Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 61

 Remorse in Flames


Author's Note:

The title was given and words to describe it. Instead, I gave it a screenplay approach.




I am to write this like I am doing a play. I need to engage my audience in my backdrops and movements. This is my first attempt so please bear with me.


Now is the time.


( Backdrop of clouds and the view to the lands below. The Sun is coming up and the moment of truth is becoming clear. You are standing at the side to see him with her standing at the edge of the cliff. It's pure white on the ground as it's wintertime. )


The winter snow on the world’s plate is almost pure. How they’ve taken all of it for granted seems impossible this moment. Songs and light are the loveliness of the days, seeing far into the past. Can you grasp onto my wrist and bring me back?


( you moved your stare to your hands clasped together ever tightly. You wished it was his on yours but you see are only yours alone. Your expression is sadness and then anguish as you looked back at them. You move both your palms to your heart and feel its beat. )


Your name is engraved in my heart with so many cuts and bleeding. I’m falling apart from my sanity, watching your fingers intertwine with hers… and your face is so empty: no hurt, and no regret, just the coldness of being lost.


( Tear welled on your eyes but they cannot be held back by you. You closed it to remember the past moments when he held yours. )


I’m so light. It feels like feathers soaked with tears in my spirit, where I am so numb and broken. I scream your name a thousand times, but you never hear me, for my words are silent whispers to you. Where the fires used to be, it’s missing. You’ve let go.


( You leap off the cloud to soar with the wind. You opened your mouth to scream but no sounds can be heard in the strong winds. Your flight takes you higher than before into the dark space above you. )


I would die to feel your lips on mine again.


I’m dissolving inside myself, fading from my life. I’ve lost everything I lived for, and I’m finally just the nothingness of imaginary years. No one remembers who I was, not even you. I’m almost there, in invisibility.


( The wind has died down to nothing as you float in the empty atmosphere. You are alone; feeling lonely; your directions lost; your desire gone; you are a vessel without a soul now. But you still looked for your previous love as you float there, but he is not seen anymore. )


I want to hold onto you forever, but now I realize that I was a distraction from your destiny all along. She has been yours since your first breath and always will be. I’m so sorry.


( You sighed in remorse; it was an unrequited love after all. You thought and you tried but yours was not to take what already given. You felt the remorse to had felt that and you are resigned to your new fate. )


And even as I long to feel the fury you deserve for tearing me in two, there is none. All remaining is the fragile forgiveness and tears I’ll never shed. This pain and near memories leave me behind in the past.


( Your face lit up in anger at your treatment. Its shows in the glare of your eyes, but it subsides as it started for you know you were the one in the wrong. You looked away and feel no more need to see him. )


Today is the last time you’ll be freed from humanity. The silver glow is taking over the world, filling the skies. I swear I won’t let it happen again. It hurts too much to watch you change.


The backdrop moved from dark to silver glows from the sides. The glow projects to the land below. You know what it meant, and you tried to fly towards it. Use your body to block it but you are in space and all you do was float. You looked in fear as the silver streak shoots down to the land. Your hands reached up and cover your face. )


Will you hear me this time? I love you so much.


( You mumbled to yourself lest he can be spared. )


The angels are coming to take me away from this darkness. Tonight, I'll escape and maybe breathe again.


( Your rightful guardians appeared and they hold you by your arms. They motioned you to follow them. You have to but you looked back once again. Your face tells it all; you will come back again. )


My conduct of the characters plays to showcase the emotions. The last part was the most difficult as she has given up hope ( and love ) yet she wants to seek him. That is confusing to me. But here is my take of the story.




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