Saturday, June 12, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 12



Gaheris rode to the creek where he used to meet Elaine. She was there waiting for him. He saw her dressing was somber and her mood was sad. He knew of her family’s fate and approached her. He extended his condolences towards her.

“It’s over, Gaheris. I am here to request you checked for me who killed my father. I was told they found Lord Ban there with the mercenaries but what astonished me the silverware and coins in the villa were all gone.” Lady Elaine said.

“Whoever killed Lord Ban may have taken the silverware and coins.”

“It’s possible that whoever killed Lord Ban had done it. They could be in the attack and when it was over, they turned on each other.” Gaheris replied.

“Can you help me to find out? Among the silverware is a set of candlesticks that belonged to my mother. I want it back.” Lady Elaine told Gaheris. “I will be most grateful to you.”

“It’s my task to do it; Lady…. Elaine.” Gaheris looked at the lady. He had feelings for her but with the conflict with Gawain, he had resolved that and more was that she was wedded to Lancelot.

“I know you like me, Gaheris and so do I but I ….” Elaine's words were stopped by Gaheris when he held her into his arms.

“Say no more, Elaine. I do love you still.” Gaheris whispered into her ears. “I will do anything for you.”

Elaine felt the warmth of the knight over hers, and her head leaned on the shoulder. It was not loved that overcome them but lust. They had it declined far too long and it was the moment to perform it. Elaine turned her face away from Gaheris soon after they had completed their love acts.

“I am sorry, Elaine. It was not meant to be but I ….” Gaheris sat up on the grass and looked to the creek.

“It’s not your …. Not our faults. I needed it.” Elaine continued looking at the creek water. She wished her emotions were like that; constantly flowing away.

“Are you happy, Elaine? With Lancelot, I meant.” Elaine heard the question and did not reply.

“I will always be here for you,” Gaheris told her. He then reached for her face and pulled it to him. “I love you.”

If love was the ballad of the day, then Guinevere felt relieved when Lancelot appeared for her. She was presented by Octavia to the knight in the Hall. The elderly Meleagant was standing close by.

“Octavia found the Queen unwell in the forest and brought her here to recuperate. It’s my ignorance not to inform Arthur earlier but I was unwell too.” Bardel Meleagant explained himself to the knight.

“It’s also my fault for I told them not to trouble Arthur. I was to return today and you came. Why did you come?” Guinevere asked.

“Arthur sent me for he was concerned about you,” Lancelot replied.

“And Arthur could not come himself?’ Guinevere asked back with a tinge of anger.

“I am afraid troubles at Camelot occupied his attention and I was asked to …. Assist.” Lancelot looked to the Meleagant. “With your permission, I will take the Queen with me to return to Camelot.”

Before Bardel or Octavia was to reply, Guinevere told them that she was leaving.

“I will ride back with Lancelot. I am sure the King will like to have me returned to Camelot. Do not fear for I am with the best knight that Camelot could offer.”

Those words ringed harshly in the ears of Octavia but he kept his peace on the lips. Guinevere took her walk to the yard where the elderly Meleagant has arranged fresh horses with saddles for the two. Lancelot and Guinevere rode off after the farewell pleasantries. Octavia walked back to the Hall in anger and then faced his father.

“Why did you lie to the knight? I could have challenged him to a duel.”

“And which you would have died meaninglessly. Lancelot is a better knight than you in skills and battle. All I did was to save you. You are the fool to desire that lady. She is a vixen and will be the downfall of Camelot.”

“If she is a vixen, she is mine too. I love her and by my ….” Octavia tossed the goblet on the table to the wall.

“By your lack of wits, you will die by Lancelot’s sword. Wise up, son... That lady is a vixen and whoever is with her will die in despair.”

‘I much prefer death due to it than to languish in it forever.” Octavia stormed off from the Hall. 

Despair was in the mind of Percival back at his chamber at Camelot. Lady Angharad was seated there looking at the knight who was sorting out his belongings to go on the quest. 

“Why must you go?” Lady Angharad asked of him.

“It’s my task and more to it. I know Fisher King. He may know the Grail. However, Fisher King is dead and I had bad memories of the place. I have done your duty towards your parents.” Percival replied.

 “More to it, that place held the witches.”

“They may be witches but they won’t harm me. I know them well.” Percival smiled.

“What of Erec? Why did he challenge you? You had done nothing with …” Lady Angharad recalled the night incident.

“No, I did not. I was surprised by her in my chamber but I had nothing with her. I …” Percival defended himself.

“Do you love me, Percival?” Lady Angharad looked at the knight. “If you do, don’t leave. I fear I may never see you.”

Percival looked at the lady. He had once asked her but she told him she needed time. And with time, she had followed him to Camelot and lived there.

“I do but I have an oath to Arthur. I have to go.” Percival said. “I will return to you.”

“Words are meaningless at times. Prove me your love.” Lady Angharad looked at the knight. “I am a widow but I needed another man to be with me.”

“Lady Angharad, I …” The lady was not expecting any more refusals from the knight. She walked towards him and held his hand to her bosom.

“Feel my heartbeats. I want you to hear it;” Lady Angharad looked at Percival. “Love me, Percival, or leave me forever.”

“I do love you but I cannot leave aside my oath. Wait for me for my return.” Percival said.

“Then go without me. I will be gone from your life.” Lady Angharad turned and walked out of Percival’s chamber. The knight felt the dejection and the pain of his task. He hurled his belongings to the ground and leaned on the wall with the forehead to it.

“Darn you. Arthur.” Percival called out.

It was not pain but anxiety silence that prevailed between Lancelot and Guinevere on the ride back to Camelot. The rain came and forced them to seek shelter in an abandoned hut in the forest. Lancelot cleared a space and made the campfire for them to dry and warm their bodies. It was all silence between them and soon they slept a distance apart.

Lancelot woke in the late night and saw the lady seated by the fire, with her right hand holding the stick to stoke the fire. He sat up in his tunic after having removed his armor to sleep, and the right leg ached with pain. He joined her at the fire and then she spoke.

“Why didn’t Arthur come?”

“He held some quests and with Lamorak …”

“Was there a battle there?” Guinevere interrupted.

“No, there was not. I was not there but then others told me Arthur had …settled it between them.”

“Where were you?” Guinevere asked.

“I was away…. On other tasks.” Lancelot hid his reason. He wanted to tell her that he was in search of the answer to his predicament on the killing;

“What other tasks?” Guinevere pressed on. “Lancelot, when did you become the Black Knight or was it all the time? Just as you were the Ghost before?”

“Why the questions at me? I am not obliged to tell you any.” Lancelot was agitated and hit back.

“Did you kill my father, Lord Pendragon?” Guinevere snapped out. “The Black Knight was there.”

“No…. I did not. It was the Black Knight. The other one and I arrived too late.” Lancelot replied.

“Why did you don the armor then? To spite me?” Guinevere glared at him. “After what we…”

“No, I do not spite you. I … love you since then. When you wed Arthur, I still had hopes for you.”

“And you wed Elaine. What is that love? You wanted to spite me more.” The lady pressed on.

“No…. She was a mistake.” Lancelot looked away. “I do not know why I wedded her. Maybe it was to spite you but I do not love her…. Not as much as I do for you.”

“I am Arthur’s lover wedded by oath. Do you care about it, Lancelot? Others may not take kindly to our relationship.”

“Yes, I do, and I suffered for it.” Lancelot stood up and removed his tunic before he turns to show his scars. “These are my penance. I begged for forgiveness but I cannot suppress my love.”

Lancelot bowed his head in shame and then sank to his knees.

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