Friday, January 24, 2020

Legion Resurrected Chapter 23


The wrath of God
“Antiope, how fare Legion in your care?” Michael asked of the Amazon while they made the rounds to tend the wounded. They had lost ten of their warriors to the demons but another fifty joined them from Atlantis.
“She is fine. She grew every year when we meet her.” Antiope saw the surprise of Michael’s expression.” She is a young girl now.”
“A week in Atlantis is a year here in this realm. We are always at her side. Our warriors have tripled in the numbers with more women have rallied to our cause.” Antiope replied. “Just as we speak, the other tribes are also preparing battle.”
“What others?” Michael asked.
“Atlantis is a sanctuary for the tribes on brink of extinction. We for one were losing our numbers but the Elders took us to refuge there. There are others and one is named the Spartans. They are made from the Spartiates, the Mothakes, and also the Helots. All of they are Spartans.”
“Spartans? Helots? I thought they waged war before their empire collapsed.” Gabriel cut in. “How could two groups in conflict reconcile?”
“The Helots did rebel against the Spartiates in 660 BC and 464 BC. It was the start of the Spartan Empire to decline but the last remnants of the ancient warriors were taken away by the Elders to Atlantis. There was reconciliation and the Spartans were introduced to the Amazons. You ought to know the Spartans held also women warriors and the Amazons only valued women for their ranks.  The Amazons relied on males from other tribes to fathered their ranks. The males were sent back to the tribes but the women were retained as warriors. It was this the warriors merged with the Amazon and with the guidance of the Elders, they have reunited in strength.”
“The Elders had foreseen the issue that was to happen today. They are prepared for it. The years of isolation have allowed us to strengthen. Here they come now.”
Michael saw then the emergence of the new army of a thousand strong warriors long thought to be lost to the minds of Man. The men wore their full-body clad armor from head to toes; like the ancient knights and wield the rounded shield with the inverted V sign which stood for the letter ‘lamda’ in the words for Larconia, and the sword named Xiphos; the double-edged sword about 2 feet in length hung at the waist belt while their hands held the spear named as ‘dory’ spear. The headpiece was the design names as the ‘pilos’; the conical-shaped helmet with the pointed top adorned with the plume. He then saw Bob who was leading them. The latter was dressed in a similar armor and held a Xiphos.
“We marched with you, Michael. The Spartans are here under the command of Persi. They marched for Atlantis and Legion.”
“No, you will not. I have seen the works of the demons in tearing apart the others. The Seraph warriors were slain here. They could not battle the demons and what thinks you could?” Gabriel blocked the warrior's path. He was joined by Cassiel.
“Mother Lilith grows stronger daily. Her gift from the Celestial lent her new powers. She is ever powerful now.” Cassiel told the warriors. “None of you are a match towards her.”
“Xeric, step forth.” Persi the commander of the Spartans called forth the warrior.
“I am at your call.” Xeric stepped forth. He was smaller in the frame.
“Show your power, warrior,” Persi called on the warrior. Xeric raised his shield to the chest and then clanged the spear he held onto the face of the shield. It resonated loud and then the shield held a red aura on its surface. Xeric bent his knees and held out the shield to the front. The red aura formed an energy blast that blasted a hole in the ground ahead.
“We have reinforced the Spartans with the kinetic force on their shield. It will make them more formidable.”
Bob explained. “The Amazons are given the gift of speed which essentially equally formidable.”
“I have seen the speed which Hippolyta fought. She is fast.” Michael cut in. “We will march onto the Celestial.”
“And Odyssey,” Cassiel added in. “They are the bigger enemies apart from the Celestial.”
“We have battled bigger armies and won.” Persi boasted of the Spartan’s history. “We fear not death but to die not in battle.”
In another part of the city, another group lent their ears to listen to their Lord.
“Behold brothers and demons, we are at war not with one but two enemies. They are the Celestial and the summoned demons not from Hell, but from the other realms. The other enemy made known to us is the Odyssey, the beings long thought extinct had re-surfaced. The better news is the two are also sworn, enemies. Who are we compared to them? Minions actually.” Lucifer watched the demons before he made the guttural murmurings which to him was not disagreement but the divided loyalty among them. He knew that their numbers have been reduced by the other demons which had annihilated the Seraph Warriors that was the common enemy of the demons.
“Why should we fight the Celestial? We could declare a truce and end the war with them. Our demons will be spared and without the Seraph Warriors, we will once be the powerful ones.” Lucifer saw the one who challenges him was the same single-horned demon at the Diner. “Since I have declared my independence of your charge, I have tripled my numbers. And ….”
“How many have you lost to the Celestial.” Lucifer glared at the demon. “I heard more than you could recruit.”
“Where is Belphegor?’ The single-horned demon roared out. “He was our leader.”
“Belphegor? View his demise at my hand.” Lucifer raised his hands and the image of the last moments of Belphegor was displayed. ‘Be wary of my wrath, demons. Unite with me or watched all that you were friends with dying without mercy.”
“How could we trust….” The single the horned demon was stopped in the words by Baal who had stepped forth to wrestled the other into the ground.
“Listen, all of you who are demonic hordes of Hell. If we declined Lucifer’s leadership, then Hell will not be the sanctuary you sought. It will total annihilation for your kind will not serve the new Lord. Celestial demons will subdue you to a status worse than minions.” Baal paused in his words. “Total annihilation of your kind.”
“I heard that Raphael had been betrayed by Uriel for the new master. What …” Another demon voiced out.
“If the Angels could be betrayed then will the demons of Hell do the same?” Lucifer cut in. “I have delayed my return for I needed recovery. I was battled badly for I was not prepared. Now I am back and my enemies shall fell my wrath.”
“I hold the one thing that even the Supreme feared. It was the one thing that was while he took a great army to battle me. We were defeated but the war was never over. We were hunted and sent to Hell. Do you know why? Why not annihilate us all then? Who was the Fallen to the Supreme?”
“I hold something which even the Supreme and even the Celestial fear.” Lucifer looked to the gathered demons. “I have defied the Supreme when I took over seven hundred Angels to be with me as the Fallen. I fought a war with the Angels and though defeated was the outcome, but vanquished I was not. We fought on with their Seraph Warriors for eons. And I have brought Legion to the realm now.”
The demons gathered were pensive in their thoughts. They know not what to make out of the words from Lucifer.
“Behold the Creator of the Universe. You may have heard of it as the Philosopher Stone.” Lucifer held up the reddish shade item in his right hand. “The prized item handed down from the First Gods to the Supreme. He once showed it to Adam and Eve, or what Lilith was once named. It was Lilith who told me of it, and I took it with me when I formed the Fallen. The war was waged not because of the Fallen but to retrieve this.”
“The item I am referring to is the prima material; the first element in the universe. It forms here, the universe we know of was created. The multiple dimensions soon followed and from the creation of the universe, the creations of the beings were formed. It’s also related to the world soul or in Greeks it’s called anima mundi; the intrinsic connection between all living things on the universe.”
“It’s the first matter of the stone is the very same with the first matter of all things including the living creatures.” Lucifer quoted the famous saying with his own words added. “If they possessed this item, they can re-create the Universe and the dimensions.”
“Why won’t you use the stone now?” A demon asked of Lucifer.
“I will use it but not now. I need to regroup, and worked out an alliance with the others.”
“With the Angels?” Another demon asked.

Charlie looked to the child that was her’ but then considered as the Host by the Elders. Legion laid on the bedding, with spasms of shivers and on the occasions, she will mumble words that meant no meaning to Charlie. Audrey accompanied Charlie felt useless for she could only do was sit by Charlie or practice by herself the skills she was taught. It was then Percy rushed in and approached Charlie.
“How is Legion?” Percy asked.
“She is the same but has grown more in height. What ails you?” Charlie asked of the other.
“We heard words that Celestial and Odyssey are pursuing our whereabouts in the realms. It may be a matter of time before we are discovered. I have no choice but Legion must attend the learning sessions.”
“My child is unwell. How can you subject her to more of those learnings that are the cause of her pain?”
“Legion needs to be ready or we will all be terminated.” Percy cautioned Charlie. “We have no say on the situation.”
“Then do it over my dead body.” Charlie defiantly challenged Percy.
“So be it,” Percy replied. He held the power to project a telepathic attack on Charlie and caused her to slip into unconsciousness. Audrey caught Charlie in her arms during the fall.
“How did you do that?” Audrey looked at Percy.
“There are sections of the Elders trained in somewhat different modes of training. Just like you are trained with the Elder who was once trained by the Amazon. I am trained by the ones that had experienced psychic skills. Telepathy is not new but a focused art learned by the few.” Percy explained. “The Moth Elders have survived for so long with the various skills and learnings not only to record the events but also at times to prevent other events. That at times required us to pre-empt with action.”
“Now move aside,” Percy told Audrey. “Legion must be moved now.”
A group of Elders stepped in and then carried Legion off. Percy then turned to Audrey and told her of Kyle.
“Kyle is in detention.”  Percy had stopped Audrey from terminating Kyle. “His wounds are recovering and the good news is that he is willing to talk to you. Be careful, for his faith is strong in him. Do not be rash to judge him.”
Audrey rushed off to see Kyle in the Detention Hall. He was laid on the recovery bedding but awake. He was not alone for Jeep was there but sleeping. He was dressed in the knee-length tunic and was barefooted. He greeted Audrey when she arrived.
“I am sorry to strike at you, Kyle.” Audrey looked at Kyle. “I did not mean ….”
“You are forgiven. I was brief by the others. And of Legion and the Elders.” Kyle smiled at Audrey. “They also told me why you struck at me.”
“I had to, Kyle. I am sorry. I was concerned about…. Legion.” Audrey replied. “There is a lot I learned while I was here. The roles and responsibilities of each and every one of us. You were in doubt.”   
“Yes, I was. I remember it all but how and why I came here. That is the part that baffles me.” Kyle asked. “I held a belief with my previous journey in the war. I see things from my view.”
“I should have let you explain yourself,” Audrey replied.
“Where are the others? And …. the Angels? And what is with Jeep? He has been lying there for hours. I tried to wake him but he remained asleep.” Kyle asked.
“I don’t know about Jeep’s condition. As for you, you are in Atlantis with the child that you protected. You are to rest.” Audrey told him. “I am needed elsewhere.”
With that, Audrey left Kyle alone in the Detention Hall. He got off the bedding and looked at his surrounding areas once more. It was a bare chamber with only the beddings for him and Jeep, and the doorway where Audrey had exited. He could not make out anything else there. He knew he was attended to by some elderly persons who brought him refreshment, and on the occasions, the sanitary utensils. He knew that he was to call out, they will appear.
“Unhand me, you fool!” It was Jeep who was struggling and shouting out in his sleep. Kyle held the other down on the bed and then Percy appeared. They later placed his right hand on Jeep’s forehead and the other fell back to sleep. Percy then looked at Kyle.
“There is much you want to know.” Percy looked at Kyle. The later looked at the wound that Jeep inflicted on Percy. “It heals but the bigger issue is to protect Legion.”
So was Charlie who woke up alone and ran out to search for her child. She went to the Great Hall and saw no one there. She confronted the Elders in her path but no one will give her an answer. Soon she met Audrey who explained to her that Percy had taken Legion.
“Where is Percy?” Audrey took her there. They saw Percy with Kyle in the Detention Chamber. It was then she saw Jeep who was awake then. “Percy, tell us the truth. What is happening?”

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