Saturday, June 19, 2021

Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.3 Chapter 11


The hanger doors slide close above us and we turned off the engine. The first to exit was myself then armed with the rifle ready to shoot anyone not of Earthling breed. Hirohito remained at the Bridge in case we need to do a fast getaway. I had Benz for company and Hagar was still in shock.

It was a huge hangar with one other ship there but it looked like it was battled. I had Huginn with me and gave it the command to scout. The word I used was ‘search’ and that it understood. Dam the program.

Benz being military trained had armed himself and began a recon for supplies and possibility aliens. I spoke too soon.

“Buggers!” Benz called out before he crouched down on behind the crate. “I count…. Two dozens, and they are huge. Mother size.”

It was death for us all. Then the best had to come through.

“Heads down!” It was Hagar and he had flown the shuttle out. Then he did the expected.

And in the master's chambers
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives
But they just can't kill the beast

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis

The shuttle flew out in the confined space and did a sweep with the automated cannons. The projectiles hit out at the designated aliens considered as intruders. Its built-in target system picked up the alien structure and blasted it.

I jumped for cover for fear of the body fluids which was seen scattering. It all ended within seconds and the all clear was given.

“That’s for you, Hagen.” I heard Hagar had come back to his old self. Then the communication unit opened up.

“This is Lieutenant Fukasihi Sato, the doorway marked Five will opened. Proceed there for extraction.” The doorway was to my right and it opened. I saw the shuttle land and Hagar had moved out. So were Hirohito and Benz heading towards the door marked Five. I joined in and was the last in. The doors closed and I stood there with the others facing five armed Marines uniformed officers with blasters aimed at us. Among them was a Lieutenant.

“Hiro, it’s me.” The Lieutenant stepped out. “Thank you for coming. We need to move. We are not safe here.”

The marines lowered their weapons and then rushed us down the corridor towards their station. It was a short walk but there were blast doors to open and close on the trip. Finally, we made it to their hideout. It was the Science Lab where the Lieutenant conducts her works.

“I am Marine Biologist with the focus on the alien body structure.” Lieutenant Fukashi explained herself. “These are my mates. Welcome to Station California.”

“California? Another one? I thought I had…”I was peeved at that name.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis

The Lieutenant sang it out and then introduced the others.

“This is Sergeant Booker; Marine Non-Com and combatant with over ten years of service.” The Sergeant was a short guy but he made up for the biceps and wide chest. He had on the uniform and the weapons that included the military grade rifle and blaster.

“Private Thames and Jeffrey; or we call them Tom and Jerry; Marines medical team up but now combatant.” Tom and Jerry was dressed like the Sergeant but they had the medic pack strapped across their chest. That last stood apart from the others.

“Dickson Sparks; fellow researcher but he was more on the salvaging other researcher works for profit.” Sparks was the good looking guy with the tall frame and moustache to give him the learned expression. “In other words, he is a hacker of the works. We caught him trying get in on the transport and interned him until the outbreak happened.”

“What are we up against with?” I raised the question.

“A colony of aliens that we researching on. It was part of what we do; develop the needed weapons for the military.” Lieutenant Fukashi did not mince her words. “We are Black Ops section on the development of the best we can develop.”

“Sounds like fun.” I voiced out. “But why the song? Did you also know it”

“That song was my brother’s favorite. He used to play it daily when we were younger.” The Lieutenant smiled. “I had the new squad here named the Eagles.”

That baffled me for I thought the song was from the Norwegian brothers. I looked at Benz and he shook his shoulders.

“I am into Banjor music but I can live with the song.” Trust the German to keep neutral when he knew who was winning.

“Ane, you told me that you were working for the Marines but this work is dangerous.” Hirohito snapped at his sister. “You told me that you were in danger and I came over.”

“Yes, we are in danger. But we have our orders. You were to help us execute it. Did you bring the container?” I heard the Lieutenant and was taken aback.

“Our container is loaded with corpses.” I looked at the Lieutenant. “What has that to do with your execution?”

“Yes, I know. But we sneaked in some explosives into it. Half the pods are filled with explosives.” The Lieutenant replied. “It was the way to avoid any news planet wide. We are a Black Ops project here. I will explain it all now.”

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