Sunday, January 5, 2020

Legion resurrected Chapter 14

“My name is …”
“Lucifer, we know.” The voice bellowed to the Fallen Angel. “We have been around when darkness prevailed and then the light appeared.”
Lucifer had not met the Celestials, but he knew Azrael held possession of the Book; The Mage Book. He asked for it. The Mage Book was lost in time for it was hidden from the Gods, it wrote of the hidden dimension over the dimensions. The Mage Book was a threat to the Gods. It held many chapters on the verses to call on the Old Gods. The Celestials were not mentioned but there was a reference to Chaos. And the coming forth of the Erebus and Black Night. And from Night, came the Day, and one other Aether, both from the union of Chaos and Erebus.
“I am an Aether.”
A name then unknown to Lucifer but the more he read of the Mage Book he began to understand it all. Aether was one of the Primordial Gods. The Gods before the Gods that Man was to worship. Aether was not a form but a swirl of energy aura. It heightened above Man, and yet it remained fluid in its movement.
“You are not familiar in my real form. I shall form a frame which you might be comfortable.” The energy waves combined and the frame of a Man was seen; clad in the plain knee-length tunic and on the head was a crown of gold leaves.
“I am Aether, the creation of Chaos and Erebus. We are the Primordial Gods. The Gods before the Gods that you know. We brought your day and night, life and death, chaos and peace.”
“I am an Angel and leader of the Fallen.” Lucifer introduced himself. He had used the Book to call on a portal that allowed him to move into the Hidden Dimension. He was found himself in a realm without any light. Or day.
Only darkness. Lucifer read the verses that he thought was the right one. Then after he could not see himself beyond his own eyes. He knew he had traveled to the Hidden Dimension. He was there, in the whole form and yet he was incorporeal. He reached out with a right hand to his chest. He felt nothing there as if his hand had traveled into his body. He moved his hand down what was his chest and felt nothing. He clasped his fingers and felt nothing.
He was nothing and yet he could the voice.
“And I know. You came here to seek the answers to the answers of your questions in your mind. I am impressed that as an Angel you have the need to question. I thought all of you knew the answer. “
“I … I am confused.” Lucifer replied.
“You are not, Lucifer of the Fallen. You are vindictive and above all a leader. You sought the fall of the Angels. You ought me to do that but I won’t. For there are more to concern me with than your petty war.”
“I am mistaken then, Aether. You are not who I sought.” Lucifer replied. “I shall fight on by myself.”
“You fight the Supreme? I could do that however I have not.  But I will tell you who could.”
“The child?” The words came to Lucifer as if he knew but did not then. “I heard of a child.”
“The child? You are an interesting one, Lucifer. The answer may lie with you. The child yet to borne by the lady and her birth had to be hidden. Her child is of the Gods.”
“Who is her? Her name?”
“You will be the guardian. You are not the father but its Guardian. As there will be others.”
“Who?” Lucifer was banished.
“Be wary of this, Lucifer. Among those of us, there will be others who will not have her here in the dimension. So be wary and be careful. Call not upon me unless you need to.”
“But when will that be?” Lucifer asked.
“In time, you will know.” Lucifer found himself standing in the same spot before he was transported. At that time, Lucifer knew he had to find a child.
The Child who could fight the Angels.
He knew not which child that was. He only knew of one then. Charlie’s baby. It could be but he may be wrong.
Or right then the war will be over.
“A child to fight my war?” Lucifer asked himself and then laughed. “I may be losing my mind over it. But hear me out, Aether of the Primordial Gods. I will have you called upon when I need you. Be there or I will challenge you as I did with the Supreme.”
“I am Lucifer the leader of the Fallen. Hear my name and tremble.”

The minions have swept aside like specks of dust from the dark hordes of demons of all shapes and looks. It was as if a swarm of locusts had cleared the farms. If numbers were to be applied, they were in the thousands. Gabriel reached for the blade but his gauntlet was without it. He felt for the Horn when he was dragged from behind by someone. He looked behind and saw it was Michael.
“To the Diner.”
Everyone outside was soon in. The swarm stopped short of the finer. Michael did a headcount. There was Kyle and Audrey, Jeep and Charlie, and there was Percy.
And there was Gabriel and Lucifer.
“Eight of us will remain here. Together or we will perish.”
“Eight? You counted wrong. We are nine.” Gabriel voiced out. Everyone looked at the Angel. Gabriel motioned to the baby left on the floor. “Nine is the finality of judgment when it’s the time of judging the person and his works.”
“In the Far East, I learned of the significance of Nine. In Numerology, it’s the symbol of wisdom and initiation. It the last number before the next harmony.” Percy added in. “The child is the Nine.”
“It’s also a combination of 333. The signs of Angels that you are protected, loved and on the right path.” Michael added in.
“Enough of the numbers. We are down to nine. I assumed we are for I don’t know who was here before me but I do know that we are outnumbered here.” Lucifer broke the subject matter.
“Okay, we need to go.” Michael snapped in. “We need to find a way out. Gabriel, can you get us out?”
Gabriel looked at his Horn. He was confused. He had no idea where to go. With the Horn, he needed a location.
“I know of one.” Lucifer cut in. “I read of it in the Mage Book.”
“A fucking book? I heard of no such book. Are you loony?” It was Percy who snapped in then. “I have enough. I am calling in the heavy kinds of stuff.”
“Percy, let us haul the heavies out.” Bob called Percy. “Damn, I thought it will be a standoff and ended by yesterday.”
The others were puzzled.  Both the elderly men walked to the basement entrance. They cleared the area around it and stepped down. Then the call came for the others to join in.
“And bring along the baby.”
Outside the Diner, the demons were feeding with frenzy when their leader arrived. The figure was shrouded in the white pale cloth cover from shoulders down to below the toes, and the figure was floating above the demons. The figure was feminine with the body figure and the hair that reached way below the knees.
“Hail, Mistress Lilith.” The floating figure was addressed by the demons that had stopped their feeding. “We await your command.”
Lilith looked to the Diner when her toes reached the ground. She was not alone. Her two personal guards, demons covered in the dark shroud from head to toes and held the long handle scythe in their right hands. They were followed behind by a group of six others but they held no weapons. They were the Messengers.
“My command is that of the Grand Master. I am his servant as you are mine.” Lilith looked to the demons. “Remember this, you serve me. And me alone. And from me to the Grand Master.”
The demons there murmured which may their version of cheers. She then looked to the Diner.
“The Child is there. The Guardians are with the Child. I can feel the Guardians are getting ready. We have a battle forthcoming. Summon the others. The war has been dragged too long. It will end today. And here.” The surrounding demons roared with loud murmurings.
“Prepare the demons. Bring the Cauldron. Azrael shall also be here. Then the battle will begin.” The Messengers floated away.

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