Monday, June 28, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 19



Guinevere was not allowed to speak and she could not for she was gagged with a cloth. She had not seen Arthur present her argument but was led to the chamber. She was latched inside it. She called for the King and even the druid but no one responded towards her.

At dawn, Guinevere was released but led to the settlement. She was gagged and taken there to the hastily stake with the pile of woods. She struggled to break loose but her guards held her tight. The gathered saw the stake and assumed it was a witch but they were momentarily shocked when they saw it was the Queen.

“Witch!” The chant went out and then the tossing of the rotten vegetables and fruits. The King had forbidden the stones but some were thrown. It was not the same inside the Hall at Camelot.

“Arthur.” Belvedere had ridden through the night to arrive there. He wanted to make it to see if Arthur was sane. “The Queen is loved by her people.”

“And I am the King. I will not be made a fool.” Arthur sat at the round table. The seats remained empty but there were knights there.  He looked at the gathered.

Belvedere stood there impatiently waiting for some others to speak...

Tristan who rode there with Belvedere stood there too.

Gawain and Gaheris stood there too.

The Green Knight and Mordred had just arrived but Lancelot was not there.

The others unnamed stood at the walls or the doorways.

All the knights were in their armor.

“Why are all of you in your armored suit? Do you all fear Lancelot? Well, I am not in your group.”

“I do not fear him.” It was Mordred who spoke. Jaseth held out his hand to stop the young knight.

“Well spoken, knight but you have met him once, and he wounded you, Does the wound still hurt? Arondight does that. So do Excalibur.” Arthur looked at the seats. “Please be seated.”

None took the seats.

“Shall we see to the Queen then?” Arthur got up and walked out. He did not wear his armor then but he has Excalibur on his belt waist. The walk was long for the pace they took was slow but when they settled, they saw the Queen tied to the stake. She stood high above the gathered. Guinevere saw Arthur and struggled harder. Arthur saw her predicament but he ignored her. He turned to address the gathering.

“The lady here had betrayed my trust and my ascent of her standing to Queen. She was discovered to practice witchcraft. She may have hexed me with it. She is in works with a knight named Lancelot. They were the closest to me yet they betrayed my trust.”

“The lady will be …” The gathered was distracted than when the shouts of the Black Knight. The knights surrounded themselves on Arthur. The Black Knight rode up to the stake and then demanded that the lady be brought down.

“No! She will burn,” Arthur called out. “Lit the fire now.”

The woods were set on fire and Lancelot drew his sword. He was met by Tristan first. They exchanged blows but Lancelot was in a hurry to stop the burning. He dismounted and then swung his sword at Tristan which the other had blocked but Lancelot was quick to twist the blade and slapped Tristan’s right wrist.  Tristan dropped his sword.

“Be off before I removed your head,” Lancelot told the knight. He then sidestepped when he saw Belvedere rushed at him. He retreated but his attention was on the burning fire.

“For the sake of the Queen, stop the fire.” Somehow Lancelot's call was heeded. The fire was smothered then by an unknown cause.

“What happens to the fire?” Arthur called out. It also distracted Belvedere. It was then Lancelot charged at the knight. His body slammed into the huge knight at the right shoulder. His slam pushed the huge knight off. Lancelot knew his mode of attack was to unbalance the knight. It had worked before and it worked then. He had his sword at Belvedere’s chest closed to the heart.

“Desist or die.” Belvedere knew that he was defeated.

“Death will be yours.” Lancelot retreated once more when he felt another attack was imminent. The Elf sword had barely missed him. He looked at the attacker.

“You are the young one. I see that you have improved.” Lancelot attacked back with his sword. Mordred retreated while blocking the attack. His leg ached and he limped backward. Jaseth saw his retreat and rushed to aid the young knight but Gaheris was ahead.

Gaheris rushed in with his sword. He saw the opening and took it. The move by Gaheris was fast and impacted Lancelot’s left arm. Lancelot retreated in pain and looked at Gaheris who caused him pain.

“You will pay for it.” Lancelot looked at Gaheris, He attacked hard at Gaheris. The latter retreated and was tripped over on the wood there, He stumbled and Lancelot attacked. The move was swift and Arondight plunged into the knight’s chest.

“Gaheris!” Gawain saw the attack on his brother. He rushed forward but the whole commotion moved to the stake then.

“She is free.” The gathered called out. Guinevere had climbed down from the smoldering woods.  She grabbed the reins of Lancelot’s horse and mounted it. She called to Lancelot to join her. He did as request and then they rode off. Gawain had reached his brother but the latter was dying.

“Seek Galahad. He will know what to do.” Gaheris told Gawain in his dying whispers “And tell Elaine, I do love her.”

Arthur had stormed back to the hall at Camelot castle. He was enraged and saw the druid there.

“You stop the fire, druid. Why?”

“She does not love you anymore but to burn her like a witch. It was undeserving.” Merlin looked at Arthur. “You are irrational in your mind.”

“I loved her. I made her Queen. She was liked by the people. But she betrayed my love for my best knight. The latter stood by me at my side in this Hall and battle. Why did they do it?”

“I don’t know. I never know the ladies.” Merlin replied. He had bad experiences with them too.

“Forget it. I am leaving for war tomorrow.” Arthur told the druid. “Take care of Gaheris.  He is a good knight.”

“I will.” The Druid accepted the task.

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