Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Legion Resurrected Chapter 25


The wrath of the Gods
“Tell me of my madness to agree to this alliance, brother.” Michael sounded out sarcasm towards Lucifer. “You hold not the power to defeat the Celestial…”
“And you hold not an army huge to defeat them too.” Lucifer looked to the assembled in the plains ahead of them. The army brought by Bob had congregated on the left side while the demons of Hell held themselves to the right. They balanced in equal numbers but the interaction was hostile but no physical altercations have begun.
“Why did you handle the Stone to Charlie?” Michael asked.
“I told you. I feared being possessed by it. I had used it to create my demons from Hell, and soon I found my soul being wrapped into it. It’s not a tool for the weak. And I was weak towards it.”
“And Charlie was stronger?” Michael looked towards Lucifer. “Have you lost you…”
“No …. I meant yes. Charlie is stronger than me.” Lucifer smiled. “Are we not failures for the ladies?”
“You bastard…” Michael looked away. He knew Lucifer was right. It was Lilith or Eve then who tempted him to take the apple. It was she who betrayed Lucifer for the life in Eden. He had avoided the ladies since then. He drew his mind back to the first time he heard of the child. It was from another lady named Rhea. She had met him in Eden then renamed to Garden. She told him of the prophecy of the Child. He approached the Supreme of the news and was dismissed as rumors. He was unsure of the action and pursued. He recalled that day he told Gabriel of his intended action.
“I plead with you to relent to HER command.” The figure in the suit had the concerned expression with the drawn facial muscles below the red hairline that was swept back to the rear in a ponytail tie design. “Michael, please listen.”
“And I had, Gabriel. I will act on my own.” Michael replied. He removed the cloak that he was bound to wear when in the presence of the Supreme Leader. He had on the same suit as the other but his hairline was the short crew cut with a small palate of hair just above the forehead.
“A fool maybe,” Michael muttered to himself of his earlier conversation with Gabriel who then sat a distance from him. They have agreed to the alliance and awaits the Celestial army. He saw then the approach of Bob.
“Lucifer, I wished to say good luck to you. As we speak now, the child, Legion is being prepared to restore the realms.” Bob told Lucifer. “There may be on the united realm for all.”
“Tell me, Elder one. Have you heard of the Mage Books?” Lucifer asked.
“Mage Books? You have a unique gift to ask funny questions at the funniest time.” Bob laughed. “Yes, I have but we do not possess it. It’s the book before the ancient readings. It spoke of the ….”
“Primordial Gods.” Michael cut in. “The Mage Book was lost in time for it was hidden from the Gods, it wrote of the hidden dimension over the dimensions. The Mage Book was a threat to the Gods; old or new. It held many chapters on the verses to call on the Creators before the Old Gods. And the coming forth of the Erebus and Black Night. And from Night, came the Day, and one other Aether, both from the union of Chaos and Erebus”
“Well, I met Aether. But not of Erebus or Chaos.” Lucifer replied. He was to speak more on but the calls from the sentries told him the Celestial army was approaching. “We have the battle to fight.”
“Tell me of Aether.” Lucifer pleaded with Bob. ““He told me not to trust you.”
Lucifer stared at Bob and then stepped away towards his demons without waiting for the reply. The trident appeared in his hands. “Rally by me. We have the battle to fight.”
“Lucifer, you must… What did Aether ask of you?” Bob got in the way of the other. Lucifer looked at the Elder and pushed him off. It was Hippolyta who confronted Lucifer.
“How dare you strike at the Elder?” Hippolyta sword was leveled at Lucifer but Bob raised his right arm to stop Hippolyta.  
“We have a battle ahead. Fight not among ourselves.” Bob saw Lucifer took to lead his hordes of demons while Michael led the other army. Bob sighed and then re-joined Amazon’s. He took his place with them while the Spartans formed the rear.
“An impressive display of …. stupidity.” Mother Lilith standing tall in the chariot that she had acquired from the Celestial. The chariot was drawn by four demonic possessed horses with the hood over their eyes and the singular horn emerged from the snort. She wanted her appearance to look grand and settled for the chariot. Uriel flew above her with his wings spread out while the demons all took guard behind the chariot. Uriel landed on the chariot and spoke to Mother Lilith.
 “I counted about two thousand of the Angels, Warriors and Demons combined.” Uriel reported. He looked to the rear and saw the triple numbers in the army backing Mother Lilith.
“We are many more and may I asked of the Celestial? Does it not want to come to view the victory?” Uriel asked.
“The Celestial does not want to appear for its to engage with the Supreme in another battle. It’s the battle of the Gods and we are not in the same strength.” Lilith looked at the enemy and then gave the order to battle.
“The battle shall begin!” Uriel called out but then his voice was deafened by the noise of another. “What gives on the sky?”
A fleet two squadron consisting of thirty-two blades flown contraptions appeared. Then the loud voice called from the leading contraptions.
“Hail to the demons. This is General Thomas Kinsey. I am the commander of the last Apache Squadron.” General Kinsey roared from the cockpit of the Apache. His army was decimated by the hordes and in some, desertion but he came across these squadron pilots in the Mojave Desert. The helicopters were kept in reserve and needed time to be operational. Once he had it done, it was to wait for the correct call for its deployment. His scouts told him of the battle and there he was to join.
“Whose side do we take, General?” A squadron leader asked him while in flight.
“Takedown whoever that looks uglier.” General Kinsey replied while his finger hovered at the firing trigger. He had been flying several hours with the pilots; reliving his heydays as the fighter pilot for the Army’s in the eighties. The helicopter was the AH-64A with the 30mm M230E1 Chain Gun with a thousand two hundred rounds load, and a mixture of sixteen AGM-114 Hellfire missiles and eight Hydra 70 rockets.
“Squadron Red; take the ones behind the chariot.” General Kinsey had split the helicopters into two squadrons. He had with him two squadrons of thirty helicopters; Red and Blue unit.
“Red leader acknowledge.” The squadron leader with the command of sixteen helicopters then relayed the order to the squadron. “We are green to go to.”
The sixteen helicopters flying in a formation of eight in a row with the other eight interspaced in between to form a close line. The squadron triggered their cannons at the demons on the ground level. The concentrated firepower created trails of the carnage of demons impacted by the cannon shells. The surviving demons scattered by the cannon fires tried to escape but were stopped by Uriel.
“Stand your line?” Uriel called out.
“Red leader, take down that idiot.” General Kinsey called out the command.
“Acknowledged.” Red Leader aimed his cannons at Uriel. He triggered off a short burst and saw the Angel hit from the rear fell forward and then the wings sprouted before Uriel took to the sky.
“You are not leaving without my permission.” General Kinsey from the rear lines fired the Hellfire missile at Uriel. The missile impacted on the soaring Angel and only the flutter of the few feathers were seen.
“Man! How dare they defy this? How did we miss those flying contraptions?” Mother Lilith screamed out but her screams were drowned by the whooshing noise when the four missiles from each helicopter under Red Squadron were released. The missile flew past her overhead and impacted on the demons. The missiles left a trail of carnage on the ground.
“Send the flying demons.” Lilith screeched out. From the far rear, the flocks of winged demons hidden in the rear took to the skies. It was a mixture of demons from gargoyles and other forms.
“Blue Leader, your role is on.” General Kinsey called in. “There are ugly demons on air.”
“Mother of God! Bluebirds. Let us give them a taste of our hospitality.” The Blue Squadron with another sixteen helicopters took to the height before they split into the formation of flour helicopters per group.
“Blue Team, you are all into your new call signs now. Start with North, South, East, and West.  Take your numbers as you get into position.” Blue Leader called out. The four groups went into the diamond shape with East and West dropping rev to cover the flank.
“Let do a pincer attack.” Blue Leader called out while leading Blue North. The helicopters moved into a wide turn and then they triggered off their cannons. The 30 mm shells impacted on the flying creatures soaring to the sky caught in the crossfire.
“Blue Leader, I see dragons and flying pigs.” Blue Leader heard his pilots and gave a stern warning to all of the pilots.
“I don’t care if they looked like your mother. Just wiped them off the sky. It’s always ours.” Blue Leader swooped at the flying hordes. The Apache craft responded to the handling by the Blue Leader as it released off the missiles into the clutter of demons. The pilot then saw a huge bat-like creature dived at the helicopter belonging to Red Squad below the Blue Squadron.
“Freezeout, demon.” Blue leader swooped downwards and released the missile. The Hellfire with its loaded warhead impacted on the creature and took it apart.
“Thanks, Blue.” The Red pilot called in. “We will keep your six cleared.”
“Mark your targets and do what is needed.” General Kinsey called out.
“Are we stand and watch or do we battle?” Michael called out to the Angels. The reply was a unanimous roar of the battle cry then when the Angels soared to the skies to battle the flying demons. The grounded warriors of the Spartans and Amazons also took to their battle cries and charged at the demons.
“Are you to lead or just holler out commands?” Lucifer called out to Michael when he ran past the other. “Bloody Hell.”
Lucifer charged at the rhino head demon with the double horns with the shape of the elephant. He jumped high and landed on the rhino head before he thrust the trident into the head. He called on the flames of the trident to erupt the head and then he somersaulted off to the rear. There he saw a leopard demon with the speed of its breed tearing into the Spartans with the claws drawing blood. Lucifer took to leap off and then rushed heading towards the leopard. He could not meet its speed but he headed the demon with his strength. He thrust the trident at the demon and embedded it deep inside the neck before he tossed it to the side. The demon landed a distance away and then it tried to get up but failed.
“Show off.” Lucifer heard Gabriel who was suing the horn to disburse a group of demons before the Amazons rushed in to attack them.
Lucifer was to continue on the battle when he heard the call that was ever loud.
“Cease the battle. I command you.” A new arrival to the battlefield called out the command.

“We will convene at the Great Hall to defend the realm and Legion. I will give you the instruction there. Stay focus and serve well.” Percy told the Elders. “The realm must not fall.”
Charlie, Ashley, Kyle, and Jeep ran to the Great Hall. It was the first time for both Kyle and Jeep there. They saw Percy was directing the assembled Elders there. The group of Elders in pairs or small groups left for their assigned positions while six of them stayed there to guard Legion who was seated on the floor in the Great Hall. Percy stood next to Legion when the child’s mother arrived.
“Legion!” Charlie rushed to her child but was stopped by the Elders. She held out her hands to sweep them aside but she was stopped.
“Charlie, let the Elders protect him.” Percy intervened. “They are the last of the powerful ones.”
“I hope you are right or I will kill them myself.” Charlie glared at Percy. “Trust me, I can.”
At the gateway to Atlantis, a dozen Elders stood guard with dozens of Spartans. These are aged warriors who missed the task to assist Bob. They were guarding the gateway which was a tall arch that was built on the cliff overlooking the sea below. It was a steep drop of over a hundred feet to the sea level and the cliff surface was unclimbable.
“The gateway is opening.” One of the Elders called out when he saw the light at the Arch there build up from a single spot into a full glare that covered the Arch from the ground up to the top. A figure soon appeared to form it. It was a tall figure at one and half times the height of Man yet its frame was broad at the shoulder level, and it tapered to the feet. Its head was elongated to the length of Man in a pear shape inverted. The head held the double vertical oval eyes. The figure was dressed in a tight silver suit and wore a red cloak over the shoulders to the length of the waist.
“I am here for the …” Odyssey announced its intention. The message was delivered and the reply was a series of telekinetic attacks by the Elders. Odyssey was hit and crouched down. The Spartans then crouched with their shields. They charged in but just when they were to reach Odyssey, they were all flung backward by force.
“Minions! How dare you approach me!” Odyssey stood up and swept his arms wide. The movement released a powerful force that propelled the Elders backward and sent the Spartans to follow. “I am Ultimo of the Master Celestial. I am an Odyssey. I want Legion.”
Odyssey moved on and at every turn when met by the Elders, they have swept aside like specks of dust until it reached the doorway of the Great Hall. It marched in and saw the last bastion of the defenders and there was Legion.
“A child? Indeed, I can feel the raw power but how powerful we shall know.” Odyssey approached the child. The twelve Elders blocked the other but were swept aside with ease. Percy stood there defiant.
“You shall approach Legion.” Percy drew on his power to stop the Odyssey but even with it, he has swept aside with ease. Percy ever determined to protect the young child charged once more at Odyssey. The later saw the attack forthcoming and struck Percy with a telekinetic hold. The hold placed Percy in mid-air and struggling to breathe.
“You will suffocate to death,” Odyssey told Percy.
“I will die for Legion….” Percy's wish was granted. 

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