Sunday, June 13, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 13



The excitement at Camelot that morning was the appearance of a stone that was in the settlement. It was a huge slab and what was unique to it was the sword that was stuck inside the stone. Many men have tried to move the stone but it would not budge nor was anyone able to pull the sword off. It was inscribed on the slab that ‘only the greatest knight pulled the sword’.

“Druid, I want to have a go at it,” Arthur told the druid but he was stopped.

“You are the King and below you are the knights. You may not partake in that. Let the knights try their effort on it.” Merlin told Arthur. “More to it, you hold Excalibur. That sword may not be its peer.”

“Whose sword is it, Druid?” Arthur asked. The other feigned the blank expression but Arthur pressed on. “It’s dark magic that slab of stone with a sword will appear there when the previous day, it was not there. Is it one of the challenges of yours?”

“Yes, I placed it there to have a knight to pull the sword out and would be given the title of the greatest knight. That knight will ride to seek the Grail” Merlin explained. He had gotten it from Vivianne after much requests. She promised the lady that the sword was to be used in the search for the Grail, and upon its success, the Grail will be returned with the sword to the Lake.

“Then you must let try. I am the ...” Arthur staked his claim once more to challenge but the druid tones him down.

“The King will not be on the quest. I have stated it. You will be here. Other issues needed your command.” Merlin pressed on once more. He then saw the knights have stood in line to pull the sword out. They have failed then.

“Look, Arthur, they are trying,” Merlin called out and both men looked out. Scores of knights have lined up to try their chance on the sword. They included Percival and Sir Kay with Belvedere who were in Camelot. They tried and more came from the surrounding areas.

Lord Bors was there.

The Green Knight and Mordred but did not try to pull the sword out. The latter was stopped by his mentor not to touch the sword.

“It’s evil. I can sense it.” Mordred adhered to the words of his mentor. But the others have all took a chance to pull the sword.

It soon included Master Octavia Meleagant and Centurion Marius Giles.

It took over two days and no knights were worthy. It was then they saw the return of Sir Lancelot with the Queen. The gathering moved to cheer the Queen’s return to Camelot. Even Arthur rode out to meet the Queen. Guinevere rode towards her Lord and took his extended hand.

“Thank you, Lancelot. I am relieved.” Lancelot saw the slab of stone and the sword. He had a faint memory of it from his stay at the Lake. He rode towards the slab and dismounted.

“Lancelot! Lancelot!” The gathered roared his name. The knight approached the slab of stone. He was to reach for it when he felt the hand on his left shoulder. He turned and looked at the one who placed his hand there.

“Let me try first.” It was Gawain. “May I?”

It was a courteous request but Lancelot told the other knight off.

“You will not. The sword is evil and may harm you. If you…”

“Everyone had tried. I had waited and you arrived. I will…” Gawain replied.

“If you touch it, it may kill you one day by whoever that pulled it out.” Lancelot cautioned the knight. “I am trying to help you.”

“I am with God. Nothing can harm me unless I have sinned.” Gawain pushed himself forth and approached the sword. Lancelot was to stop him but Galahad had stopped Lancelot.

“My brother is adamant. Let him try.” Galahad meant well with his words. He knew that Gawain had changed upon his return. He was a different person then. He saw Gawain stepped up to the sword and placed both hands on it.

The feel in Gawain was a surge of power into his arms and then his body to his feet. He felt his body and soul was drawn to the sword. He uttered his prayers to God and sought mercy but the surge of the power continued. He pulled his hands off but he was unable to move. He looked to the sky and was to ask for guidance when Galahad grabbed his hands and pulled them at it.

“Arghhh….” Gawain had screamed out. He had felt the pain coursing from his hands and out into the sword.

“Are you well, Gawain?” Galahad asked. The other nodded and the elder brother was enraged. He stepped to the sword and reached for it.

“You will be mine. Hurt no one else.” Galahad grabbed the hilt. He pulled hard with his right hand and the sword moved. He slowly pulled the sword out until it was fully unsheathed and then raised it above his head.

The gathered roared.


Merlin saw the act and sighed. Galahad had tamed the sword and will be worthy to take the quest.

“The sword belonged to Galahad.” Merlin looked to his King and saw the other had ignored the event. He was following the Queen to their chamber.

“Where did you go? Are you hurt?” Arthur had pestered the Queen with his questions. Guinevere ignored him and then asked for her bath to be ready.

“Your bath? I am concerned about you and you treat me like a servant.” Arthur was infuriated.

“I am tired and need to rest. I will answer all your questions later.” Guinevere walked to the washbasin. Arthur was enraged by then and stormed out. He summoned Lancelot who was still in Camelot.

“I found her at the … friend’s home. It was near her old village. She was well but tired.” Lancelot stuck to the tale that they agreed. “I brought her back but the ride was slow.”

“I ….” Arthur was in mind to speak his mind but held back. “You have done well. Would you join the quest to find the Grail?”

“If I am to do, I will,” Lancelot replied. Later he rode back to Joyous and met a silent Elaine. She was quiet and he remained the same to clean himself. He had not asked nor told her of his ride. It was all silent through the stay until he took to his amour to ride on the quest.

It was different from the others.

“It’s a fine sword and I will use it.” Galahad looked at the sword he had taken from the stone slab. He was with his brothers at their humble home near Camelot; the two had remained silent. Gawain was nursing his bruised hands while Gaheris was nursing a bleeding heart.

“Are you going, Galahad on the quest?” Gawain asked.

“Yes, and I will take … neither of you. Both of you need to be here to protect Camelot. The quest may take some time’ several years perhaps or we may never meet.” It was then he heard the arrival of a guest. It was Molly.

“I came to see you.” Molly looked at Galahad. The latter nodded and they walked a distance to speak in private.

“I am here to wish you luck. I heard you going to find the Holy Grail.” Molly looked down to her feet. “I wished you luck.”

“How is Lamorak?” Galahad asked.

“He is fine. He can’t walk without support but will live.” Molly told him. “He …”

“He is a fine man. Live and be happy.” Galahad raised a smile on his face. “I did not …”

“No, he knows now that you did not. He sent his blessing too.” Molly then turned to walk and Galahad was to call her but held back. His life with her was over.

It was time for his quest to find his true role in his life.

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