Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Legion Resurrected Chapter 16


Azrael upon leaving Lucifer had made his way to his own hideout. It was a shack in the open desert. From the outside, it looked like an abandoned shack but once inside the first encounter will be the demon that guards it. The demon was a fierce poltergeist with the tendency to hurt the mortals. Azrael stepped into the shack which was devoid of any furniture except a few broken pieces; a chair without a leg, or the table that was broken into half and the shelf with the missing rows. The poltergeist was crouched on the beam across the ceiling and looking down. It recognized its master.
Azrael moved the chair towards the table and then he chanted the ancient verses. The table formed back into its original position and the chair had its leg replaced. He then climbed onto the table from the chair and the portal gateway was opened and Azrael was swallowed by the portal. On the other side, Azrael found himself in the great void of darkness. He then called out to his Master.
“Master Celestial, I called on you. I am …”
“I hear you, Azrael of the Fallen.” The voice resonated in the dark void and yet it was not determined from where it came. Azrael had escaped the defeat of the Fallen in the war and fled the fighting. He was not hurt nor was he a coward, but he knew when the odds were against them. He was cornered by three Angels in the desert.
“Isiah, Matthew, Rubbia. All of you knew me. Spare me.” Azrael pleaded with them soon after they defeated him. He was a warrior himself but against the three Seraph warrior, he was outclassed.
“We will bring you in. Did you know Lucifer was defeated by Michael? He awaits judgment. And you will do so too.” Isiah told Azrael. “We …”
Those words were not uttered for the three Seraph Warriors were attacked by a dozen demons from all sides. The demons were fierce and relentless in their attacks. They tore the wings off the Angels and then pounded their talons into the flesh. Once it was done, they feasted on the dead Angels. One of the demons then approached Azrael. With its fangs covered with blood and morsels of flesh, it spoke to Azrael.
“You are summoned.” With that, Azrael found himself in the dark void. That he stood then. Soon he was to sworn servitude to the new Master. And to Mother Lilith.
Master Celestial.
“Lucifer is with the child.”
“I am aware. Unborn and yet the child holds protectors to it.”
“Should I follow Lucifer and killed the child-bearer?” Azrael had asked.
“No, the child must be born to start the war anew. With that, we will step in and defeat them all. No other will ever challenge me on the dimensions.”
“What is so special of the child?” Azrael asked.
“The chid is Legion. It’s the scale of power between Chaos and Order. It cannot be defeated by either of us but together we may do it.” Master Celestial replied. “Legion must be destroyed for us to rule in the dimensions.”
“Prepare the Army. We will strike soon. And chaos will prevail without order.” A cauldron appeared before Azrael. “Treasure this. It will be our portal to bring forth the demons from neither dimension. It will be the reinforcement to your army of demons.”

Bob looked to the assembled in the Diner. He saw disbeliefs and concerned in their minds. He has little time then and it was then the child cried out. He was to reach for it, but Charlie did. It was the maternal instinct in her to reach for the child she borne. She hushed the child while cuddling it.
“It’s not safe here anymore. We must go to Atlantis.” Bob told the others. “Once there, we can call on the Ancient Ones to protect us.”
“Atlantis? Am I daft or loony?” Jeep cut in and have drawn the gun from his holster. “I am not going anywhere until I get some answers.”
“There will be no killing here.” Percy moved towards Jeep. “You will get you…”
The shot impacted on Percy’s chest from Jeep’s gun. Percy fell down to his knees holding his wound there. Kyle rushed over to assist the fallen man. He has developed a liking for the other man who stood with him in fighting the minions. He looked at Jeep.
“Why did you shoot? He was no threat.” Kyle looked at the wound. It was a fatal one and the blood was over the wound. Jeep had the look of dismay and lowered the gun.
“Aegeus …. Atlantis,” Percy called Bob by his real name. Bob looked at Gabriel. He told Gabriel to use the Horn.
“Call on Atlantis with the Horn. It’s the only way to find it.” Bob looked to Gabriel who was not convinced then. It was Michael who nodded to him to try.
“Atlantis was a myth even to us. Its appearance was never documented in the annals. It was a rift in the dimensions. The Seraph Warriors who investigated the city never were found. We were barred from going there ever again.”
“Try, please. We are going to be attacked.” Bob pleaded. “We need to get away.”
Gabriel reached the Horn to placed it to his lips. He focused his mind on Atlantis. It was difficult for he had no vision of Atlantis. He searched hard and then the warning came.
“Do not challenge me.” Those words were from the Supreme. Gabriel lowered the Horn. He will not defy the Supreme.
“Why are you not blowing?” Bob looked at Gabriel. He then looked towards Michael and Lucifer. “Is he …”
“He is doing it. Something is wrong.” Michael replied. “I wish I knew.”
“We have not the time to ask. The demons are advancing on us.” Lucifer called on the trident in his right hand. “It’s time for your act. Michael. Call on Excalibur. The true Excalibur.”
Outside the Diner, Lilith saw the demons have brought the cauldron as per her request. It measured three feet across in diameter and was two feet in height with half an inch in thickness. When peeked into the cauldron, you will see only darkness and then when the eyes were to adjust to the darkness, you will see the outreaches of the hands.
“Place it there.” Lilith gave the order. Azrael stood by her. She looked at him. He was the one who introduced her to the Master Celestial. She was his current lover, after her strings of lover including Lucifer. Lilith was discovered to be more powerful and soon placed by the Master to lead his army replacing Azrael.
“Azrael, call on the demons to attack. Harm, not the child.”
Michael, Lucifer, and Gabriel stepped outside with their weapons drawn. Michael had the blade inserted into his right-hand gauntlet. He then called on the power of Excalibur.
“I called on the power of Excalibur. I, Michael of the Angels command thee.” The blade on the gauntlet glowed and then it extended out until it covered the entire right hand. The blade then widens to the width of the hand and extended out by four feet.
“I called on the Hell Flames to fight for Hades.” Lucifer waved the trident with his right hand in a swoop from right to left and then held the staff on the trident with both hands.
“I called on the Power of the Horn to open the portal that will bring forth the Seraph Warriors.” The skies above sprouted a series of portal openings and from each portal, groups of the Seraph Warriors were seen flying through. They numbered only a hundred compared to the hundreds of the demons.
“Brothers, let us battle as one today. No more the Fallen or the Angels. Only brothers.” Lucifer called out. Inside the Diner, Jeep had taken to load the guns with whatever ammo they have. It was not much but they each had a weapon.
“Keep the last bullet for yourself.” Jeep called out and then turned to Charlie who was holding the handgun in her hands with the child cuddled close to her. 
“You will be fine.” Jeep told her. Charlie did not answer him but kept on holding the child. Earlier, she had discarded the child earlier but the cry of the child reached into her soul. She was upset at Lucifer or Stan for what he did to her. She was not sure if the child was theirs’ but above all, the child came from her womb. For all she cared, he may be the next Devil but the child was still hers’. She looked at the sleeping child; a smiling Angel with the lips pouted and the nose that resembled her. Her tears flowed from her eyes on the thought that she had walked away after birth. She should not have done it. She will make up for the dreadful part of her. She will protect her child.
“Use this, if I don’t make it.” Jeep handed her the grenade. He had kept it on him during the fight. He wanted to use it for them but he feared he may not be able to do it.
“Kyle…... do you believe the words the other say?” Audrey turned to Kyle. “I am confused.”
“Huh? Oh, that you are you. Forget the crap. You are who you are and we will not die here.” Kyle assured the young lady. He was of the faith and does not believe all this mumbo spoken. For all, he cared, Bob and Percy was cranky fools. Gun dealers for sure with the stash of guns, but whatever else they claimed to be, he had seen those who were like Bob. In the war, some of them cannot make it through without taking some drugs or beliefs in wild thoughts. He had seen friends who were so bent in their thoughts that they were committed to asylum on returning. The doctors called it PST but he knew that it was brought on by fear.
“My dad and mum? They…” Audrey was on the edge. “I don’t know…”
Kyle held out his arms towards her. He had not known the kid long but the last hours flew fast and the lady was alone. She needed help and above all, comfort.
“No…. I don’t want you.” Audrey rejected his hands. She walked towards Charlie to sit next to her. Kyle pulled his hands back. He was then met by Percy who had his wound bandaged.
“Give her time. And for you, time will reveal the real you.” Percy spoke to Kyle.
“Stay away from me. You are mad. I am not dead. I am still the Kyle known to all. I was not …. Destined …to be here. I came here because it was a stop. And that’s all.”
“Stay away from me and she or I will …. kill you for good.” Kyle threatened Percy. He then stepped to the window and saw the battle had begun.

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