Monday, June 28, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 18



Percival held the cloth that was wrapped in the Grail in his left hand. He had wanted to unwrap it but he dared not do it. He heard that the Grail was a goblet; some said it was a wooden crafted one with no design on it. And another said it was a golden chalice.

“Are you going to hold it for long? We must return to Camelot.” It was Lord Bors who told him. “Arthur will expect us.”

“No, it must be returned to Sarras,” Percival told Lord Bors. “We will do it now.”

“No. It will go to Camelot. It was requested by Arthur.” Lord Bors snapped back. “Have you forgotten your task?”

“My task was to find the Grail. I did that and now my task is to return it to Sarras. It was loaned to my family and now be sent back.” Percival explained. “We need to find a ship to sail to Sarras.”

“Not any ship. It must be the Corbenic.” Adrine had approached Percival. “You will find the ship moored at the coasts. Sail there to Sarras. The Corbenic will know the way.”

“Why the Corbenic?” Percival asked.

“The ship was constructed by King Solomon years ago with the wood from the tree that his lover had planted here. It’s the only ship to sail there.”

“Isn’t Sarras a port that many ships may have sailed to?” Lord Bors asked.

“This ship is the only one that could dock in the assigned area of Sarras,” Ferrin said.

“How do you know so much of it?” Percival asked.

“I was the earlier ones to sail with Joseph here on it,” Ferrin replied. “I am its Captain.”

“We will leave now,” Percival told the others. Galahad had not spoken a word followed but Lord Bors was all upset. He was not to challenge the two knights nor was he to see the Grail unwrapped.

It was Morgause then who have opened the package given by her sister, Morgan. It was a dark suit sewn by the Elves and it was body-hugging from neck to legs. For her feet, she had on leather boots to knee height. She was given a hat with foot-long double horns on the forehead with the tail that trailed down her back.

“It fits you, Sister.” Morgan smiled. She had on a similar suit and boots but her shade was crimson red, and her hat was a fan above her head above her by a foot in a radius like a sunrise.

“We been here for on one season and on the other side, it’s only …. a few days that passed there. “Morgan told her sister.

“And I am given a lifetime of punishment on the ladies of the Lake. I will enjoy that.” Morgause smiled. “I am fully recovered. I am also imprinted with many new spells.”

“Remember this, Sister, Vivianne is mine and mine alone. I will deal with her my way but you can have Merlin. He is a small one to handle.”  

“Kill whoever you want but don’t hurt two I wanted to be protected. He is the Green Knight and Mordred.” Morgan said.

“So, he is the ….” Morgause was hurled to the rear by the spell thrown by Morgan. Morgause picked herself up and then stared at Morgan.

“If you ever do that again, I may forget that you are my sister,” Morgause said.

“Just get ready to leave here. Arthur is leaving Camelot for another of his war. We need to prepare. When Arthur is away, we will act.” Morgan turned away. She does not fear Morgause. It would be Morgause to fear her. The potion she administered in Morgause will take time but the antidote is with her and it's needed repeatedly.

Just like sex, when you are young, it can be more frequent. Or none.

“Are you spent?” Elaine asked herself. She sat up and then looked at the knight lying next to her. They had been at it for some time and efforts were time-consuming.  

“I need the mead now.” Gaheris sat up and smiled. “It was good. Thank you.”

“Did you solve the killings?” Elaine asked.

“Yes, I found them,” Gaheris replied. “They are done for.:”

“Then our arrangement is over. You go your way and I will be on mine.” Elaine stood up and in her naked from she walked to her clothes. She grabbed the gown and wore it.

“Are we over then?” Gaheris stood up and retrieved his tunic. He discovered his gladius missing. He looked around and then saw Elaine holding it. She did not hesitate and thrust it at him but he sidestepped and grabbed the sword. He pulled it off her hands.

“It was not how I will end our relationship.” Gaheris looked at Elaine. “Why the sudden change of mind? Was it the love or the killings?”

“It was …. both. It’s all over between us.”

“Did Lancelot return? He may be joining Arthur in the new war. I am to go but I have declined.” Gaheris told Elaine. “Lancelot may not be going to. I will have him removed. I know where he is hiding and with whom. Will that pleased you to know?”

Elaine looked at the knight. She drew on a smile. She then pulled her gown off before him. She may just enjoy the love there.

Enjoyment was ignored and forgotten by Vivianne when she felt the vibrations that went up to her spine. She knew of only one that may do that to her.

“Morgause is back,” Vivianne called on the other ladies. They gathered there in the chamber and Vivianne need not share her concern. They all felt Morgause return.

“No one is to be alone. We will stay together and be vigilant.” Vivianne looked at the other ladies to one is to come here.”

“Vivianne, Merlin is calling for you,” Nimue told her. “He has been calling for you.”

“I know but I ignored him,” Vivianne replied. “He has been the cause of all this.”

“He may be but he may be the only one that could help us.” Nymue cut in. “He can be our first contact with her. Morgause will seek him first.”

Lancelot had rushed to seek Guinevere. He had words from the friar that they were discovered. If he knew then Arthur will know sooner.

Or he did.

Guinevere was not there. She had not arrived but the friar was seen rushing towards Lancelot.

“I heard that the Queen will be burned at the stake tomorrow. They also sought you too. You are to hang for treason. Those were the orders of the King.”

“Get me my Black armor. I will ride to claim her for …. Sir Lancelot.” The knight told the friar.

Vivianne was shocked that Merlin told her about the Queen.

“The Queen to burn at the stake? That punishment is for witches and the Queen is not one. But why then trouble me with it?” Vivianne looked at Merlin.

“The Queen is not herself. Can you offer her sanctuary?”

“What? Here in the Lake? Like what I did for you? No more, Merlin. I will not offer her sanctuary. She can find it with her lover.”

“You knew of her rendezvous then.” Merlin looked at her.

“I do but I am not to get involved in the affairs of …… such nature,” Vivianne told the Druid. “I am above them now.”

“Look to your humanity, Vivianne. Please I beg of you.”

“No more, Merlin. I had enough of you. Leave me for I have the Le Fay sisters. They are back.”

“I know and that is another reason I am here. We need to work together to battle the sisters together.” Merlin pleaded.

“Don’t plea with me. You have Excalibur also Arondight. Use them.” Vivianne told him.

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