Saturday, January 18, 2020

Legion Resurrected Chapter 21


The wrath of the Gods.
“How fares our battle. Uriel?” Raphael in the armor suit with the chest plates and greaves outside the knee-length tunic. He held the broadsword in his right hand, and his left hand, he held the mallet with the short handle. On his head was the Roman designed with the face masks and plumes on the top. He was standing on the roof of the tower overlooking the city.
“Raphael, we are not making any headways.” Uriel similarly dressed but he held the bow and arrows on his back but the double mallets in his hands were smeared by the demon’s body fluids.
“The demons fought us to a standstill. Even the Fallen have not responded to our call to unite.” Uriel continued on. “I heard more demons are coming. The other demons from the other realms.”
“What madness has assaulted your mind?” Raphael
“None. I am with allies. The Celestial is not the only master of the realms. They are one of the few who ruled the different realm. Meet others. Meet my new master. Meet the Odyssey Master.”
The figure stepped from the shadows. It was a tall figure at one and half times the height of Man yet its frame was broad at the shoulder level, and it tapered to the feet. Its head was elongated to the length of Man in a pear shape inverted. The head held the double vertical oval eyes. The figure was dressed in a tight silver suit and wore a red cloak over the shoulders to the length of the waist.
“My new master, the Odyssey would not speak. It will communicate my thoughts.” Uriel replied.
“Who are you?” Raphael asked. “Are you lost?”
“We are not “lost” in every sense of the word. We have resided in the realm of Thule. We are the Realm Guardians. I am Odyssey from Thule. From there, we saw the rise of the Celestial, back to the decline of the Gods, and even to the emergence of the First Ancient Gods, where Cronus fought Uranus. And formed the Titan before he was defeated by Zeus who formed the Olympians. The last of the ancient Gods then went into a state of new prophets and deities.”
“It all existed for a long time, while we rested in the realm of Thule. We were not lost but hidden by choice in a place that deemed lost to many in the ancient world. We are masters of the Celestial; our numbers dwindled to a few. We went into seclusion to rest. It was a place hidden from the others; another realm within the realms. It was named Thule.”
“Thule was thought to be some of the kind of untamed island at the far reaches of Earth’s end. It was never of the Earth’s end. The ancient people had us in their views in their paintings. We were pictured as blue warriors and when the battle on chariots. We hunted bowhead whales which were sea monsters.”
“Many mentions of Thule; the earliest mentions were by the Greek explorer Pytheas, who described it as a place where land and sea were blurred “into the consistency of jellyfish. It was their vision of the realm which we were in. It was also coined “Odyssey” to refer to any place that seems unreachable or unattainable. However, others do believe that Thule really did exist at one time and was washed away by rising sea levels caused by the continuous melting of ice in the Earth's northern seas or the impacting meteor that wiped out the huge creatures.”
“So what are you?” Raphael asked.
“Odyssey, the Masters of Celestial in the design. I will defeat the other gods.” Ultimo responded. “I am capable of doing the destruction. And removed the others.”
“The others? You mean us.” Raphael looked at Uriel.
“Affirmative,” Uriel replied and then smashed the mallets onto Raphael. The war with the inclusion of the Odyssey had begun.
“Yield, Angel” Ultimo called out. Raphael had fallen to the ground hit by Uriel. “I am not of many but alone I am equally powerful. I have grown in the realm.”
 “The Odyssey shall rule once more. Terminate that Angel.” Raphael heard the call and he reacted fast. He rolled on the ground before he commanded his wings to appear and then took off. He soared to the skies, and Uriel saw the other leaving. He took up the bow and strung an arrow. He aimed at Raphael and released the arrow. His aim was good and the arrow struck at Raphael on the left leg but the later kept on flying. He flew high and then swooped down towards the city limits. He needed to get as far as possible.
Back at the Diner, Lucifer standing outside looked to the horizon as he had done for the last week. It was another week gone and their wounds are almost healed. They need to leave to regroup with the others. Their alliance with the Angels needed to be re-kindled to unite against the demons. He had no reports from the demons of Hell and was concerned. He saw then the group of demons approaching the Diner.
“Demons!” Lucifer called out. “And it isn’t any of mine hordes.”
Michael rushed out of the Diner and joined Lucifer. He held in his hand the Excalibur. He was joined by Gabriel.
“We have rested long enough. It’s time to fight back.” Michael looked at Lucifer. “Return to your Fallen. We will fight these demons and then regrouped with ours.”
Lucifer nodded and then soared into the sky on his renewed wings. He turned to look back at the Diner and saw the pair of Angels were swarmed by the demons. They have the battle to contend with but Lucifer had one to regroup his demons and turn the tide of the war. He flew on towards the city that was in smoke. He could pick up the scent of brimstones and burnt bodies as if Hell had presided over Man’s realm. He flew on and landed at the familiar that was his hideout in the city. He landed on the roof and was greeted by three demons. They went onto their knees to greet the return of the Lord of Hell.
“Where are the Lords?” Lucifer asked. The demons replied to him. Lucifer made his way down to the basement and then exited towards the open portal there. The portal was guarded by a dozen demons and non-stopped the Lord of Hell as he stepped in there. Immediately, he was transported to the realm in Hell. He was in the Great Chamber and there he saw the others.
“Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Belphegor, Baal, and Azrael. Who is not here of my loyal guards?” Lucifer asked. He looked at the numbers and counted only five. “Where is Azrael?”
“Azrael is with Mother Lilith, and he is with the Celestial,” Beelzebub replied. He was of a fine tall frame with the armor plate and greaves and strapped sandals. He wielded the long spear and shield and with his bearded looks, he was feared in combat.
“And what am I make of all of you? Cowards or tired warriors or demons in need of leadership.” Lucifer asked. “I had hordes of my demons fighting independently, and yet none of you are out there with them.”
“We fought, Lord. We fought hard and our numbers dwindled. We have come for a regroup and when you appeared.” Belphegor replied.
“We heard of the child to battle the Celestial. We await its return as we had awaited yours, Lord.” Baal added in his woes to the conversation.
“The child is …. Missing. I have failed to protect it and now it’s lost to us. We cannot rely on the child but ourselves to win this war. We …” Lucifer was stopped by Baal.
“To ally with the Angels? I heard of the tales. We await your version.” Baal snapped back. “We the Fallen to fight alongside the Angels. It is unheard before.”
“It’s true. I fought alongside Michael and Gabriel.” Lucifer replied. “It’s the only way to win the war.”
“So, Azrael was right. You have betrayed the Fallen.” Belphegor cut in. “We are led by a traitor to the cause.”
“How dare you call me a traitor?” Lucifer whipped out his trident and struck at Belphegor. The trident struck the other in the chest and brought him to his knees. “Beg for my mercy or be banished forever.”
“I shall not yield.” Belphegor cried out. “I …”
Lucifer struck the trident into the demon at the chest, and in his anger, he plunged it in deeper. He then looked at the others.
“Suffer the same fate or be with me.” Lucifer cautioned them. “The Celestial is our common enemy. Battle it or lose all we hold now.”

The child then had grown to early teens shuddered during the lessons taught by the Elders. She stood upright and looked to the high ceiling of the Great Hall. The Elders accompanying her study stopped their teaching and looked at the child. It was Bob who saw the child's action rushed forth to comfort her.
“Odyssey….” Legion muttered. “They have returned.”
Bob heard the child but his arms were still on the child. He felt the cold shudder that was in the child. It was of fear and Legion was still too young to know such fear. He called for her lessons to be stopped and took her back to the mother. It’s a feat that only the mother’s comfort could protect.
“Legion suffered from an unforeseen event that unfolded in her mind. She will need rest and comfort by you.” Bob told Charlie. “Keep her safe while I confer with the others. Audrey will assist you in the chamber.”
“What kind of fear has she unfold? I have not seen her so weak.” Charlie held the child who was standing to her neckline. “Tell me.”
Bob had left the mother and child to re-join the others at the Great Hall. More Elders have joined in and the discussion was on the Gods. He instructed Audrey to join Charlie.
“The Celestial is one foe which we had anticipated with the birth of Legion but the emergence of the Odyssey was not in the scrolls.” Bob addressed the Elders.
“We are mistaken in the reading. Our teaching had been compromised.” Some of the Elders have moaned on the missing timeline that they had missed.
“No, the Odyssey had been lost to us in the readings for eons. They were the pre-Gods time and considered a pre-event to the current ones. They were lost or remain dormant for eternity.” Percy replied from the assembled Elders. “They were the ones that the realm was created and then formed the first beings in the realms. They left to form other realms and dwindled in the numbers before they become extinct. For that, they were not recorded or monitored no more.”
“Assumed extinct. Why have they return?” Bob asked.
“An inconsistent turmoil that was not in the readings caused them to surface. They want the Universe back before the Gods.” Bob added in. “They also want Legion for she is the ultimate power in the realms.”
“The child is not ready yet,” Percy replied. “She needs more time.”
“And sufficient time will be given to her. We are returning to the realm to buy her that time.” Bob replied. “Percy, time is of the essence but it is limited. You may have to push Legion to the limit. Celestial or Odyssey may soon detect our realm, and mayhem will follow. Legion is the only being to stop either of them if she is ready.”
“Who will aid me in this battle?” Bob turned to the Elders. “None?”
The Elders looked away and one spoke out.
“We are drained of our power with the teaching towards Legion. We could not battle even the demons in our numbers. If need be, we will try to help Legion here.”
“I understand, my brothers. I will seek others.” Bob nodded towards the Elders. It was then another voice was heard.
 “We will join you.” It was Hippolyta of the Amazon who replied. She had stepped in and heard the plea of Bob. “The Amazons could do no less or more than to help. We will stand with the Moth Elders.”
Hippolyta came with more than a dozen warriors with her. She turned to them and called for them to rouse the others.
“Warriors, we have a war to fight on at that realm. Amazon forever!”
“Go not alone, Amazons. I will bring the other to the battle.” Bob declared.

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