Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 11


The Quests.


The issue with not remembering was that you have nothing to forget on. It was exactly how Morgause then Mary by name took to her quests. She was fine until her curiosity took over her and she wandered off too far. She wanders along the stream with the nymphs and then she realized that she was all alone. She must have wandered too far without realizing it. She was lost then and found her place by the roots of the tree to sleep. She was so tired that she slept through the day and night.

It was morning when Morgause woke up. She stretched her body and was to stand up when she saw a lady approaching her.

“I found you.” Morgause heard the voice and looked towards the lady in white.

“You should not have run. Since you did, that makes my task more enjoyable.” It was Vivian from the Lake, unrecognized then by Morgause.

“Oh, who are you?” Morgause asked before she was grabbed by the roots of the trees by the stream. She was lifted by the roots and hung from her arms.

“Why are you hurting me?” Morgause called out. She then retaliated back with the spells that were still known to her. Her spell went out with the dark shadows that impacted on the other lady. Vivian was thrown back by the spell. The roots without their host fell back to the ground and Morgause was released.

“Why did you hurt me?” Morgause was upset and without thinking, she called on the spell that was soon engulfed the other lady in the dark void. Vivian struggled in the dark void trying to break free. She called out to the others.

It was Vivianne who came. The lady hurled her spell that pierced the dark void and pulled Vivian out.

“Why didn’t you wait for us?” Vivianne looked at the other lady.

“She caught me by surprise,” Vivian said. Morgause had seen the other arrival and tried to run but Vivianne was quick to cast the spell to freeze her.

“You can run, but you can’t hide from me.” Vivianne approached Morgause. “You hold the luck to avoid death but not this….”

Vivianne was hit from the rear by a kinetic spell that hurled her at the tree. She had called up the shield to block her impact and then fell to the ground. She looked up and saw Morgan Le Fay had joined in the battle. The lady approached her sister and then fled together. Vivian was stunned by the witch had then rushed towards Vivianne.

“Morgan is also back. Summon the others. We need to hunt them before they disappear again.” Vivianne was helped up by the other. “We must find them.”

That was what Lancelot had in mind then. He was wandering the area around Camelot and could find no trace of Guinevere. More to it, when he returned to Joyous, he was confronted by Elaine dressed in black.

“What is she to you …. That I will never be?” Elaine released her outburst. “You cared only for her. I am your wedded lover. She is the Queen.”

“She is the Queen, and I need to find her. Arthur asked of me and I will obey.” Lancelot snapped back.

“And would you obey me if I am your Queen?” Elaine looked at the knight.

“I …. Yes, I …”

“Your hesitations speak your heart.” Elaine turned away. “I will find my comfort in my way.”

“Elaine….” Lancelot tried to reconcile but the lady had left the discussion. He took off and soon appeared at the Lake. He looked at the surface and then struck Arondight onto the lake surface. The water rippled and then a fountain of water appeared with Vivian on top.

“Lady Vivianne is busy. Your call will be handled by me alone. Speak your mind.”

“How… Never mind. I seek Lady Guinevere. She who is the …” Lancelot was cut off.

“I know who she is. And the words are out that she is missing.” Vivian said. “Are you sure she wanted to be found?”

“I have no answer to that but I do care for her. I wished her safe and if it’s possible to return to….”

“Yours or Arthur? Lawnslot”, Vivian called him by his other name. “I did not raise you like Vivianne but I had seen you grow. There are things that your heart cannot hide from your mind.”

“Is she well?” Lancelot asked.

“Yes, she is happier or at times confused. Love and desires are two different facets of the mind and heart, yet they may reconcile or conflict. She is in that dilemma now.”

“I don’t understand….” Lancelot looked at Vivian whom he knew always as pure and kind.

“You are shrouded by it too. Guinevere is near but …... Find her to ask. She is at the Meleagant Villa.”

With that reply, Lancelot rushed to his mount and rode to find Guinevere. On his ride, his horse tripped on the track, and he was thrown off. He got up and found himself limping from a swollen right leg. His horse was on the side and heaving in deep snorts with pain. He retrieved his sword and limped on his way.

“Do you need a lift, Sire?” Lancelot turned to look at the person offering the assistance. It was a woodcutter on the cart pulled by the donkey. Lancelot nodded and climbed into the rear.

“Where to, Sir?”

“Meleagant Villa,” Lancelot told him. “And make haste.”

Haste was not in the mind of Octavia then. He had attained his desire but that was a one-off event. He had approached her again but Guinevere had refused him for many reasons. Ultimately, she made her point across.

“I am wedded to a man where my desire had waned but my oath remains there. More to it, I have.” Guinevere looked away.

“I will see Arthur to …” Octavia was ever enthusiastic.

“It’s not Arthur. I am in love with another.” Guinevere said. “Or I think I am. It’s so confusing.”

Octavia stepped back from the lady then. He felt the dejection in him. The lady he had desired had another one in her heart. Not the King but another. He felt himself not being compared but sidelined.

“Master Meleagant, there is a knight who has come to challenge us.”

“Deal with it. I am not to be called on for such petty issue.” Octavia shouted back. “Imbecile! I am faced with imbeciles.”

Lancelot stood before the villa gates supported by his sword to ease the pain on his limping leg. He saw the approaching four guards which two were armed with spears.

“Sir, we are told not to allow you in. You are to leave.” The leader of the guards approached Lancelot.

“I am Sir Lancelot of Camelot. I am here for the Master of the Villa.” Lancelot started his reason to go in. The guards heard the name but they have never met the knight named Lancelot. And more to it, hat knight was limping and arrived in a cart. No knight will be without their horse or squire.

“I am under orders not to allow you in, a knight that arrived on the cart.” The leader mocked Lancelot. “Begone or we won’t hesitate to fight you.”

“Ignorant fools!” Lancelot leveled his sword and stood upright ignoring the pain on his leg. “Let me through or faced my wrath.”

The leader rushed at Lancelot with the drawn sword and the knight turned his body on the swing and lashed out with his own at the guard. Arondight cut the guard in the left shoulder on the back. Another two guards charged at Lancelot with their spears which Lancelot deflected and then used the hilt of Arondight to hit on the one on the left. The other spear-wielding guard turned to thrust the spear at Lancelot which he cut in a downward swing on the staff and then elbowed the guard in the face. Lancelot faced the last guard who was unsure of the move.

“Stop!” Lancelot heard the call and looked towards the elderly man who halted the fight.

“I am Master Bardel Meleagant. Who are you?”

“The name is Lancelot of Camelot. I came here to look for the Queen on behalf of Arthur.”

“Are you hurt, Sir Lancelot?”

“Yes, I am thrown off my horse during the ride. I arrived here on a cart.” Lancelot was invited to the Villa soon after.


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