Thursday, January 30, 2020

Tweet tweet 30/01/2020 .... Another tale done Deep Sea

Finally, I cleared another tale left with the ending chapters.

It was Deep Sea War that started at the end of June 2015, stopped somewhere soon after. In the last few days, I did the closure with 80K words. I will be darned, it was one of the steam pink efforts like the Lone Ranger ( with steam run vehicles and all sorts of mechanical stuff ), and I had to come up with innovative inventions. It's practically a re-write on the tale and this time I did the closing.

Why the sudden surge to complete the unfinished tales?

Well, I don't like to have it on my mind, and 2020 sounded like a good year to embark on it. And more to it soon after this week, I will be busy with the real works of mine ( aka I get paid ) and will be busy. However, I still have one more tale to complete this year.

Its the tale of my Grand father journey from China to the new land, and the period of tribulations that he underwent. I will add in some imagination to it/

Before that, I am itching to do another tale on Deep Heat. Yeah, with lots of sex in it. It may arouse my mind to new ideas..... pardon the pun.

Till then, I am taking my energy drink now.


Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Legion Resurrected Chapter 25


The wrath of the Gods
“Tell me of my madness to agree to this alliance, brother.” Michael sounded out sarcasm towards Lucifer. “You hold not the power to defeat the Celestial…”
“And you hold not an army huge to defeat them too.” Lucifer looked to the assembled in the plains ahead of them. The army brought by Bob had congregated on the left side while the demons of Hell held themselves to the right. They balanced in equal numbers but the interaction was hostile but no physical altercations have begun.
“Why did you handle the Stone to Charlie?” Michael asked.
“I told you. I feared being possessed by it. I had used it to create my demons from Hell, and soon I found my soul being wrapped into it. It’s not a tool for the weak. And I was weak towards it.”
“And Charlie was stronger?” Michael looked towards Lucifer. “Have you lost you…”
“No …. I meant yes. Charlie is stronger than me.” Lucifer smiled. “Are we not failures for the ladies?”
“You bastard…” Michael looked away. He knew Lucifer was right. It was Lilith or Eve then who tempted him to take the apple. It was she who betrayed Lucifer for the life in Eden. He had avoided the ladies since then. He drew his mind back to the first time he heard of the child. It was from another lady named Rhea. She had met him in Eden then renamed to Garden. She told him of the prophecy of the Child. He approached the Supreme of the news and was dismissed as rumors. He was unsure of the action and pursued. He recalled that day he told Gabriel of his intended action.
“I plead with you to relent to HER command.” The figure in the suit had the concerned expression with the drawn facial muscles below the red hairline that was swept back to the rear in a ponytail tie design. “Michael, please listen.”
“And I had, Gabriel. I will act on my own.” Michael replied. He removed the cloak that he was bound to wear when in the presence of the Supreme Leader. He had on the same suit as the other but his hairline was the short crew cut with a small palate of hair just above the forehead.
“A fool maybe,” Michael muttered to himself of his earlier conversation with Gabriel who then sat a distance from him. They have agreed to the alliance and awaits the Celestial army. He saw then the approach of Bob.
“Lucifer, I wished to say good luck to you. As we speak now, the child, Legion is being prepared to restore the realms.” Bob told Lucifer. “There may be on the united realm for all.”
“Tell me, Elder one. Have you heard of the Mage Books?” Lucifer asked.
“Mage Books? You have a unique gift to ask funny questions at the funniest time.” Bob laughed. “Yes, I have but we do not possess it. It’s the book before the ancient readings. It spoke of the ….”
“Primordial Gods.” Michael cut in. “The Mage Book was lost in time for it was hidden from the Gods, it wrote of the hidden dimension over the dimensions. The Mage Book was a threat to the Gods; old or new. It held many chapters on the verses to call on the Creators before the Old Gods. And the coming forth of the Erebus and Black Night. And from Night, came the Day, and one other Aether, both from the union of Chaos and Erebus”
“Well, I met Aether. But not of Erebus or Chaos.” Lucifer replied. He was to speak more on but the calls from the sentries told him the Celestial army was approaching. “We have the battle to fight.”
“Tell me of Aether.” Lucifer pleaded with Bob. ““He told me not to trust you.”
Lucifer stared at Bob and then stepped away towards his demons without waiting for the reply. The trident appeared in his hands. “Rally by me. We have the battle to fight.”
“Lucifer, you must… What did Aether ask of you?” Bob got in the way of the other. Lucifer looked at the Elder and pushed him off. It was Hippolyta who confronted Lucifer.
“How dare you strike at the Elder?” Hippolyta sword was leveled at Lucifer but Bob raised his right arm to stop Hippolyta.  
“We have a battle ahead. Fight not among ourselves.” Bob saw Lucifer took to lead his hordes of demons while Michael led the other army. Bob sighed and then re-joined Amazon’s. He took his place with them while the Spartans formed the rear.
“An impressive display of …. stupidity.” Mother Lilith standing tall in the chariot that she had acquired from the Celestial. The chariot was drawn by four demonic possessed horses with the hood over their eyes and the singular horn emerged from the snort. She wanted her appearance to look grand and settled for the chariot. Uriel flew above her with his wings spread out while the demons all took guard behind the chariot. Uriel landed on the chariot and spoke to Mother Lilith.
 “I counted about two thousand of the Angels, Warriors and Demons combined.” Uriel reported. He looked to the rear and saw the triple numbers in the army backing Mother Lilith.
“We are many more and may I asked of the Celestial? Does it not want to come to view the victory?” Uriel asked.
“The Celestial does not want to appear for its to engage with the Supreme in another battle. It’s the battle of the Gods and we are not in the same strength.” Lilith looked at the enemy and then gave the order to battle.
“The battle shall begin!” Uriel called out but then his voice was deafened by the noise of another. “What gives on the sky?”
A fleet two squadron consisting of thirty-two blades flown contraptions appeared. Then the loud voice called from the leading contraptions.
“Hail to the demons. This is General Thomas Kinsey. I am the commander of the last Apache Squadron.” General Kinsey roared from the cockpit of the Apache. His army was decimated by the hordes and in some, desertion but he came across these squadron pilots in the Mojave Desert. The helicopters were kept in reserve and needed time to be operational. Once he had it done, it was to wait for the correct call for its deployment. His scouts told him of the battle and there he was to join.
“Whose side do we take, General?” A squadron leader asked him while in flight.
“Takedown whoever that looks uglier.” General Kinsey replied while his finger hovered at the firing trigger. He had been flying several hours with the pilots; reliving his heydays as the fighter pilot for the Army’s in the eighties. The helicopter was the AH-64A with the 30mm M230E1 Chain Gun with a thousand two hundred rounds load, and a mixture of sixteen AGM-114 Hellfire missiles and eight Hydra 70 rockets.
“Squadron Red; take the ones behind the chariot.” General Kinsey had split the helicopters into two squadrons. He had with him two squadrons of thirty helicopters; Red and Blue unit.
“Red leader acknowledge.” The squadron leader with the command of sixteen helicopters then relayed the order to the squadron. “We are green to go to.”
The sixteen helicopters flying in a formation of eight in a row with the other eight interspaced in between to form a close line. The squadron triggered their cannons at the demons on the ground level. The concentrated firepower created trails of the carnage of demons impacted by the cannon shells. The surviving demons scattered by the cannon fires tried to escape but were stopped by Uriel.
“Stand your line?” Uriel called out.
“Red leader, take down that idiot.” General Kinsey called out the command.
“Acknowledged.” Red Leader aimed his cannons at Uriel. He triggered off a short burst and saw the Angel hit from the rear fell forward and then the wings sprouted before Uriel took to the sky.
“You are not leaving without my permission.” General Kinsey from the rear lines fired the Hellfire missile at Uriel. The missile impacted on the soaring Angel and only the flutter of the few feathers were seen.
“Man! How dare they defy this? How did we miss those flying contraptions?” Mother Lilith screamed out but her screams were drowned by the whooshing noise when the four missiles from each helicopter under Red Squadron were released. The missile flew past her overhead and impacted on the demons. The missiles left a trail of carnage on the ground.
“Send the flying demons.” Lilith screeched out. From the far rear, the flocks of winged demons hidden in the rear took to the skies. It was a mixture of demons from gargoyles and other forms.
“Blue Leader, your role is on.” General Kinsey called in. “There are ugly demons on air.”
“Mother of God! Bluebirds. Let us give them a taste of our hospitality.” The Blue Squadron with another sixteen helicopters took to the height before they split into the formation of flour helicopters per group.
“Blue Team, you are all into your new call signs now. Start with North, South, East, and West.  Take your numbers as you get into position.” Blue Leader called out. The four groups went into the diamond shape with East and West dropping rev to cover the flank.
“Let do a pincer attack.” Blue Leader called out while leading Blue North. The helicopters moved into a wide turn and then they triggered off their cannons. The 30 mm shells impacted on the flying creatures soaring to the sky caught in the crossfire.
“Blue Leader, I see dragons and flying pigs.” Blue Leader heard his pilots and gave a stern warning to all of the pilots.
“I don’t care if they looked like your mother. Just wiped them off the sky. It’s always ours.” Blue Leader swooped at the flying hordes. The Apache craft responded to the handling by the Blue Leader as it released off the missiles into the clutter of demons. The pilot then saw a huge bat-like creature dived at the helicopter belonging to Red Squad below the Blue Squadron.
“Freezeout, demon.” Blue leader swooped downwards and released the missile. The Hellfire with its loaded warhead impacted on the creature and took it apart.
“Thanks, Blue.” The Red pilot called in. “We will keep your six cleared.”
“Mark your targets and do what is needed.” General Kinsey called out.
“Are we stand and watch or do we battle?” Michael called out to the Angels. The reply was a unanimous roar of the battle cry then when the Angels soared to the skies to battle the flying demons. The grounded warriors of the Spartans and Amazons also took to their battle cries and charged at the demons.
“Are you to lead or just holler out commands?” Lucifer called out to Michael when he ran past the other. “Bloody Hell.”
Lucifer charged at the rhino head demon with the double horns with the shape of the elephant. He jumped high and landed on the rhino head before he thrust the trident into the head. He called on the flames of the trident to erupt the head and then he somersaulted off to the rear. There he saw a leopard demon with the speed of its breed tearing into the Spartans with the claws drawing blood. Lucifer took to leap off and then rushed heading towards the leopard. He could not meet its speed but he headed the demon with his strength. He thrust the trident at the demon and embedded it deep inside the neck before he tossed it to the side. The demon landed a distance away and then it tried to get up but failed.
“Show off.” Lucifer heard Gabriel who was suing the horn to disburse a group of demons before the Amazons rushed in to attack them.
Lucifer was to continue on the battle when he heard the call that was ever loud.
“Cease the battle. I command you.” A new arrival to the battlefield called out the command.

“We will convene at the Great Hall to defend the realm and Legion. I will give you the instruction there. Stay focus and serve well.” Percy told the Elders. “The realm must not fall.”
Charlie, Ashley, Kyle, and Jeep ran to the Great Hall. It was the first time for both Kyle and Jeep there. They saw Percy was directing the assembled Elders there. The group of Elders in pairs or small groups left for their assigned positions while six of them stayed there to guard Legion who was seated on the floor in the Great Hall. Percy stood next to Legion when the child’s mother arrived.
“Legion!” Charlie rushed to her child but was stopped by the Elders. She held out her hands to sweep them aside but she was stopped.
“Charlie, let the Elders protect him.” Percy intervened. “They are the last of the powerful ones.”
“I hope you are right or I will kill them myself.” Charlie glared at Percy. “Trust me, I can.”
At the gateway to Atlantis, a dozen Elders stood guard with dozens of Spartans. These are aged warriors who missed the task to assist Bob. They were guarding the gateway which was a tall arch that was built on the cliff overlooking the sea below. It was a steep drop of over a hundred feet to the sea level and the cliff surface was unclimbable.
“The gateway is opening.” One of the Elders called out when he saw the light at the Arch there build up from a single spot into a full glare that covered the Arch from the ground up to the top. A figure soon appeared to form it. It was a tall figure at one and half times the height of Man yet its frame was broad at the shoulder level, and it tapered to the feet. Its head was elongated to the length of Man in a pear shape inverted. The head held the double vertical oval eyes. The figure was dressed in a tight silver suit and wore a red cloak over the shoulders to the length of the waist.
“I am here for the …” Odyssey announced its intention. The message was delivered and the reply was a series of telekinetic attacks by the Elders. Odyssey was hit and crouched down. The Spartans then crouched with their shields. They charged in but just when they were to reach Odyssey, they were all flung backward by force.
“Minions! How dare you approach me!” Odyssey stood up and swept his arms wide. The movement released a powerful force that propelled the Elders backward and sent the Spartans to follow. “I am Ultimo of the Master Celestial. I am an Odyssey. I want Legion.”
Odyssey moved on and at every turn when met by the Elders, they have swept aside like specks of dust until it reached the doorway of the Great Hall. It marched in and saw the last bastion of the defenders and there was Legion.
“A child? Indeed, I can feel the raw power but how powerful we shall know.” Odyssey approached the child. The twelve Elders blocked the other but were swept aside with ease. Percy stood there defiant.
“You shall approach Legion.” Percy drew on his power to stop the Odyssey but even with it, he has swept aside with ease. Percy ever determined to protect the young child charged once more at Odyssey. The later saw the attack forthcoming and struck Percy with a telekinetic hold. The hold placed Percy in mid-air and struggling to breathe.
“You will suffocate to death,” Odyssey told Percy.
“I will die for Legion….” Percy's wish was granted. 

Monday, January 27, 2020

Deep Heat II Chapter 5


“Chief Inspector, I expect discretion from my officer.” It was the Chief Constable Michael Baines who then handed me over the grainy photo. I could tell that from my reading, it was done by phone. “You were seen in the company of named Derek Langston last night.”

I nodded and was to reply when he backed me off.

“Langston is a leech and damn bleeder. He is a pariah with the Department from London to Dover and perhaps the Isle of Man if he ever visited there. Robert…. I meant Assistant Chief … Ex…. or whatever. I detest that man.” The Chief himself went red on his facial expression. “That was not all. Derek Langston had turned in the hospital injured and in a coma this early morning near his home. He was apparently mugged.”

“I am lost, Sir.”

“Derek Langston was the one who got mugged. What were you meeting Langston about?” I was asked.

“I … was there to see some officer’s friends and casually, we spoke of the Assistant Chief Constable and then Langston motioned me to see him. I did not know him but he was drunk. I bought him a drink and dismissed him off.”

“After an hour of conversation? You must be balmy or utterly hopeless in your assessment of a drunk. Are you not trained as an officer to question a person?”

“I do, Sir but Derek ….”

“So, it’s the first name now.” The Chief voice had raised up higher than before. “Tell me more, Chief Inspector.”
“We spoke and he asked me on the Assistant Chief Constable. I asked for his opinion. He claimed to know the Assistant Chief Constable.”

“So, it was not a coincidence that you were there. You were there to get information but on what? The seedier part of the Assistant Chief Constable? Or perhaps even mine?”

That was a low blow. I was still reeling from it when he decided to suspend me.

“The case will be handled by …. Chief Inspector Bromley, David Bromley from Midlands. You will be re-assigned. Period.” The Chief Constable Carter pulled the folder out from the pile of papers on his table. There was a photo on the top of the file. He called his aide to collect the folder.

“Give this to CI Bromley. It’s the Derek Langston file.” The photo there did not look like the Derek Langston I met. It was someone else. I was dismissed and from there I went back to the Precinct. I got changed and later was on the Ninja doing top speed on the roads.

I stopped at the hospital where Derek Langston was admitted in. I got the room reference and went there. There was a uniform on duty that I did not meet before. However, I saw Tabitha arriving then. I caught her in the hallway and told her to get me in.

“You can’t go in. We were told to wait for CI Bromley and only he was to access the victim.” Tabitha told me.
“Then do me a favor. Take a photo and message me.”

The photo I got was not the Derek Langston I met.

I then rushed out to meet the man who was to meet me at the Red Lion. I sat there at the corner table with the half-pint bitter beer watching the going on at the place. It was football night and the place was slowly being filled with supporters cheering the team. They won the game that afternoon. The place began to fill out and soon it was packed shoulders to shoulders. I could have sworn someone pinched my buttocks but I not make out who it was. I moved to the far corner and sat by the bar stool. It was one location I can have a vantage view of the crowd and no one at my butt.  I then saw the man I was to meet. He strolled over in the football club’s color and squeezed himself next to me. He had on the shawl and cap of the club worn low on the forehead.

“Hey, mate. Get your own corner.” The burly guy in the club’s colors refused to move for Derek to step towards me.
“Pardon me, mate. My wife is there. I need to join her or lose my colors.” Derek replied with a smile. “Be a good bloke and let me come through.”

“Okay, since you are being nice.” Derek was given passage and stood next to me.

“You thought I was in a coma, right? Well, I missed that part.” The man I met as Derek Langston placed an order for his beer on the counter table. “I did not expect them to move so fast. I was lucky…”

“Who are you? And who is on the bed at the hospital.”

“That was Derek Langston the journalist. I am not him. I am Derrick Langley, the other person who was Derek’s good friend. We looked quite similarly and at times, we are mistaken for brothers. I am also a journalist and of late, working on the Selby and Cohen link to the Police.” The man replied. “I did not deceive you. I merely lay the bait and the other side picked it up.”

“How did you know?” I asked.

“The bartender knew me and Derek. The plainclothes officer who saw us enquired at the bar. He was given Derek’s name. It was the ploy we do at the bar as a prank. However, I did not expect the event to be tough. And Derek is paying the price now. I heard he was tortured and left for dead. So will be the officer who thinks he is getting more info back at the bar.”
“I don’t understand.” Derek pushed the handphone over. There was a clip on it. And it showed two guys bashing another. “That is the retribution for the damage to Derek.”

“You are vigilantes.” I snapped back.

“True, but only on the evildoers. Now, do you want to know about Robert Kellie? He was one of the bad guys too.”
“Can we speak elsewhere? I can’t hear you.” I feigned an excuse to get out. Derek nodded and then we filed out in a single line with a lot of push and pulls. Finally, we were out and Derek hailed a taxi. Our next stop was an all-night café that also served the tea and scones. The drink came in a small pot and the dainty cup that was offered with the plate of scones. We ordered two sets and got down to talking. We were seated away from the window and to the rear where the kitchen door was next to me. The place was empty except for us, with the bored waitress. She took our orders reluctantly and then served us the meal.

“Let us get to the matter fast.” I hit the play switch on my side.

“You are a fast player, Chief Inspector. I will tell you what I know of Robert Kellie.”

1914 Chapter 3

3. The battle at Sambre.

Dieter Luther, Gefreiter

Sambre is a river which was part of the Meuse River. It’s also known as the Sabis during ancient Rome. We marched towards the general location of the river and hope to use it as our guide to Charleroi to join up with the Second and Third Army. I was in Second Platoon and we were told to be on guard for BEF forces.

"Dieter, what is the Command that concern them to put on their pants? We are about a hundred and sixty thousand strong, and who is the BEF to fight us? They are probably in Paris still working out the deployment plans." That was what Dietrich Muller had to say on the warning by the Hauptmann. Dietrich read all the bulletins that he came into his hand. He once sneaked in on the Command Post and read the battle plans. That was how we won the last military exercise; Dietrich knew where the rest were hiding and he brought us out winners.

"Kaiser" We named him as the ever knowing one, "if I catch hold of a BEF troop, I would feed you to him. I would let the two fight it out in a ring. Whoever won would get a silver platter from us." We all laughed as that silver platter does not exist but there were several in Berlin in our Command Office. They won’t miss it although they do it as an award every year to the winner of the boxing event. They just grabbed one of the plates and presented it before it returned to the Command Office. No complaints on the plate but they enjoyed the punching bouts.  

"Make sure you engraved my name on it. The last time I won it, I could not find my name." Dietrich was commenting on the list of names on the plater to date.

"Kaiser, yours was too embarrassing to display, so we engraved it at the back of the plater. Kaiser, Boxing Champion as he won by a lucky right hook." I knew that bout; we added in vodka to the other fighter drink and forced him to drink. He was intoxicated when he stepped onto the ring. So Dietrich did not do much except punch hard. We all laughed at that event except one new recruit; Michael Muller.

Mueller was a the young lad just send up from reserves like myself. He looked nervous and holding his Mauser rifle with both his hands as if he is hunting a deer. It was Benny who came up to him and tap him on the shoulder. The poor lad looked as if he jumped out of his skin, turned and almost pushed the rifle into Benny's face.

"Hey! Hold on. It’s just me, Benny. I am to tell you that your knapsack is loose. Tighten it up or you would lose it soon." Benny pushed the rifle barrel away from him as Michael slowly comes to his senses on the situation. Michael apologizes for the reaction but for those of us who saw his reaction; we know he is scared. So are all of us, as this could be the turning point in our life as a soldier. The real war is coming and we are the ones fighting it.

"The river." Someone from the other platoon holler to us. We have reached the rendezvous point and from now we would march down south to Charleroi. The Sergeant split the platoon by giving each one the sides of the road. We got ours next to the river, and it’s was a nicer view when we walked along the edge of the canal. I spied the factories now abandoned by their owners on hearing of our arrival. I wondered what it would be like during peacetime; there would be people walking or bicycling on this road and the canal would be having barges shipping their wares back and forth. I have seen photographs of such a scene on the Rhine and I think it would be quite similar here. The sun is scorching on top of our heads and the extra loads on our back does not help at all.

"Gefreiter, watch those houses across the river. There could be snipers." I nodded to the Sergeant upon his advice. He had moved on ahead probably to warn the others. I looked at the open windows and building walls to see if there is anything unusual. I saw one window in which a lady was standing there looking at us. She was a young lady and she is probably curious at how we looked like. I waved to her but she did not wave back. It looked like she is talking to someone in the room behind her.

"She is pretty, huh?" Its Benny again and this time he walked beside me before speaking. I nodded at his statement. "Pity she is on the other side."

We both laughed.

It was not long when we got our first taste of battle. The shots came in front of us and hit one of the men from the other platoon.

"Sniper. Take cover." I shouted down the line as the second shot came. I crouched behind the canal river edge low walls and tried to back my whole body behind it. Some of us are shooting across the river on possible areas which they think the sniper could be hiding. The third shot came and the second man went down with a chest wound. I saw the bridge in front and I shouted out.

"Bridge. Twenty yards." I took off in a run towards it while fearing the sniper would get me next. But I made it with no shots at me. I crouched behind the low wall and crawl myself across the bridge. I had Benny and Dietrich for the company.

"I think I saw the sniper. The second house, upstairs window." Benny is pointing at the window.

I nodded and told Dietrich to follow me. I asked Benny to cover us from the bridge as we storm the house. He can join us when we are in the house. The house is alike any small townhouses with two levels of flooring. The bottom level would be the living area and kitchen, with maybe a small room for the study. Both of us stormed in by kicking down the door. I went in with my rifle head ready with both hands. I checked the living area and kitchen while Dietrich cover the stairs and the small room. I nodded all clear on the areas I checked. By then Benny had come in and I asked him to kick on the small room door.

"Clear." I nodded to Benny's confirmation. Now I would go upstairs, with Dietrich backing me up. I mounted the stairs as quiet as I could; peeking over the landing and see if my head would get blown off. So far I am lucky, as I stepped onto the upper level. I signaled to Dietrich to stand guard here as I checked the rooms. There are three rooms there and I checked every one of them. Whoever was here has left in a hurry as I could see the spent casings on the floor next to the window.

I saw the mannequin on the bed. It was the girl I was waving at. It was pretty but now it caused us a man down.

Peter Weiner, Hauptmann

"Push them forward" I would have used my whistle but its more personal to call the men to cross the canal by the bridges or locks to the other side, while the artillery is barraging the BEF across the canal. It was not my choice to charge but Oberst wants results. The cover on the narrow bridge is scant and the men are overcrowded on the narrow bridge. They represent good targets for the BEF who is picking them off like flies. I summoned the Sergeant and said to move the other squad down and upriver to find the other three bridges I was advised on the canal which we can use to cross.

“We must get across the river or we will be slaughtered.” I told the others. I looked over the wall and saw the British army from the BEF were well entrenched and they were armed with good rifleman.

“So the boast of their officers when we met before the war was true. The Enfield .303 is a powerful rifle in those men’s hands.” I saw then the Vicker' machine gun issued to the BEF was having a good time on my men, whereas our Maxim guns are still behind the lines yet to catch up.

“Where’s our guns?” The men with their heads down cursed at our gunners.

“Damn this rush into battle for the rights of winning the race to Paris.” I swore with the men on the march. Everyone knew that the next step may be their last but they swore to fight to their death. We stayed down in our dugouts for the day till the next dawn. It was early morning when the bombardment by our artilleries arrived but it did not dampen the enemies fighting morale. We knew that when we mounted our attack. The call to attack came in soon after the bombardment. We were led by officers who were several mile ways and does not see the real battle. Nevertheless, we went in with the packed formation to cross the bridge thinking that we can intimidate them, but we just presented ourselves as targets for the riflemen.

“Retreat!’ I called out. I then reorganized the company and send in a loose squad of two or three soldiers across when the opportunity presents itself. It was by chance of luck if you make it. For those who did not, they will adorn bridge-like discarded corpses. Those who do get through will find themselves entrenched behind any cover.

“Mutter fluct!” A veteran had sought cover over a dead soldier. He was then fired upon and had to use the body as cover. He cursed at the sniper for desecrating the dead body with the aimed shots.

Schieße woanders hin, bastard.“ The veteran cursed out. That was the opportune time for me send more of my men across. They ran over and gave cover fire for the other squads. As we started to gain ground over the canal, we pressed on the attacks towards the British machine gun nest with our grenades.

Mach ihnen die Hölle heiß!“ The men called out and tossed the grenades. We wiped ou the giun nest and the others were  en retreating. 

I pushed more to move in and took over the posts. We checked the machine guns and then shifted the captured guns on the retreating BEF. Soon, we were moving toward their flanks and that got them to pack up much faster on the retreat.

There was one great act by a soldier who I was not able to find the name then. He swam across the canal despite the heavy enemy fire and lowered the swing bridge that was hanging halfway. The swing bridge then joined up with the other end and more relief was sent over to the men across the canal.

“Move to cover!” I heard the NCO’s calling and motioned the men to find cover at the line of fir trees by the canal. It gave us fire cover and allowed us to move closer to the rear of the British. The real relief was when the pontoon bridges appeared and more of us were able to cross. Soon, we have gained control of the opposite side of the canal and the men previously under fire were raring to go to fight on. Their expression was of hatred for the BEF which has claimed their friend’s lives.

"Hauptmann. New orders just came in. We are to hold the position and await the rest to regroup." I looked at the Major who told us that order.

“We got them on the run.”

"It’s order and you would obey. " I nodded to the order and told my men to dig into the entrenchment left by the British. I was greeted with curses and mutterings of mutiny but the men soon took to their new task.

"Herr Hauptmann, why are we digging in, we got them on the run." I looked at the The sergeant asked me and smiled.

"I don't have any pips to say we can go forward. Mine says we stop here and we do as we are told. Attend to the wounded and set the Medic Tent on the safer side of the canal. I don't want to lose my doctors on the counter-attack." I took down my helmet and rubbed my hair. It was all wet from the sweat and smelled worse. I was tempted to go to the canal and dunked my head in, but I decided otherwise.

"Herr Hauptmann, I shot two men trying to desert their positions. New recruits. Should I put it in a report for you?" I did not bother to look at the Sergeant this time.

"Just add it to the KIA list. At least they get some respectable letters back home."

Abel Lenger, Surgeon

I took out my apron and looked at the next cot. The soldier had been lying there for over an hour and no one is attending to him. All my six medical orderlies are engaged in some works or another, and my fellow doctors are busy saving some life. I walked up the cot and looked at the injured man. He has got a bullet in his right shoulder and another on his left shin. Both bullets had gone straight through him and he is just bleeding from the wounds. He is still awake and puffing a cigarette in the mouth.

"Nurse, what is his prep status?" I stopped the nurse who is in charge of the area.

"He is a deserter. So the Sergeant said to do him last. Or better let him die." She just went back to her works on the tray. I had seen her works before; she is good but she is a military person first and nurses second. The injured man looked at me and smiled.

"Let me die in peace. I am not fighting a war against my own kind." I had seen his kind before. They called themselves pacifist but some were cowards in the face of the battle.

“Indeed.” I then walked over to the nurse tray and took what I needed. I walked back to the injured man and said to him.

"You can die but not on my watch. More to it, I want you to see what your other kind can do to ours when in war. So shut up and prepare to live." I slapped the chloroform over his nose and watched him writhed before falling unconscious. I took out the needed tools to stem his blood flow and bandaged him up.

“Do the sutures. I am moving on.” I told the nurse and then looked at my other patients. While I was doing my medical works, the nurse told me the sutures are in. I shouted at the orderlies to remove the deserter to the recovery section. I turned my back to see the nurse standing there and looking at me.

"Next time Herr Doctor, ask me before you touched my trays.” I glared at the nurse who told me off. I may be the Surgeon there but the nurses commanded the area.

“There is a Major in need of your skill in the other cot. He is shot close to the heart. See if you can perform any miracles there." The nurse was sarcastic in her statement.

“Only God can perform miracles. I do what is deemed within my ability.” I stepped to the bad where the Major was laid. He was a bad case but the bullet did not pierce his heart. It was just below the shoulder and I patched him up.

“Send the Major back home to Berlin,” I told the nurse. “He’s done with the war.”

It was late night when I stepped out of the medical tent. I walked up to the canal and looked at the shimmering water reflection. I could see a vague figure of myself standing by the wall.

"Taking a break or contemplating how life can be so cheap in war?" I looked at the person who spoke.

It was the Oberst and he was smoking his cigar. I saluted the senior officer although I tried not to look down at him from my height it's unavoidable as he was shorter. I remembered his question and was to answer him when he continues on.

"You are responsible for the few on your list, but I am for the whole company. Today, I lost fifty-five men and another thirty-three wounded plus ten missing in action, presumably deserting their position. So how many did you lose?"

"Three, Herr Oberst. They were the fatal ones." The senior officer smiled and took a puff on his cigar.

"You would get used to it soon enough. And thank you for saving the Major. He is a good friend of General Von Kluck and it would be seen that the report mentioned your name as the doctor who saved him." He just threw the half-smoked cigar into the canal. Bloody waste of good cigar but I heard the man can afford such luxuries. I decline politely but the Oberst replied casually.

"During a war, we stand to gain more from such heroic acts. So don't be fussy when someone pins a medal on your chest. It’s good for the family name and does good fireplace topics. Today, I am proud to say that we won but tomorrow we don’t know. One could lose or end up dead or worse sent to the Eastern Front. There its hell compared to here." He completed his words and he is moving on with his way.

I watched as the officer walked away. He was a fine officer but I was told he was also a glory hunter. He may sound good on the outside, but he won't hesitate to throw anyone to the lions when the need arises. In today's case, it’s the British Lions he threw us against.

Erich Kroner, Oberst

I needed to thank my lucky stars that High Command overlooked the early part of the war when I ordered the men to marched over the bridge in such thick columns. How was I to know that the heavy bombardment did little damage to the enemy defenses? I was relieved Hauptmann re-organized the lines and got the crossing done correctly. Of course, the report would not reflect that but my sudden change of orders saved the men from the British fire. Hauptmann Weiner would not get to see my report anyway.

Major Keister would not be reporting to the General as he was on his way back to Berlin in the ambulance wagon. I walked back to my Command Post tent and was greeted by the presence of a fine brown horse. I can only guess who that would be at this late hour.

I entered my tent to find Oberst-lieutenant  Luther Von Mathis who was smoking my cigar and sitting at the seat opposite my desk. The junior officer to mine is a descendant of some noble families and he made no qualms to showcase his influence to us. He was taller than me and wore a fitting uniform; probably tailor-made in Berlin.

"Herr Oberst, I am glad to see you back here. You do have nice cigars." The Oberst-lieutenant  was also a protégé of the General and hence his lack of courtesy for the other officers, even one who was higher in rank to him. I was told he only saluted the ones with ranks of General and above. I can't say I fault him as I would have done the same too if I held such influences. I ignored him and took my rightful seat.

"Herr Oberst, General Von Kluck" I note the way he clicked on the name 'Von' to denote the difference in the designation of names to mine, "He wants your company to take the lead tomorrow. He is pulling the first Company to the rear as reserve. Your orders are to march at dawn for Fournaux and rout the defenders."

I smiled at the new orders as it means more credits to my name if I win. Or die in honor.

"Oberst, the General would like to see a more refined strategy for the deployment of men. He hates to lose good men to silly commands of clustering them together. If it’s me. I would have shot the officers who did that. So please advised your officers on the proper strategy to use." The Oberst-lieutenant got up from his seat and walked out of my tent.

I heard him galloping off to the safety of his line at the flank. He was one of the few officers assigned a horse.

I took up the box of cigar and threw it outside of my tent. The bastard mocks me with his statements. I would get even one day and his hide would be mine to tan on the ground.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Legion Resurrected Chapter 24


The wrath of the Gods.
“I cannot ….” Michael looked at Lucifer. They have met at the city the boundary on the bridge that connects across the wide river towards the city. The two of them met there with their armies behind them. Michael was with about a few thousand including the reinforced Amazons and Spartans while Lucifer has summoned the demons from Hell to congregate there. He held also a few thousands of demons and the last surviving Fallen members.
“Or you won’t. Michael, we fought together for some weeks, and yet you mistrust me. Or was it we have been foes for so long that you find an alliance with the Fallen is an impossibility even though the fate of the realms is affected.” Lucifer stood facing the leader of the surviving Seraph Warriors and the other Angels. “Your loss in this war should tell you that you cannot fight alone in this war. You need an alliance.”
“We have. The Moth Elders brought us reinforcement.” Michael indicated to the Amazons and Spartans. “Antiope and Persi are leaders of the new army.”
“You hold three or more thousand but the demons from the cauldrons are more. I was told that the Celestial has placed more cauldrons in the city They numbered into the dozens, and each hour more demons have appeared. My brother, Azrael have perished in the hands of Lilith, our common enemy. He was discovered by the later for his loyalty to me. Even the Angels count among themselves betrayers. Uriel has betrayed all of you and even have Raphael in imprisoned by the demons.”
“That I am aware, Lucifer. Betrayal is not new to us. You are the leading example for them all.” Michael snapped back at Lucifer. “You were the first and may not be the last.”
“True words but I fought for a cause. That cause was for Mankind. The Supreme could not see the benefits I brought to Man.” Lucifer replied. “Mankind was not evolved based on our doings but their own, and if assisted they can move faster.”
“Enough of our squabbling. Tell me more why I should re-join you in an alliance.” Michael asked.
“I hold the Stone. The very one that could re-create the Universe in the hands of the powerful. Odyssey sought that stone too. It will be the ultimate weapon for them.” Lucifer replied.
“The Stone? The one that many have names for it including the Sorcerer Stone? The Philosopher Stone? The Elixir of Life? I have possession of it before as Adam.” Michael replied. “It was with the stone that I used to shape Mankind.”
“And got taken away by Lilith. You were always a fool when it involved ladies. She hid it away for eons and it was during the last war, she handed it to me as the last resort to battle you and Excalibur but I did not use it. I had it hidden away since then.” Lucifer explained. “Why did the Supreme did not terminate me then when I was presented as your defeated foe? He wished my secret. I held the secret to the Stone and with my termination, it will be lost forever.”
“What of the Odyssey? How did it know of the stone?” Gabriel asked.
“The stone was the first element that was used to create the Universe. It was handed to Uranus, the Old Gods but from whom, it was never recorded. Nor was it ever spoken then. We believed it now to be earlier lords of Odyssey and then from Uranus to the New Ones. Cronus sought it than from its mother, Gaia who was the Guardian of the Stone after Uranus.”
“It was the gift by the creators to pass on to Cronus and Gaia. As Cronus was bent on ruling forever, it feared the New Gods. In its madness, Cronus sought the Stone. Gaia was imprisoned and destroyed the Titans to sought the Stone but Gaia protected the surviving ones by veiling them from the rampaging God. She hid the Stone in Tartarus where Cronus could not find it. Nevertheless, Cronus in its madness became more intense to find it but it was Zeus who discovered it. However, there was the condition that it must be returned to Tartarus when the deed was done. Later when Zeus was old enough to challenge Cronus, he did with the guidance of the Stone. Soon after the victory, Zeus was tempted to keep the Stone but the promise of his to Gaia was binding. He reluctantly returns it to Tartarus. And all records of that event were kept hidden until we discovered it.”
“And Tartarus became Hell soon after,” Michael added in. He looked to the army of Hell’s demons.
“It’s to be made known that the demons of Hell are not of the cauldron but were all borne by brimstones and the fires of Hell. It was the work of the Stone that kept your army growing and intact but of late, we are not growing at all. Our numbers have also dwindled in great losses.” Lucifer replied. “The Stone created them.”
“And why bring it out now?” Gabriel raised the pertinent questions. “And how does it link to Legion?”
“Gaia in passing told the Supreme to guard it then. It was to remain hidden but the Supreme took hold of it to expand the universe as we know it. The new dimensions ranked with the Supreme as its creator. It appointed Adam to pro-create mankind in its form. And even send us live with the creations. I had to admit I drew on the Stone my darkest desire; an army of demons. The rest you may know.”
“Of Legion?” Michael reminded Lucifer.
“I will answer to that.” Bob stepped up to the Angels. “Legion was not from Lucifer nor from his realm in Hell where the Stone had been kept. It made sense to us when the ancient readings say that there will come a time when the Gods will need to be balanced in their power. From the Stone, it shall be revealed, and the knowledge to be imparted to it. It will be called Legion which birthed it. The child is the gift of the Stone.”
“Those were the verses that triggered us to seek Legion for many years. The signs pointed the location at the Diner and we were unsure of its deliverance. We convene there; myself with Percy and then Jeep. He was not of the Elders but I was destined to bring him there. We watched the realm writhe in pain when Mankind was subject to many tribulations. We were spared by the troubles for we were far from the turmoil locations but we were never spared. Those who ventured into our parts were terminated and laid to rest in the desert. We watched in silence. Then the true task of ours arrived. We knew but unsure of Charlie. She was left on her own and we took her in. Have you wondered why? Of the many that had sought sanctuary there, we offered them termination or a passing passage on. Until Charlie.”
“We watched her and offered out shelter. Even Jeep was removed from his lodgings to allow Charlie to stay. We knew then that Charlie heralds the next task which was to await the arrival of the child. We armed ourselves to do the needed until that eventual day Audrey was to join us. Her arrival heralds the new events was set upon us. We could have fled but fought until the Angels arrived.”
“Where is the Stone now, Lucifer?” Michael asked. Lucifer withdrew the reddish stone and showed it to Michael.
“That is not the Stone,” Michael replied.
“You are right. The stone is not with me. I had it stored by another. Lucifer smiled at Michael. “I am not worthy of the Stone. I could not hide it for I feared being possessed by it.”

“Kyle, you and Jeep are an exception in the current plight of the battles now waged on the realm. As I speak, the Angels are in talks with the new alliance with the Fallen. They are reunited under the same banner to battle the Celestial.” Percy looked to the two figures seated before him. Audrey stood behind Percy watching the trio in conversation. “Legion is being prepared as we speak but the events of the learning have to be rushed. We do not know the extent of the influence on Legion but it has to be done.”
“I …” Jeep wanted to cut in but Percy stopped him.
“The events will unfold when the Angels will confront the Celestial and its army of demons. We do not know the outcome of the battle but the outcome of it shall affect the next battle when the Odyssey join in, or the Supreme may take the side of the Angel.”
“Why the Supreme …” Jeep asked and was cut off.
“Nobody knows who the Supreme will take to as ally. They all sought one item among themselves.” Percy let the two listened in hard and then he revealed the item. “They sought the Stone.”
“The Stone? What is the Stone?” Kyle in turn asked. “I am ever confused.”
“The Stone is known as the Sorcerer Stone? The Philosopher Stone? The Elixir of Life?” Percy looked at the baffled duo. “Obviously, both of you are ignorant of it. That does not matter. What is important are your roles to the Legion. Your coming roles.”
“Enough of your speech, Percy. Tell us the hidden truth.” Jeep confronted the other. “You have kept me in the dark long enough. You and Bob are my only relatives and yet you kept me …. Alive and unknown.”
“Yes, I will reveal it all. Both of you are to accompany Legion in the next phase of this war. The war here will end soon and the outcome will be undecided but the war will carry on with Legion to put right the balance. Legion will not be …”
“What of you? From what Audrey tells me the lot of you are very powerful.” Kyle looked at Percy.
“Powerful is a perception. Anything wields right is powerful. We getting fewer by the days now.” Percy replied, and then Audrey asked of the Elders too.
“Percy, I see fewer of them each day. We are getting a few in the corridors. Are they with Bob?”
“No, Audrey. They have enlightened when they impart their knowledge to Legion. They are no more in this dimension.” Percy lowered his head.
“As in dead. Or passed on?” Audrey asked.
“Both.” Percy replied. “The Legion marked the new Elders and soon Legion will be her own. And these two will assist in the journey. They are earmarked to be the new Elders.”
“Me? You are mad. I have my own beliefs.” Kyle hit back. You are all mad.”
“Madness prevails in beliefs, Kyle as sanity prevails in madness. Not everything we do is without at times madness in the process.” Percy replied. “You will soon learn that as you unlearn what you believed.”
“Wait! What about me?” Audrey asked.
“You are with them. For a single task. To protect Legion.” Percy told her.
“What about Charlie? She is the mother of the child.”
“Charlie has her role. And it will be known later.” With that Percy left the chamber. He was met by another Elder.
“The alliance is formed but we have another issue. We detected a new source here. It’s the Stone, and it's detected by the Odyssey. It comes here now.”
“Defend the realm.” Bring Charlie to me.”

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...