Saturday, January 18, 2020

Legion resurrected Chapter 20


The wrath of the Gods.
“If time could be quantified by all, then it will be meaningless to those who lived out it.” Lucifer looked to the reddish skies on the horizon. It was the direction towards the city that he once dwelled in. It had been three weeks or more since their last battle with the demons. He had suffered some injuries and needed time to recover. So were Michael and Gabriel who were nursing back their strength. Even their wings were damaged in the battle, requiring time to grow back new feathers. They had taken refuge at the Diner, and while there, there were the reports from the demons of Hell under the influence of Lucifer.
“Master of Hell, we seek you to guide.” The singled horned demon crouched on its knees had its head on the ground before its master. “We are battled on every front; by the Angels and the new hordes of demons commanded by Azrael and Mother Lilith. We are confused about what were our allies have now become foes. The Angels themselves have banded under Raphael and Uriel. They are attacking us and the other demons. They are fewer than the demons, and I heard of may have perished.”
“And what have you done? You abandoned your allies to cower at my feet. Do you expect mercy? You should know for those of us from Hell, mercy does not exist.” Lucifer glared at the crouched demon. “Return to the battle and do not seek me anymore.”
The demon raised itself up and towered over the height of Lucifer. It held its horn up and with the frame, it held four limbs like Man, and yet its body was covered with scales.
“I will return to the battle, Master Lucifer. I will not seek you no more. You will no longer be my master. I will battle on my own banner and if victory decides on me, I will return for your horns.” The single horn demon then turned to the group of demons that had been his followers. “Fight with me, or desist.”
The group of twenty demons murmured among themselves while looking at Lucifer. It was then Lucifer spoke up.
“Demons of Hell. I command you to fight on. Whether it’s my banner or not, you are all the demons from Hell. Fight on or lose your existence.” Lucifer told the demons.
“We will battle, Master. But no more in your banner. The demons will be under my leadership.” The single horn demon stepped away and was followed by the group. Lucifer's anger was seen in his grip on the trident. In the realm when he was their Master, such action will have them all terminated but he was no more in power. He needed time to recover.
“Looks like you lost your realm, brother.” Lucifer heard the voice of Michael. He was surprised that the Angel called him brother despite the war they had fought.
“The Fallen shall rise but not today. They need time to regroup and while then let the minions do our battle.” Lucifer replied and then he looked at Gabriel who had stood a distance away. “What ails your brother?”
“A loss of identity or perhaps his calling. He calls towards the Supreme has not been replied. It seems that he was banished like you for helping …. Legion.”
“Yes, Legion, I wondered how she fared. And my Charlie.”
Unseen then by the trio of recovering Angels, a tense battle waged.
Mother Lilith looked at the city map with the areas marked with different shades. She was in the basement of the tall building surrounded by the minions of the Celestial. The war was getting nowhere between them and the Angels. The Seraph Warriors were depleted by the previous engagement at the Diner but the Angels were reinforced by mankind. Those miscreants have banded and fought alongside the Angels with their weapons; crude but deadly. The Celestial has summoned a dozen or more cauldrons and from it, the hordes of demons have emerged.
“I want to take this area by nightfall.” Mother Lilith laid her right hand over the map area. “Ba-zen, you will lead.”
Mother Lilith looked at the six tentacle figure with its body mass that resembled the octopus but the tentacles held claws instead of suction. The demon at the height of over eight feet slithered off followed by a group of other demons.
“How fare our battle with the Hell’s demons?” Mother Lilith looked to the demon who was to brief her. The demon was manlike dressed in the three-piece dark suit and bowler hat, stepped over with the steps of the penguin. The manlike demon had the facial expression of a clown with the red nose and that’s where it stopped resembling. The demon eyes were deeply sunken and the lips of the mouth were wide.
“We are making grounds, Mother. The Hell’s fighters are hitting the outposts in sneak and destroy moves. We are taking casualties and so are they.” The demon reported in.
“To Hell with you.” Mother Lilith right arm reached out towards the demon. Her arm extended out elongated and then pierced the demon in the chest. The demon then exploded into bits and pieces. The scene of the attack shook the others in the basement.
“Now move it. And give me my brief on time.” Mother Lilith retracted her arm. She then looked at Azrael. “What is your situation?”
“I have nothing. Uriel and Raphael are leading the Angels. Michael and Gabriel are still out of the works.”
“Then send the demons to the Diner. Finish the killing.” Mother Lilith replied. “And find the child. The child is the key to the war.”
“Mother Lilith, I have something new to report. The Celestial has retrieved for us more cauldrons. They are positioned in various parts of the city with more demons emerging from it. He cautioned that they are the last cauldrons and we need to protect it.”
“The final battle will be fought then.” Lilith voiced out.

“Three years have elapsed and all I do is sit here.” Charlie was lamenting on her calm stay at Atlantis. She was dressed in the loose tunic and spend her time doing calisthenics and some weapon training. Her weapons are crude; swords and shields but she was getting better at it. It was the will of the Moth Elders. They have said that the mother needs to be strong to protect the child. Charlie had relented but soon caught on. She knew that her escape from the Moth Elders may require physical battle and she will be ready
“Not for me, but for my child.” Charlie had looked and watched over the child named Legion then who was at half her height. The child in the three years has doubled in the growing form. She was already a young child who instead of playing was reading with the Moth Elders at the ancient texts. The group started off with Elders and then geometrically increased in numbers every other day. She was already facing fifty Elders then at the session.
“Legion is not any child. She is the Balance.” Bob had told her. “She is being prepared. The events of the realms are unbalancing with the Supreme and Celestial at conflict. Mankind suffered in the war.”
“And I want my child back. My child who is three years old and wants to be with her mother.” Charlie had seen Legion daily but the child has distanced from her ever since she turned six months in age. She has led away daily to the Great Hall and introduced to the Moth Elders there. The fifty over persons of elderly look will speak to the child and from there coached the child. It will be a daily ritual until nightfall when the child returns to her mother.
“Charlie, I am aware of my role now.” It was from Audrey. She was told three years ago about her true identity and since then, she has been adapting to the new life. Her routine was the same as Charlie. It was Kyle and Jeep who were still resisting the change.
“I have a purpose in my journey,” Audrey replied.
“Everyone of us has a purpose but mine may not be here. Have you seen Jeep?” Charlie asked.
“They are still in confinement,” Audrey replied. “They are resisting the makeover. The Moth Elders are concerned. They may be tainted in their identity.”
“Tainted? You mean they are refusing to believe in all this shit.”
Audrey will not reply to Charlie. Ever since they arrived at Atlantis, she had been given the insights into her life and her role as the Elder. It was as if she was reincarnated by the previous soul. She was disbelieving but the event that slowly infolds before her makes her think differently. She could identify with the events that were shown to her. She was given training in handling certain artifact to enhance her soul. She had met Kyle several times but he persists on being himself.
“No, they are not tainted. They are just refusing to see themselves in the new life.”
“I am not. I am only here for …. My child. She is growing too fast and forgetting me as her mother.” Charlie yearned for her child. “I want her back. Not as Legion but my child.”
“There is no turning back, Charlie. We are the ones to right the balance of power and faith.” Audrey stepped away leaving Charlie to her own thoughts. Audrey met Bob outside the hall in the corridor.
“Charlie is still in anguish over her child,” Audrey told Bob. The other nodded and then told Audrey that Kyle sought her at the chamber.
“He asked for you and only you,” Bob told Audrey.
Later then, Audrey approached Kyle in the assigned chamber, where he remained with two guardians. The guardians are a pair of Elder Moths but they are trained in the different parts of arts. They do not acknowledge Audrey when she walked past the. She saw Kyle in the assigned chamber. He was dressed in the loose tunic and sandals. He was doing calisthenics on his own. He had grown older with the beard and the waist-length hair.
“You asked for me?” Audrey addressed Kyle.
“Yes, I am ready to be one with you.” Kyle charged at her. He leaped onto her but Audrey crouched down before she rolled to the left. She got up on the roll and leaped high. Kyle saw her movement and counter move on the lady. He went for her on the left side but her leap had escaped him. He reached out with his arms to grab her but again she evaded his grasp.
“How did you?” Kyle voiced out in anger.
“Just as well for me to know your next moves,” Audrey replied. “I have not been in training to protect Legion but to guard on you.”
“How… and what are you now?” Kyle questioned on.
“I am Charlee, the Craft Designer.” Audrey stood on the right side of Kyle. “I was waiting for your move.”
“How did you guess? I have been trained by the army to hide my moves.” Kyle asked.
“I don’t. I only know. Why do you think you were isolated?” Audrey replied. “Jeep and yourself were considered as possible allies.”
“I won’t be. I have my own beliefs.” Kyle refused to be assimilated into the war.
“And you will not live here in Atlantis.” Audrey clasped her hands together in front and then held out towards Kyle. “Perish, demon.”
A streak of blue and red light lashed out form Audrey’s hands towards Kyle. It impacted on the other at the chest, and a blanket of energy soon surrounded the body. Kyle cried out in pain while his body was lifted from the ground. The frame of the body was stretched and twisted while its host screamed in pain. Just when Kyle was to feel the life force withdraw from his body, he felt relief then. He fell onto the floor.
“Who intrudes on my action?” Audrey looked to the back of her.
“You cannot terminate Kyle.” The voice belonged to Percy. “He holds the right to refuse. He still remained the ally to Legion. Just as Jeep is too. He is also our key to the downfall of the Celestial. There is much you have yet to know.”

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