Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Legion Resurrected Chapter 22


The wrath of the Gods
“How do you fare, Gabriel?” Michael asked his companion. They were covered in the body fluids of the demons and also of their own from the wounds. They have battled for some time, with the endless flow of demons. They could not make any headway but they held their ground before the Diner.
“As well as you.” Gabriel laughed out loud. He had acquired a double-edged spear from a perished demon, and with it, he had killed others. He saw before him, the tall dark beast with the tusks at the lips, and furred frame that stood higher than Gabriel. It grunted before charging at Gabriel with its five limbs holding a weapon each. It came with the limbs spread out and was met by Gabriel who leaped high with the spear at the throat.
“I hate loud beast.” Gabriel struck the spear there and with the push of his strength, the spear went in deep to the hilt. He then used the force of the plunge to somersault over the beast frame. He landed on the back of the beast and rolled to the side before the beast fell backward to the ground. He then grabbed his horn and blew a clearance for him to re-join Michael.
“I can’t see us winning unless miracles could happen.”
Miracles came in the form of a hundred Amazon warriors led by their leader, Antiope; a dark-skinned lady warrior dressed in the armor chest plate, strapped leather sandals and wield the sword and shield. The other warriors similarly dressed varied in their weapons from swords to spears and bow with arrows. A few larger warriors held metal head mallets or cudgel.
“Amazons forever!” The Amazon warriors charged at the demons. The ferocity of the charge caused the demons to break formation and the warriors took the advantage to split the demons into smaller groups. Michael renewed in his form joined the attack with Gabriel.
“I see the cauldron.” Gabriel high in the sky saw the cauldron at the rear. He aimed his horn waves at the cauldron and watched it cracked before it imploded into the cauldron. The implosion drew the nearby or emerging demons into the cauldron, and Gabriel was not spared. He felt his form being sucked into the cauldron and called for help.
“Michael!” Gabriel called out. Michael in response grabbed the other by the left leg and held steadfast with Excalibur struck into the ground. The Amazon warriors banded together and held their strength together to prevent bring pulled in. It was then they heard a loud explosion and the cauldron was no more there. Instead of standing over the spot was an Angel with the huge mallet in his hands.
“Cassiel…” Michael muttered the name.
“As in my form.” The Angel named Cassiel was the commander of the Seraph Warriors assigned to hunt the Fallen after the War. He was dressed in the armor and wield the mallet given to him by the Supreme. It was a powerful weapon and could level a hill with a blow to the foundation.
“How fared you, my ….’ Michael greeting was met with a punch in the face by Cassiel.
“You dwindled my Seraph Warriors to the few lefts.” Cassiel glared at Michael. “How could you?”
“I could not find you but I needed an army.” Michael defended himself.
“I was … engaged in the tasks to find out more on the Celestial. I was assigned by the Supreme and it took me some effort to come free and be here today. If it was not for Azrael, I will not be here just yet.”
“Azrael is the enemy. He sides with Lilith.” Michael told Cassiel.
“Azrael is my brother. He sits with Lilith to know her next moves. I was captured by her and restrained but Azrael freed me. He is with the Fallen to spy for us.”
“I am ever confused about who is with who now?” Michael replied. “As for the Seraph Warriors, we all knew the outcome but none of us were prepared for the Celestial.”
“And you will never be but it’s a war that needed to fight. The Supreme is leaving this war to us. The Supreme holds another war with a bigger and deadlier foe. It’s with the Odyssey of Thule.” Cassiel added on.
“What madness has prevailed here?” Gabriel shook his head.
“Madness caused by the emergence of the child named Legion. Every realm of the universe we co-exist is in jeopardy.” Cassiel replied. “Every god including Legion must be stopped. Or we will all be terminated.”
“Madness! Legion is our salvation.” Michael hit back.
“It’s madness that prevailed here, Michael. More so, no one is above the cause. Legion is the cause of this madness. Legion must be stopped.” Cassiel replied. “Just as we dealt with the Fallen eons ago, Legion must be terminated. Or like the Fallen, they will be our enemy to watch out for in the rear.”
Across the city land, Mother Lilith was furious at the escape of Cassiel. She had the demons assigned to guard the Seraph Warrior leader then in captivity. It was a tougher task than the one which she had him captured. She had him cornered in the valley, and with the hordes of demons, she lost more than a dozen demons. He was finally subdued by deceit when she sent in Azrael.
“Apprehend him or lose your status with me. Prove your worth towards me” Lilith told Azrael. The later had little choice. He fought Cassiel and won. Just as he had waited for the moment to release the brother of his.
“Spare us, Mother Lilith. We have no knowledge of how he escaped.” The demon stalked on the ground spread-eagled was being burned by brimstones on its limbs while smaller demonic yearlings were seen to feed on the burned flesh. They were in the dark recess of Hell, where the lights were dimmed and the sounds were the eerie calls for mercy while the tormentors shrilled in delight. It was the nesting area of the demons were the smaller ones were nurtured to be warriors.
“Spare me your excuses. I hold no mercy for you. Or your demons. Failure to me is unpardonable.” Mother Lilith looked to the dozen demons who were similarly tortured. “I seek Azrael now.”
“And I am here, Lilith.” Azrael appeared from the shadows. “I have heard of Cassiel. I hold no part in his escape. I was away to rout the remaining Seraph Warriors.”
“I am aware of that, Azrael. Cassiel’ escape had nothing to do with you. He was helped not by you but by another. I let him go for he was to serve me.”
“Serve you? How can it be?” Azrael asked of the other.
“Just as well, as to how long could he suffered under my care? I have tamed Cassiel and he will assist me in destroying the Angels from within.” Mother Lilith replied. “As you had tried but failed. You will not be my captive but stand beside me to view their demise.”
“How…” Azrael looked at the lady demon.
“I knew from the moment we met, Azrael. Just as I had once subdued Adam to my will, and Lucifer later with Michael. None of them could evade my charms. Cassiel will destroy the Angels from within. As I am the Mother Lilith who commands it.” Mother Lilith reached out with her left upper limbs and grabbed Azrael by the neck before lifting him up. “Like what you tried to do with my demons, and failed. I know of your loyalty long before.”
“I …” Azrael tried to break through on the accusation by Mother Lilith.
“Persist not on your innocence. I have proof of your betrayal. You will not resist or perished without my consent. Heed me and you will continue to be an Angel. Betrayed me and you will be just another demon in the war.”
“None may hold onto Azrael!” Azrael looked to escape but he was restrained by Mother Lilith. She had gripped him at the neck. Azrael pulled at the grip on his neck but Mother Lilith was strong.
“Serve or perish.” Mother Lilith twisted her left hand on the neck and the red flame engulfed Azrael’s head till only ashes flowed from the stem of the neck.
“You have chosen termination, and I serve it.” Mother Lilith released her grip and watched Azrael form slipped to the ground. “Ashes to ashes.”

“Charlie, I don’t how to serve the child.” Audrey looked at Charlie. Both of them were in Charlie’s chamber and had served the child there. The child had since her return to the chamber remained silent and then took to sit cross-legged on the flooring.
“She has not spoken since,” Charlie told Audrey. “I am concerned. Where is Bob?”
“I have no answers for you. Bob is away. I was told that he left with the Amazons.” Audrey replied. “We faced a new enemy besides the demons brought by Lilith. The new enemy is Odyssey.”
“Who are the Odyssey then?” Charlie asked Audrey. “You ought to know from your years of learning.”
“I know naught of them. My learning was different from the others as many of us learned different things. I think you need to ask Bob” Audrey replied and saw Percy had joined them. “He may know.”
Percy approached the ladies. He was heled of his wound then. He looked at Legion and then sighed. He then told the ladies of the Odyssey.
“Long before when the Universe was raw and forming when the dark turned to light. They were the evolving species known as the Odyssey. They were referred to by Greeks poem by Homer about the long journey of a man named Ulysses. That man took a long time to reach back to his home. Just like Ulysses, the species was said to travel far and wide. Everywhere they got to, they brought light to the dark and evolved the realm. New species were developed and to housed them all, the universe was split into a multitude of dimensions. It was said that they found this universe different, and varied in breeds with the dimensions. The Odyssey had a liking to tamper with the natural evolution to their own vision of evolution.”
“The first evolution age was the creation of the Primitives. They were not much of a breed’ ignorant and unskilled. They were left to toil alone on their own but there were the others. The natural evolution of the universe then; the huge monsters that we knew as the age of dinosaurs. It was the age where the supreme were the ones to terrorize the meek. The Primitives were far from being the meek, they inherited the fire and from there, they slowly evolve with their mind and body build but still weak. The odds were too great to dismiss and the Odyssey assisted with the destruction of the dinosaurs. They created a massive thunder ball that wiped out almost two-third of the inhabitants.  It was a brash move and major disasters also ravished the land.”
“The Odyssey learned from there. It then went into forming the second evolution age named the Believers. It formed the Ancient Gods which were the Celestial with their aspirations and knowledge. It had worked for the new realm prospered and the creations in the realms were given a purpose. It did not foresee the process of the creations that soon evolved with the needs of possession. The concept of possession soon made the creations into groups of alliance and enemies. It was a trying moment for the Odyssey had imparted a lot of their efforts to create the Celestials. They were divided in their decision and all of these soon made the Celestial more formidable. The inevitable was soon to happen when both sides clashed. It caused mayhem and destruction but finally, with the victory nor defeat, the truce was called.”
“Hence the third evolution with the creation of the Gods. The era of Cronus and the Titans. It was then the Odyssey and Celestial had withdrawn to watch the new evolution take its own course but the seeds of the Gods were not much different from the previous evolutions. Both the giants of the evolutions were too weak to partake in the crisis but they took sides by engaging with their contribution in every way they could.”
“The era of Cronus and Titans soon headed towards the era of the Olympians and the others you may read in the fables. And finally came the new Gods where Angels took on the watchful role on the evolution.”
Percy sighed then.
“If only we were given the right to act instead of learning and deciphering the possible outlooks. The Moths Elders have been formed to document the above since the third evolutions. We were given the task to ensure the events are determined as they occurred and much later, predict the new outcomes. We were alike to historians with the skills of astronomers but the difference lacking in our works to hold the methodology was done. To prevent mishaps and misinterpretation, we hid in the dimensions and walked in the dimensions in stealth.”
“We could not allow the outsiders to read and understand our works and therefore for we inscribed in encryptions and also verses that will confuse them if they are not trained in the methods. The theft of some of the scrolls soon gave us a new name to the others as the Aedric Prophecies.”
“Unfortunately or fortunately, we foresee the end of the Elders with the coming of Legion. The child soon will grow with our help and vision into adulthood, to engage in all of our readings will be the last Moth Elder. Not only she will the last Elder but she will rival the Celestial and the Odyssey in her form. She will be the ultimate form of evolution.”
“Legion will be the host of the universe of realms.” Percy looked down at the flooring. “She will then be no more with us.”
“You bastards.” Charlie rushed at Percy. “How could you do this to my child?”
“Legion is not yours. She is the new Host.” Percy replied.

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