Monday, January 13, 2020

Legion Resurrected Chapter 19

Book of Legion

Wrath of the Gods
Hippolyta stood there with her back towards the charging demons. She held out her arms wide and the eight spokes extended like the limbs of the spider, and then it lashed out like the swinging blade of the sword at the demons. The spokes with the serrated ends slashed into the demons; slicing on contact at the demons. A spoke went out like a spear into the beastly demon on the snort and out to the rear as if it was slicing through melted butter. Another of the spokes lashed out the form below and slashed at the lower limbs stopping two demons charging on four limbs. The demons stopped their charge, and it was then Hippolyta turned to face the demons.
Demons! I should have known the hands of Hera is at works here. The Queen of the Amazon rushed forth and then leaped up towards the demons with the spear extended and the shield protecting her form from the demons. She was aiming for the huge beast with the two tusks fronting the snort and was triple her frame. The spear went into the beasts chest and pierced to the back at another demon who thought it was safe behind the beast. The demons were not all afraid of the Amazon and charged towards her. The horde of demons jumped onto the Amazon, and soon she was engulfed by the horde.
Be of my body, you demons! The voice of the Amazon Queen roared and then the horde of demons was flung off her frame. In her anger, she had used her strength to pull or kicked at the demons. She was seen with the bite and cuts marks, but nothing could match the Queen in her fury.
The Amazons will never be subdued by Man again or demons in my reign. Hippolyta called out in anger. Desist or faced the wrath of the Amazons.
The demons are mindless and spurred by their leaders, they charged at the Amazon again. That time, the Amazon had not stood there but rushed towards the demons. The Amazon charged into the first line of demons with the spear stabbing and the shield deflecting the attacks by the demons. The fight was blazing a trail of dead or wounded demons which were then stampeded by the others to flank the Amazon. Hippolyta soon finds herself surrounded by the demons.
Michael, we cannot let a lady fight for us alone. Lucifer roared to the other and then charged at the demons with his trident emitting the flames to drive the demons away. He was carving his own trail to reach Hippolyta. He stood with his back towards the Amazons back.
Horns head, you have come to aid me. What about the Angels? Hippolyta motioned towards Michael and Gabriel.
The Angels are on the fall back for now. They are . how would I place it? Conservative in the approach. Lucifer laughed while his trident was diluting the demon numbers. He then saw Michael looking towards Gabriel.
“Take off, Gabriel.” Michael had called out when he pulled the sword out of the demon’s frame. He had fought for hours, and the hordes never seem to end arriving. They literally climbed out of the dark cauldron, and the place of their fallen demons. They had stood back to back; Michael and Gabriel. The Seraph Warriors were all downed or dead. Michael did look for the others later in the battle and he saw Gabriel had spread his wings to take to the heights.
Gabriel’s Horn was a weapon that required distance and he made use of it. He soared to the heights and then flew in a circle around Michael to drive the demons back or reduce their numbers which had taken through.
Michael turned to look for Lucifer. The later was fighting with the trident and despite the help of Hippolyta, he was losing ground. Michael saw Lucifer slipped and the demons are ever-increasing. ln turn, Lucifer was seen taking to the heights. His wings had spread and he was in the air holding the trident which he turned to fire the flames at the demons.
“Aim for the cauldron. It’s the portal for them to come over.” Michael called out to Gabriel.  The later heard the command of Michael and focused on the cauldron. The sound of the Horn directed at the cauldron initially stopped the influx of demons, and then it was seen to penetrate into the cauldron. The cauldron was seen then to be heated with the rimmed of the cauldron showing the heated metal edge. Then the cracks appeared and pieces of the rim top then dropped off.
Michael saw Lilith and Azrael. They are with the demons. Lilith had changed sides. She betrayed the Fallen.
“Retreat!” Lilith had called out.

“We must try again. The child needs to be in Atlantis.” Bob called out.  He then resumed the chanting with the others. Charlie, Kyle, and Audrey stood in disbelieving but their hands were interlinked. Soon, they joined in with the familiar words.
A flash of light was seen and they were no more in Diner.
Atlantis, if that was what the place was called. It was immense. Charlie was standing in the Great Hall. They had arrived there, all of them; the Moths brothers and sister, and the Child.
The Angels were left out.
Her child was there held in her arms.
Charlie looked from the group to the Great Hall. She had named it that, for it was the biggest place she had ever seen. It may had covered a full football field if there were any references. There were huge statues of warriors. The reference to the warriors was because they had on amours worn by the knights, and wielded swords with shields. Charlie had seen her share of the swords and ancient battles; she thought they looked like Spartans' designs or influence. Their head gears looked the same in design. It was not on their heads but at their feet. Their facial expression was different. Most were with their beards and their upper limbs tattooed. She saw some etching that was at the bottom before the feet. It may be their names or ranking but to her, it made no sense at all. The statues were arranged in two rows on both sides; twelve figures on one side and on the other side were another twelve. Each figure stood at over thirty feet high, and a distance of forty feet apart.
“Impressive…” Charlie counted down the line. She then noticed the the flooring they were standing on were intricate designs of mythical creatures. They were not in battles but moving in focus as if they were marching. She then noticed the globe design in the center. She moved her focus to the walls. They were not plain in design but the ceiling was like the flooring; intricate in design but not of the creatures. It was not of the creatures known to Man but the mystical ones. There were the unicorns and the flaring dragons from the design of Gods. She assumed they were Old God's creations for they looked as if they were flying. Only God could do that.
“Welcome to Atlantis.”
Well, the Great Hall in Atlantis had no doorways there. Maybe they all had teleport there.
“Soon we will be feted and then rest. We have a long journey here to accomplish. The Child needs to be coached and she will be the balance of power between the old and new.” Bob spoke out. “I wished all of us were to make it but Atlantis was for the selected few. We bid the Angels well.”
It was then the child cried out for the first time. “The child calls for its feed,” Bob told Charlie.

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