Thursday, January 2, 2020

Legion Resurrected Chapter 12

Lucifer pondered on the revelation laid by Belith. He was seated by himself among the ruins of the ghostly town abandoned a generation ago when the rumors of gold had withered off. He was in what could have been a wooden structure that supported inhabitants in a thriving town while miners and other folks walked there on the roads. He looked at the pick head he picked up. It was all rusted but the iron was good after some polishing.
“Lucifer, the Celestials have not been heard of for eons. It was before our coming here.” Baal seated a distance away on the mound of hard sand. He was next to Asmodeus, and Beelzebub.  Leviathan was standing on the rock at the right looking at the horizon as if expecting companies. Mammon was not there leaving no messages.
“That does not make them non-existent. Even the Supreme One had not mentioned their existence for a long time. It seems that they existed before we ever did.” Leviathan was the history annals recorder of the Fallen. He had read all the annals in the archive and was a walking library by himself.
“Children tales to scare the younger ones.” Asmodeus quoted the famous verse of mankind. “We have our predators, and do not need to create one more out of fables.”
Lucifer then raised his right arm. The others looked to him for the summon he was to speak then. Lucifer does not speak to them but issued his summons for the action to be taken,
“Go into hiding. We need not fear the Celestials for the Book of Retribution spoke of them coming back to battle the Angels. We are…”
“We were the Angels.” Baal cut in. “Banished but we still are. Our wings are our identities.”
“Then hide the wings and not roam too far. We are no longer Angels. We are the Fallen. For now, we are watched I believe. There is another prophecy. The Second Coming will arrive when the new Messiah arrived. It also spoke of the death of the Angels.”
“That my brother is a very reassuring thought. We will soon be terminated.” Baal laughed. “Maybe Belith was spared to tell us of the Second Coming.”
“Belith was not punished by the Celestials. He was punished by Azrael and myself for he was to betray me.” Lucifer replied to the others. “He was going to the Celestials on me.”
“I don’t …” Baal displayed his disbelief to the words of the other. “I don’t trust Azrael. He had betrayed us.”
“Azrael did not betray us. He went into hiding on my command.” Lucifer snapped back. “For those of you who questioned the Second Coming, it’s me who will initiate the Second Coming. I will find the new Messiah. The Angels won’t be able to stop me, and neither will the Celestials.”

Charlie stepped out of the shower in the place she had called her home. She wrapped herself with the huge towel and walked to the dresser. She sat down there and looked at herself in the mirror. She saw then her drawn-out the image; just given birth and the traumatized day of people shooting and dying near to her. She had never thought of her child as the cause. It was all surreal to her then.
“Charlie, can I come in?” It was Jeep. He was the one who moved the fridge aside and then followed her to the caravan like the faithful dog. He stood guard outside of the caravan after she stepped in.
“Not yet,” Charlie replied and then reached for the change of clothes. She wore dark shades in the blouse and pants with the leather jacket; the grim reminder of her days when she was carefree. She had taken the needed extras for the bleeding soon after her pregnancy. She grabbed the duffle bag and packed her additional stuff like clothes. She saw the necklace given to her by Stan. She took it up and wore it beneath her blouse. She then called out to Jeep.
“I was wondering when …. Are you okay?” Jeep had stepped in and then saw the lady he knew all dressed up to travel. “You are not in any position to move.”
“I am, Jeep but not with them. Let them have the baby. I want to leave my own direction. Would you follow me, please?”
“I reckon I could.” Jeep was always concerned about Charlie. “I can drive my truck.”
Inside the Diner. Lucifer held the baby while the others got ready to leave. Kyle had offered to drive his own car with Percy riding shotgun. He was joined by the young lady whom they have released her bindings. Audrey had rushed to her father’s car and opened the boot. She reached inside her luggage and extracted the short stub revolver. It was a .38 Short Detective Colt. It held six shots.
“Nobody comes near me ever again. I will kill you.” Audrey waved the gun. It was a gift from her previous boyfriend who was then buried in a grave outside of Las Vegas.
“Hey, lady. You are safe now.” Michael had approached the lady. “You will travel with them in that car. I will take the other car.”
Michael then turned to the other car. He saw Lucifer there with the baby, and Bob was still at the Diner. He was searching the counter for the packs of cigarettes to carry with him. He also took the Diner’s license. If they were to claim this junk, they needed proof of ownership. He then called out for Jeep.
“Jeep, where are you? We are leaving.” Bob had grabbed a dozen packs of cigarettes. “We … Where the Hell is the boy?”
Bob cannot wait and walked to the back door of the Diner. He saw the shadow of Jeep stepping into the caravan. The boy was daft like his mother. God, does he know that the world was coming to an end? Bob sniggered to himself. He was actually concerned about the world when he was dying inside. He may die before the world really ends. Or maybe the other way around.
“Hey, Jeep…” Bob called out. Jeep heard his father when he was inside the caravan with Charlie. He had not seen her dressed in that manner. When he laid his eyes on her soon after she arrived, she was mostly in her waitress uniform. When he spoke to her, it was before she changed then. He hid his smile for he recalled he had fantasies of her. He knew it was wrong but besides the posters on his workshop, he had little contact with ladies.
“You okay?” Jeep asked. Charlie nodded.
“We are supposed to leave. It’s not…”
“No, leave then. I am not going with any of them.” Charlie declared then. “I will leave with you.”
“Okay, let us go then.” Jeep extended his right hand. Charlie got up to leave and it was then she was thrown off her feet when the caravan rocked on its wheels. Jeep was also thrown off his feet.
“Hey, you. Get off my caravan.” Bob found his voice to holler at the figure on the rooftop of the caravan. It landed on the roof there and raised its right arm with the blade to plunge into the metal covering. His shout attracted the attention of Michael who had then joined Bob.
“Gabriel!” Michael called out at the figure. “Do not …. Hey, that’s my weapon.”
Michael recognized the weapon wielded by Gabriel.
“How dare you use that?” Michael addressed the other. His reaction was then to rush and leap at the figure on the rooftop. Both of them collided and then fell off the caravan. Jeep stepped out with the rifle leveled at the two battling figures. He was joined by Charlie.
“Hey!” Jeep called out.

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