Friday, January 24, 2020

Tweet tweet 24/01/2020 and Its the eve of the Chinese New Year

Hello to all, and the ones celebrating the Chinese New Year, GONG XI FA CHAI.

And today, I have done the completion of a tale I started in 2016 and did not get to complete it on the final chapters. It was inspired by the Lone Ranger tales. I recalled I posted it up then and regretted my action. Since then, I had declined to post any tales unless it's completed.

The Lone Ranger was a long tale spanning over 65 chapters. I did a re-write on many passages, got stuck at different possible endings, and then finally today I wrapped it up. It covered several genres; the steam punk, and the battle between Angels and then wrapped with a unique ending.

I had a desire to complete the tale since I took it up two weeks ago to re-write and it was tough. In 2016 when I embarked on it, I was filled with great creative ideas, and I will be honest. Several of the tales I wrote then with even some to the final pages ended up unfinished. I have them in my folder called the 'Unfinished tales'. I went back in recently and did two of them now.

1914  and now the Lone Ranger.

I am pleased that I have done it on the eve of the year and will not be carrying it on to the next year.

I am tired now and will rest before I embark on more tales.

What will I be writing next?

I will let you know soon. After I have a good rest.


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