Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 14



Percival rode front with Galahad while Lord Bors led the rear. Lancelot had offered to catch up later in the day. They wanted Percival to take the lead for he was to take them to his village where he had killed Fisher King.

“Why are you alone? Your brothers will be good companions too.” Percival asked. He had ridden with the brothers and liked their company.

“No, I reckon they have to work out their own lives from now. Gawain may have done with his devotion to God, but not Gaheris. That one needed to learn more.” Galahad looked to the rear. “Would he join us upfront?”

“Bors, I doubt so. Was he not against you and the Sarmatians? I don’t like him too.” Percival did not look back. “He used to ride with Lord Pendragon with Lord Ban. I think the death of Lord Ban involved him but we have no proof that he was there.”

“I heard of that but why did he volunteer to come with us. He may be a sinner.” Galahad said.

“We are all sinners in some vices. Maybe he wants to go to cleanse the sins.” Percival smiled. “Don’t we all?”

It was the same for Lancelot. He was at the hut with the friar. His message was direct.

“I will cease to be the Black Knight. Bury that armor. I will be away for some time. Take care of Lady Elaine for me.” Lancelot told the friar. “Promise me.”

“I …” Friar Tate was to reply when he saw the new arrival. “I have some tasks to do. You have a guest.”

Lancelot turned to look and saw it was Guinevere. She had ridden there and stood at the doorway.

“I need to see you, Lancelot.” Guinevere moved aside for the friar to leave.

“How did you find me?” Lancelot asked.

“I had someone followed up. It was not easy but it was done. I am here to see you. I have evaded my guards. I had told Arthur if he sends anyone to follow me, I will kill them.”

“You are a wild lady, my Queen.” Lancelot smiled.

“Call me by my name. Here I am not the Queen but yours.” Guinevere told him. “I came to see you for …”

“We can’t meet like this. Words will reach Arthur and he will ….”

“He can come for me or kill me. I don’t care. I just wanted to be with you.” Guinevere said. “Is it wrong for someone to love one another?”

“No… but you are …” Lancelot struggled to find his words.

“Do I look like his lover? Have I bore him any children?” Guinevere asked. “I have not. We are hardly sharing each other’s body. Let alone love.”

“But I am to leave.” Lancelot sighed. “Arthur told me to join the quest.”

“You need not go. The others can do it. Galahad drew the sword. He is worthy of the quest. You can …” Guinevere reached out with her hands to Lancelot. “You can be with me.”

“I have …” Lancelot’s words were silenced by the lady. Her hands dug into his shoulders. It was not wording they needed but the consummation of the desire.

So was Elaine.

“Elaine, we can’t be doing this …. For long.” Gaheris sat up. They have found an abandoned hut to meet and satiate their needs.

“Lancelot will know? Is that what you fear?” Elaine pushed herself up and then tidied her clothes. “I care not for him. He had not spoken to me since he returned and more to it, I was told that he is going on a quest now. For how long, I don’t know. And I don’t care.”

“He is still your wedded lover,” Gaheris said.

“He was to be my protector and yet he failed to do so. My family died killed by whom I do not know.” Elaine turned away.

“Arthur had sent his knights to investigate,” Gaheris replied.

“Of what they found since then? Nothing. Even the cause of Lord Ban’s death was unexplained. His ally, Lord Bors now rides on a quest. I may not see my vengeance on their death.”

“I can…” Gaheris uttered the words.

“And you will do it. I need to have closure on my family. Or we shall never meet.” Elaine told him.

“Was it why you …” Gaheris looked at her.

“Yes and no. The latter was I needed someone to speak to. You are my choice.” Elaine laid it. “Solve my family killings and I will be yours forever.”

“I …” Gaheris pushed himself up and then walked to retrieve his clothes. “I will do as you bid but I won’t be with you. I am a knight to perform justice but I will not be held by any obligations.”

“Fine by me, Gaheris. Just do your task and I will be your …... lover if you want me.” Elaine looked at the knight at the rear. “I am fine with it. Lancelot maybe my wedded lover but he won’t be sharing my love.”

“I don’t …” Gaheris turned to look at the lady.

“Say no more, Knight. You have your tasks and I have mine.” Elaine stood up and left the hut.

If the only relationship can be so cordial then Morgan will not have tears in her eyes when she treated Morgause. They have hidden in the alternative realm, and Morgause was having vague memories of her past. Morgan placed her sister in the circle drawn on the ground and she then called on the spells of recovery. With them hidden there, time will pass slower and she needed that to cure Morgause.

It was not for Vivianne who was confronted by the other ladies on her decision to release Balin’s sword. They met her in the chamber where the artifacts are stored.

“The sword is cursed. You cannot … You should have asked us.” Nimue looked at the other lady “Lady Lile told us of the danger.”

“Lady Lile was the one that allowed it to be taken before.” Vivianne looked hard into the lady. “I had done mine with an exchange of the Grail.”

“The Grail has been lost for generations.” Vivian cut in. “We all knew that tale. It was formerly at Sarras but it was brought here by Joseph and Bron, the son-in-law. He was imprisoned for forty years and was released by the Roman Emperor, Vespasian. When they arrived here, they were imprisoned by the local King who was then worshipping the pagan gods. Mordrain had come from Sarras to rescue them and Joseph was wounded by the Broken Sword. That sword remained lost with the Grail.” Nymue recited the old tale.

“It was Bron’s son who was to be named Fisher King,” Nimue added on. “We all heard that Percival killed Fisher King to avenge his parents but he was not to find the sword or the Grail,” Nymue concluded the tale.

“Percival is on the quest. He will find the Grail for he is the las of the lineage of the family who was the guardian.” Vivianne added in. “I have faith that the Grail will be found and we will have it.”

“You are a fool, Vivianne. If you think Merlin won’t covet the Grail for himself. With that Grail, he can help Arthur to unite the land and all of Briton or even the other continent. Even the Pope will bow towards Arthur.” Vivian hit back.

“Or us if we are to be the new guardians.” Vivianne looked at Vivian.

“We are the Ladies of the Lake. We may be guardians of many artifacts in the land but there are some which we cannot hold. The Grail is one.” Vivian replied. “I hope for our sake, you have not jeopardized our existence and role.”





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