Saturday, June 5, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 9



Arthur was not the only one looking for Lancelot.

“Where is Lancelot? My father is dead and he is missing.” Lady Elaine was upset. No one could tell him where the knight was then. She threw her tantrums at the servants.

“Find him.” Lady Elaine told the servants. She went back to her chamber to clear her mind. If she can’t find Lancelot, she has to find another. She knew who that may be.

“I won’t be waiting here.” Lady Elaine told herself. She was not the only one exhausted with the missing lover. She will find Gawain for her task. He may still love her.

Guinevere also dressed up for her ride to see the damage done on the Augustus villa. Hers was to see if the Black Knight was involved, and if he was she had to find Lancelot to explain his action. Her ride was met by Master Meleagant and two of his guards.

“My Queen, what has made you come here? I was told that Arthur rode to battle the Sarmatians.” Octavia looked at the Queen. It was his first time facing her all alone and without the King.

“I ride for the Augustus home.”

“And I will provide the escort for you,” Octavia instructed his guards to follow him. The ride was however not to the Augustus but the villa of the Meleagant.

“Why am I brought here, Master Meleagant?”

“For your safety, my Queen. I feared your journey may be with dangers.” Octavia then signaled the guards to escort the lady to the assigned chamber. He left instructions that she was not be harmed and allowed food and drinks only. She was to be guarded at all times.

“Keep to your senses, son. You are committing a sin which may never be cleansed." The elderly Meleagant confronted his son. “You are mad to hold her here. I will inform the King. We must be clear of the intentions. I do not want to suffer the same fate as the others.”

“Who dares to attack us? Of the three families, only we are the surviving ones. We will prevail.” Octavia glared at his father. “As for her, she is mine. Only me can have her.”  

Guinevere heard him outside arguing with his father. She stepped away when she heard the steps towards her door. Octavia came in after he had opened the door. He latched it despite his father's hammering at it. He walked forth to see Guinevere.

Guinevere was seated on the flooring by the corner of the chamber holding onto a small stool in the right hand. She was forced to change into this nightdress by the servants while her gown lies on the dresser near the bedding.

"Come any closer, and I would club myself with this." Guinevere threatened the man. He stood back for a while and then he laughed.

"Guinevere, I meant you no harm. Why do you resist me?" Octavia looked at her. "Perhaps my sword scared you."

Octavia reached for his waist belt and removed it along with the sword. He also removed his boots and his jacket, now standing there only wearing his tunic and leggings.

"I am unarmed and like when we were young, I used to play with you in these clothes." He got onto his knees and then he sat down facing me. "It’s not like old times when we used to talk and laugh in this chamber. You would tell me of your silly dreams and me of my adventures. I admit most of them were made up to impress you."

Guinevere remembered none of it. She had never met him when she was young. He was mad in his thoughts.

"Meleagant, please let me go." Guinevere pleaded with him. "I am now with Arthur and I am faithful to him."

"Arthur! Faithful!" Octavia shouted out in anger. "Was your Lord faithful? I had seen him sneaking into other chambers. His sword pierced more virgins than you have ever offered. But mine is faithful to you."

Octavia stood up and pulled his legging down to show his manhood. Guinevere saw it and she has not seen one besides Arthur. And Lancelot.

“No, he was not seen. I only felt him.” Guinevere was in her thoughts. Then that man was showing it to her with its round reddish head pointing at her. He must have been proud of it as it stood upright on his command. He stroked at it to show that he was aroused by her but by then she had looked away.

"It’s for you only. I have not impaled it onto others. I am a virgin waiting only for you." Octavia flaunted his manhood at her, but she kept her eyes closed. He tried to push it at her face and then at her lips but she shook my head.

It was then Octavia leaned over and grabbed the stool away. He then grabbed at her shoulders to push her up to looked at his face.

"It does not matter if you are not anymore, but I am still a virgin. We can pretend we are both virgins. I promised you I will be gentle." Octavia said ever softly to her.

"No!" Guinevere shouted out. "I am never to be.....unfaithful. Please leave me now."

Guinevere pushed him away with all her might and turned to run away. In the move to run, he must have caught hold of her nightdress and the flimsy material tore off. She ended up at the other end of the chamber with only her hands to cover my modesty.

Octavia got up and looked at her. His eyes roved over her naked body before he in turn pulled off his tunic. He also stepped out of his leggings and stood there with his legs apart.

"I am ready too, Guinevere." Octavia smiled and walked forth to claim her. She ran again to the other side but he caught her in the run. He pulled her down to the flooring and climbed on top of her body. 

"Please don't fight me. I love you." Octavia tried to push himself in, but she had her hands over there thus preventing him from going in.

"Please, my Lord. I am unwell. Let me rest and we shall do it tomorrow." Guinevere pleaded with him and he stopped his thrusting.

"Yesterday you told me that you were unwell, and today you speak of the same. Why do you ladies like to taunt us with your lustful acts?" Octavia shouted at her. "Or you like us to force ourselves on you that you would feel the domination over us."

Guinevere raised her hands to cover her ears. He was mad in his words. She was not there the day before. She was only there that day. But when she moved her hands, he thrust himself forth and found his way in. It was not rough but smooth.

"Urghh! Don't...."Guinevere fought hard against the man above her as he impaled himself deeper with each new thrust.  It was uncomfortable initially and then it became more intense in the feeling. She wanted it. Arthur was not there for her often.

“No, I can’t.” Guinevere tried to kick him but he had forced her legs apart with his hips. She screamed out to shake off the feeling that was coursing through, and yet she cannot deny that it was making her feel wanted.

Guinevere cried out in every thrust he made. She arched her back to the throes of the new sensation. She did not know why, but she reached for his left hand to bring it to my unattended breasts. He was leaning over so he can reach it more and his kneading sent thrills to her. It was happening; the same urges that she felt when she touched herself alone in the darkness of the chamber. She leaned back and matched his thrusts. Soon, he sensed it as he thrust ever harder until he finally shot his load inside of me.

Octavia stopped his movement, but Guinevere was still humping back for the extra surge. Finally, she sank herself onto him after a long exhausting horse ride. He rolled over to spoon her from the rear. His hands were still resting on her hips.

"Thank you” Octavia whispered to her.

"Hold me please." Guinevere only whispered those words to him.  


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