Friday, June 18, 2021

Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.3 Chapter 9



Tiffany had landed safely although the last incident with the thrusters jolted some of the parts of the ship but it was still working. We assembled at the Common Chamber. The Captain had some second thoughts.

“I don’t want to risk it with the blasters.” Hirohito looked at the others. “I have given it some thoughts.  Benz, if you recalled, we have some incendiary tubes. You used it to remove the pesky parasites on the hull plating. We will burn it out.”

“What makes you think fire will kill it?” It was a valid question by Benz.

“We can’t blast it for the body liquid will spill out. I am trying to burn it. It may contain the body fluid.” The incendiary sticks content was thermite; a mixture of aluminum powder and iron oxide that burns at high temperature. I recalled we had some left. Benz then retrieved the sticks. He handed out four sticks.

“That’s all we got. And I want the blasters back just in case you use it.” Benz held out his hands. We passed it to him for storage in the Armory but I kept the baton. Hagar refused to hand over his mallet but the Captain override him. Hagar kept his knifr though.

“The sticks have a burnout time of ten seconds, be very precise and above all, don’t burn the engines.” Benz stressed on the caution to the engines. Then he raised another concern.

“Did anyone do any work on the main engine? The settings were adjusted.” We all gave him our pained looks and I was to reply.

“I doubt any of us did. What was adjusted?” I asked.

“The ship had diverted off course at some earlier points.” Benz explained. He then voiced out to Tiffany. “Check the ships logs. We had diverted by some distance.”

“It’s impossible.” I cut in. I then moved to the nearby console and linked it to mine. I ran the diagnostics to read my navigational charts. We are where we were to be.

“We are at where are but the ship had slowed down at some point to impulse power.” Benz explained.

“We slowed?” Hirohito called out. “Tiffany, do confirm on that.”

There was no reply.

“Tiffany, I have a query. Reply now.” Hirohito roared out but there was reply from the ship. “Tiffany, do a system check now.”

Again there was no reply and I moved into action. I rushed to the Main Server Section at the front. There was a console which I could use. I key in the command key and took over the ship’s system. I re-boot the ship’s system and then saw the whole ship slipped into darkness before the consoles resumed operations. Hirohito had joined me and took over the console. We waited for the ship system to resume.

“There is the bugger!” We heard Benz from the Common Chamber. I rushed back and saw Benz was missing leaving only Hagar.

“The alien was here. It escaped down to the Shuttle. Benz went after it.” Hagar had told. He was still in the state of shock and did not move. He held the knift in his right hand with the arm shaking. “I … I could not move.”

I grabbed Hagar and dragged him to the Main Server Section. I told him to stay there with the Captain. I was to leave to find Benz when Hirohito called me.

“Tiffany, we are not where we were supposed to be.” Hirohito told me. “I ran the checks on the charts. We are way off the route.”

I did not believe him and proceeded to check the readings on the console vids. Hirohito was right; we are off course and it was not the same charts I computed from. I was in a disbelief that I had bungled at my task.

“Tiffany, run the charts again.” I called out but the ship system did not respond. I looked at Hirohito and he shook the head. I was given a different chart and it was Tiffany who flew us where we were.

But why.

“I thought you had Tiffany system under your purview.” I looked at Hirohito. I had no reply but Benz was calling for assistance at the Hanger. I pulled Hirohito with me leaving Hagar alone at the Main Server. I doubt the latter will be of much assistance for he was scared to move. We rushed down the stairs there and through the storage to the Hanger. I saw Benz standing there looking at the inside of the shuttle.

“What is that?” I called out when I took a look inside. It was a translucent figure, more like a droid with the metallic suit but I doubt it. It held the form of an Earthlings but it frame was silvery in the metallic suit and it was wavy in the appearance. I had never seen that form before. It was like ghostly. I regretted leaving my blaster at the Main Server.

“What is that? A new alien?” Hirohito voiced out.

“I don’t think so. It looked Earthly.” I took a step forward. “Who are you?”

“I am Lieutenant Fukasihi of the Research Section of the Military Academy.” I stood there watching the figure in the shuttle.

“Ane!” (Sister in Japanese). I couldn’t find you there.” Hirohito called out. I looked at the Captain. Halfway or was it five galaxies, and the guy get to say hello to his sister. If I had to do mine, I will see them at the Great Hall of Valhalla.



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