Saturday, June 5, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 10



Arthur returned to an empty chamber and his call for the Queen was unheeded. His questions to the servants were naught with anyone knowing where the Queen had gone.

“She left without informing us.” The guards all have the same reply. “We had thought she was going to the settlement outside.”

In his rage, Arthur confronted the knights that had gathered at the round table. He allocated twelve seats for them, and only a few had turned up; Percival, Galahad, Gawain, Gaheris, Belvedere, Tristan, Lamorak, and surprisingly the Green Knight with one other new addition, Mordred. The missing ones were Lancelot and Sir Kay. One other seat remained empty.

“Mordred of Normandy, you are new here, and yet you proved yourself gallantly in the tournament. I need to see all of you with the new issues that had come to Camelot of late. We lost two families of standing, and we had new raids on our lands. Could it be another season with the Anglo Saxons or the Picts, I have yet to know. We also lost Lord Ban to attackers unknown. And Lamorak here was wounded and may not be in service yet but he is a knight of the round table.”

“I…” Arthur paused in his words. “I need your help to find my Queen. While I was away, she had gone missing. Was she held hostage or … what I know not of?”

“The Queen missing?” Percival's outburst was in surprise. “Perhaps she is just with friends.”

“I hope so but the situation out there is very confusing.” Arthur looked at Lamorak. “We conflict even among ourselves.”

“Arthur, I may have overreacted. I was …” Lamorak tried to point the issue on Sir Kay and Belvedere.

“Yes, it was Sir Kay who called for the reprisal.” Belvedere cut in. “We have our friends among the Sarmatians, and we fought as one before.”

“Backstabbers they are.” Tristan stood up and accused the Sarmatians. “My kin, Lamorak will not be so helpless if not for them.”

“Silence, Tristan. You are invited here on my behalf. Do not assume your rank here and make accusations.” Lamorak snapped back. He then looked at Arthur. “We don’t need another war now.”

“We will not fight among ourselves or against who were our allies.” Arthur looked at them. “I need to find my Queen. And I can’t do it alone.”

“Where is Lancelot?” Belvedere voiced out. “Could he know where she went?”

There were talks that the Queen liked Lancelot and more lurid ones said that they were in an affair. Arthur had dismissed it all for when he went to battle, Lancelot was with him.

“I have not seen him since the tournament.” The Green Knight said. “We have unresolved issues.”

“Knights, if I may interrupt here. I know a way to avert the issue and bring back the fame of Arthur to the land.” Merlin stepped up to the table. He stood by the vacant seat.

“Have you heard of the Holy Grail?”

“It’s the chalice that Jesus drank from at the last supper with his apostles. He was betrayed by Judas; one of his own to the Romans.” Gawain spoke up. “It was said to the one used by Joseph of Arimathea to catch his blood as he hung on the cross. 

The others looked at Gawain.

“It was recorded as such and had happened a long time ago,” Gawain added on.

“Yes, the Holy Grail was as what Gawain had said,” Merlin added on. “It was believed that the Grail held some magical properties like healing the wounds.”

“I will go.” Lamorak volunteered then but Merlin chose to explain on whom can go then.

“The quest for the Grail cannot be taken by anyone or they will find nothing at all,” Merlin said.

“Then it’s a myth.’ Lamorak sighed. 

“No, it’s not a myth. The Grail is real but the quest for it requires a person of certain attributes.” Merlin added on. “The Grail resides in the castle named Corbenic. For anyone to reach the castle, you need to find the ship first. It’s hidden in the wasteland.”

“There are no wastelands here.” Gawain cut in. “In my travels, I have not seen one.”

“According to the tale, there was once a King Lambar who battled another King Varlan. Their battles were intense and many lives were lost and settlements were razed to the ground, hence the name of the wastelands. The later King was near defeat when he retreated and came across what was a magical ship. It was said that the ship was built during the time of King Solomon. The wood that was used to make the ship was said to be from the tree that was planted by Eve soon after she left Eden. She had taken a part of the tree with her and then from it, the new tree was grown. It was the same tree where Cain killed his brother Abel and was punished by God.”

“Solomon inherited the tree and had taken its wood to construct on the ship three posts which will last an eternity. The posts were of different shades and Solomon was to inscribe on it that only the ones that with complete faith in God could board the ship.”

“King Varlan had taken to that ship, and it was said that on the ship with three posts that protected it, was the magical sword that was named the Sword with the Strange Straps. The sword was without the hilt and scabbard, and it was said it was with a belt made from hemp. It was also stated that only a maiden would make the new and worthier belt for the sword. It was said that that sword was to be given to the greatest knight as bestowed by King Solomon himself.”

“King Varlan held the blade and killed King Lambar. He then sheathed the blade and was struck down by it, as punishment when he was not eligible for it. Since then, the ship was never seen until one name King Pelles. He had drawn the blade out by a handbreadth when a lance appearing out of nowhere struck him in the thigh. He will be named the Maimed King.”

“King Pelles? I heard of that name.” Percival tried to remember the name.

“He is also known as Fisher King.” Merlin looked at Percival.

“I know Fisher King. He is no King. He is my uncle. He was from your mother’s side was from here. I was back there only recently and there is no Grail there.”

“The Grail is not about what you may see. It will only reveal itself when it’s ready.” Merlin looked at the knights. “Percival, you may have seen it but you did not know what it was.”

“I want some of you to find the Grail for Camelot,” Arthur spoke out. “The others will find my Queen.”

“That won’t be necessary. I will find her.” That voice belonged to Lancelot who had just arrived. He bowed to Arthur and took his seat.

“I was away on some tasks and missed your call. I will find your Queen.”

“Lancelot….” Arthur could not confront the other on the words of mouth and felt that if anyone that was able to find his Queen would be Lancelot. He then decided. “You will find my Queen. She is valuable to me.”

“I …” Arthur was cut off by Merlin.

“No, Arthur. Your quest is to remain here. Camelot needs its King. The others can find the Grail for Camelot but not you.” Arthur looked to the knights.

“Percival, you will lead the quest for you are linked to King Pelles. You may bring in Galahad, Gawain, and Gaheris, with …”

“I shall remain here with Arthur. He needs my strength.” Belvedere declared himself out. “More to it, I am a sinner of the flesh. I doubt my soul will be allowed to search the Grail.”

“And I held too much on my tasks here. I will stay back with Mordred to pursue our tasks.” The Green Knight explained his reluctance to go.

“And I have to take care of Lamorak.” Tristan withdrew too.

“We are one short…” Merlin muttered and then another voice sounded out.

“I will come.” It was Lord Bors. “I will do my best. My friend, Lord Ban’s death weighed on me. I need to be onto something.”

“So, it’s decided then. You may all leave to take care of your personal needs and the quest will be to start ….” Arthur told the knights but was interrupted by the druid.

“The knights will be determined after some challenges on their suitability,” Merlin added in.

“Are we to hold more tournaments then?” Belvedere asked.

“No, it will be different. It’s to test the worthiness of the knight.” Merlin said. “Now be gone.”

The knights adjourned to their tasks and quests. Arthur took Lancelot to the side.

“Find Guinevere for me and all will be forgiven,” Arthur told Lancelot.

“I don’t …” Lancelot was baffled by those words.

“Just do it. I need her back.” Arthur cut off Lancelot. “Camelot is not to be without her. She is a Goddess here.”

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