may be practiced by the man on those who trust him, and on those who have reposed no confidence. The latter mode seems only to deny their bond of love which all men have from Nature.”

“Therefore, within the second circle lie Simoniacs, sycophants, and hypocrites, Falsifiers, thieves, and sorcerers,
Grafters, pimps, and all such filthy cheats. The former mode of fraud not only denies them the bond of Nature, but the special trust added by bonds of friendship or blood-ties.”

“Hence, at the center point of all creation, in the smallest circle, on which Dis is founded. The traitors lie in endless expiation.” Virgil concluded.

“Virgil, I am impressed with the clarity of your mind, impresses all you touch; I see quite clearly the orders of the dark circles. But tell me: those who lie in the swamp’s bowels, those the wind blows about, those the rain beats, and those who meet and clash with such mad howls?” Dante refreshed his mind about the things that he had seen since he arrived.

“Why are they not punished in the rust-red city. If God’s wrath be upon them? And if it is not, why must they grieve through all eternity?”

“And what of you? You have swung your moods from here to there. What is your understanding? Does it stray too? Or your thoughts turned so often? Have you forgotten that the three main dispositions of the soul that leads to those offenses Heaven hates --- Incontinence, malice, and bestiality?”

“And how incontinence offends God least? What earns the least blame from Justice and Charity?” Dante asked. “Exactly who they are whose punishment lies in that upper Hell outside the wall, you will understand at once why they are confined apart from these fierce wraiths, and why less anger beats down on them from the Eternal Mind.”

“Go back a little further,” Virgil said, “To where you spoke of usury as an offense against God’s goodness. How is that made clear? Let me explain it plainly. Philosophy makes plain by many reasons to those who heed her teachings. How all of Nature --- her laws, her fruits, her seasons --- if you do read your Physics with due care,
You will note, not many pages from the start, that Art strives after her by imitation. Art, as it were, is the Grandchild of Creation.”

“That is the will of Providence, man was meant to labor and to prosper. But the usurers scorn nature in herself and her followers. We have destroyed most of Nature and God's wrath is inflamed.”

“And this is God’s wrath?” Dante raised the question with a sneer expression. “I could have not asked for better.”

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me; Philippians 4:13.” Virgil hit back with his own. “If we are to let our journey be determined by God, then we might as well stop at Limbo.”

“Hush down your emotions, Virgil. I was merely stating my view of the place. I meant no---” Dante tried to ease the agitation in Virgil.

“So was I but I am determined to see what is here and maybe return once more to guide the others so that their souls can be at rest eternally. There is no fear than not knowing what’s ahead.” Virgil cut in. “Let us move from here. Even a rock may melt at what we may see ahead or gained its strength to be a mountain.”



Dante Book 1 Canto X Scene II

 Scene 2


Farinata immediately wishes to establish to what party Dante's ancestors belonged. He brusquely asked Dante. Dante told him.

“I met you before at Florence. We were on opposing sides but you protected the City of Florence as your ancestors did before. I am the son of Alighieri di Bellincione X.” Dante told Farinata. “I am honored to meet you.”

“A line of my bitter enemy, they were to me. To my fathers, and my party, so that twice the hatred I have of your family. Many a time, you were scattered by us.”

“If they were scattered, still from every part, they formed again and returned both times,” Dante answered. “But yours have not yet wholly learned that art.”

Farinata glared at Dante on those words.

“And if,” Dante going on from his last words, he said, “Men of my line have yet to learn to that art, that burns me deeper than this flaming bed but the face of her who reigns in Hell shall not be fifty times rekindled in its course before you learn what griefs attend that art.”

“And as you hope to find the world again,” Dante sneered at Farinata. “Tell me: why is that populace so savage. In the edicts, they pronounce against my family and friends? The havoc and the carnage that rivals even this realm with its flow of blood had caused many vengeful cries from both sides.”

“I was not alone in that affair,” Farinata replied “If I was certain then, I would have not joined the rest without good reason but the rage in me was long embedded through the ages by calls of the ancestors. As had my forefathers, I too have saved Florence in my own time.”

“Then clear your conscience and mine so that we may put to rest,” Dante begged of Farinata. “This dark place had left my mind perplexed. Do guide me. I am told that the lost souls can tell the future.”

“You are mistaken. They can see the past. Or the present at times. It’s the gift of the soul.” Farinata replied. “It may be that the soul had been to many places that you may not have, but your soul did. Even your sleep, where do you think your soul go? It was to rest for it had its mind. It wanders in the realm and it pursued knowledge.”

“Do you sometimes have the déjà vu feel? Was I here before? Look into your soul, Dante.” Farinata looked at the poet. “You seem to see in advance all time’s intent, ever questioning if I have heard and understood correctly but you seem to lack all knowledge of the present.”

“Do you still believe that God still grants us that much light as in here? Do you see the night, as we once did? Yet we do not perceive it except what others bring us. They are the ones that passed us by in full sight like you. We know not of what but what you may tell us. Like Cavalante, he wakes every time he hears a familiar voice. He asked the familiar question and till now, he had naught for his question.”

“I am telling you for we will be dead forever.” Farinata laid out the truth.

“The truth I will speak now. Guido Cavalante son is alive as I saw him only before I descend here. He lives on. He leads the squad back in the forest. Seek his father’s pardon for me, as I did not speak well when he asked. I was confused. Who else lies here needs an answer, I will try to give to them nowhere and in the truth as I have seen? Let their souls rest.”

“How many lies here? This parcel of land?” Dante asked of Farinata.

“More than a thousand cram this parcel of land. The tombs are inside and may have fallen through the bottom. I can tell you second Frederick is here, and one Cardinal. Of the rest let us be dumb.” Farinata then returned to the mire and into it to his tomb.

Dante stood there disheartened and it was Virgil who spoke to him.

“What troubles you? Why do you look so vacant and downhearted?”

“Well, may you bear these words in mind?” Dante pointed to the top with his right index finger. “Now pay attention to what I tell you here: When finally, you can stand before the ray of that light whose bright eye sees all, you will learn the turnings of your way.”

“Let us move on. I have seen enough yet much I had to do.” Dante sighed then and from we moved on ignoring the parcels of land and their callings of the others. We held no stops but straight walks making tracks of our own.


Dante Book 1 Canto X Scene I

 Canto X

The Sixth Circle: Heretics

Scene 1


Virgil hesitated for his last journey ended there. He does not know what was ahead. A part of him told to return, but in his scientific approach, there are no infinite to any discovery.

“We move on,” Virgil called on his creative mind.

“Hold on. I saw someone I once knew.” Dante stopped Virgil.

“Farinata degli Uberti! Hear my call. Come forth here.” Dante called out to the soul that was trying to put out the flame from the tomb. He knew the one named Farinata V, or rather his real was Manente Degli Uberti V. Like his namesake, he was a descendant of the original Farinata and held the same view.

Farinata was an Italian aristocrat and military leader of the Ghibelline faction in Florence. He was considered to be a heretic by some of his contemporaries, including the original Dante Alighieri. was an Italian aristocrat and military leader of the Ghibelline faction in Florence. He was considered to be a heretic by some of his contemporaries, including Dante Alighieri.

Farinata belonged to one of the most ancient and prominent noble families of Florence, his native city. He was the leader of the Ghibelline faction in his city during the power struggles of the time. Farinata led the Ghibelline forces to victory over the rival Guelphs at the Battle of Montaperti. As a result, he was able to capture Florence. The leading Guelph families were banished and the government of Florence was radically restructured to ensure Ghibelline dominance. Farinata's allies wanted to ensure that Florence would never again rise to threaten them.

Only Farinata stood out against them, declaring himself to be a Florentine first and a Ghibelline second, and vowing that he would defend his native city with his sword. The Ghibellines thereupon took the lesser course of destroying the city's defenses and the homes of the leading Guelphs. When the Guelphs regained control of the city later, they repeated in reverse the demolitions, by destroying every building belonging to the Uberti clan.

As said by Marcello in the earlier part of the journey, its politics and power go in circles, and never-ending till the end of time, it may.

“Farinata ---.” Dante thought he may be wrong. The soul stopped its digging and looked over. It was normally difficult to make out one’s recognition when the other was covered with dirt but it was him, Farinata who was waist-high in the dugout.

See there Farinata who has risen erect.” Dante was elated. “From the middle up thou shall see his full height. Already I had my eyes fixed on him. He is lifting his breast and brow as if he had great scorn of Hell.” Dante told Virgil of his friend.

(Adapted from

“I met you before at Florence. We were on opposing sides but you protected the City of Florence as our ancestors did before.” Dante told Farinata. “I am honored to meet you.”

Guelph! I know your kind. As your ancestors did, you destroyed my career. The Guelph cannot be trusted.”

“We are to be trusted. In Florence, we did not destroy all there was but only the ones that repulse us. As did our fathers before us.” Dante defended his friends. “You for all have done what your own had done many generations before. You returned from every quarter both the first time and the second, but yours did not rightly learn that art.” (Adapted from )

“Your ancestor was denounced as a heretic for his beliefs.” Farinata lineage had denied life after death and was branded heretics. They thought that the soul dies with the body, and maintained that human happiness consisted in temporal pleasures. (Extract from

“This is why your torments recurred even here.” Dante’s words were harsh on Farinata. Their argument was stopped when another soul stood in.

“I hear a familiar voice. Who are you?” The soul had appeared before Dante. “I am Cavalcante de ---”

“Cavalante, it’s me. Dante Alighieri. I am here.” Dante greeted the other. “Cavalcante is the father of a fellow poet with Dante during the early years. “How do you fare?”

“I am fine but I ache for my son. Is Guido with you?” The old soul asked. “He left me to join the Volunteers. The young ones wield a pen and not a rifle.”

“I have not seen him. He may ---” Dante was cut off by the older soul. “I looked around for someone to see. I thought he was here. With you.”

“An old man’s foolish thoughts. I am a blind man asking to see my son yet I know he may not be with you.” Cavalante sighed. “Then again he may be dead like me.”

“Cavalente, I know ----” Dante was to explain.

“Hush, my son. I have nothing to ask of you”: The older soul left Dante to face Farinata.

“How could ---- he is a Guelph and you---” Dante looked at Farinata as if to accuse him of some misdeeds.

“He may be but in here, we are the souls left here for eternity. We are all Heretics in the realm of Hell. We adhered to no faith but our soul.” Farinata explained. “Why are you here? You were a preacher before as I was to know?”

“Yes, I was. I held the congregation for both. All who wanted to hear me. I spoke of the faith in us. The hatred we had and why it will soon make us sinners. I gave them blessing regardless of what they may have in them.” Dante looked at Farinata. “The feud of our forefathers was driven by the belief of their faith, and we carry it on our heart and not our mind. If we were to see beyond that, it's a worthless feud after all. We shall love all as we do with our bloodline for the shade of blood in us is the same.”

“I am a defender of my --- city, Florence as they were before me.” Farinata paused to find the word. “I held no battle with anyone if they do not harm Florence and ---”

“Its inhabitants too.” Dante cut in. “Tell me, Farinata, protector of Florence, how do you fare here?”

“I am doing my best but why are we here. I know not.” Farinata looked around the parcel of the land he was on. “We hold no more space for another tomb. “There may be others who may give you that ---- space. Don’t make malice of my call. I did not do it because you are Guelph. We are all alike here; sinners.”

Dante was to tell Farinata that he was traveling through but words will not form on his lips.

“Why must we suffer for the loss of our loved ones?” Farinata looked to the old soul who was digging through the more. He then spoke up. “The old soul stayed on to wait for his son but will the other pass here?”

“In the family, we stay to see the others are with us.” Dante reminded Farinata. “Like when are back at Florence. We are a huge family.”

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...