Friday, February 6, 2015

Loki Passage 17


“Loki, you will remain silent.” Thor commanded. “Or I will do it with Mjolnir here. I will hammer your head off that shoulder.”

“My half brother Thor had arrived.” Loki called out. “Welcome, Thor. Why the anger? You won’t be bold to fight Fenrir at Ragnarok. You will leave your father to die there.”

“Silent I have told you.” Thor was more upset from what Loki said of his brother, Balder. He will protect Frigg at any time. “Speak once more and your head will appear up on the road to the east.”

“East? You were last seen cowering in the glove of the Giant there…. What is his name? You sure wrecked up his mood that day.” Loki scorned at Thor. “Some hero you were then.”

“Silence! Don’t test my patience.” Thor held tight on his Mjolnir. “One more sound all your bones will be scattered from here to everywhere.”

“Bones scattered? I doubt so. I want to live on.” Loki rebutted. “You did more vile things that mine. You were once dressed like a bride. If not…”

“Loki, be warned that I will send you be with Hel.”

In response to Thor, Loki spoke in these words.

“Ale you brewed, Ægir, and you will never again hold a feast; all your possessions which are here inside may flame play over them, and may your back be burnt!”

With that Loki took his exit from the hall. He did not fear the Gods or those warriors but needed to get away. He had done his mischief and above all, he saw the pain in Thor. He still loved Thor like his own brother. He made the tale of him having an affair with Sif to incite the others, but above all he regretted killing Balder. It was all supposed to be a mischief which misfired on him.

Loki found himself at the waterfall of Franangrsfors. He decided to go for a swim and disguised himself as a salmon. Unknown to him or he may have been drunk, he was followed by some of the other led Skaoi. They had surprised him and bound him with the magical spell. Loki was brought with them into a certain cave. Thereupon they took three flat stones, and set them on edge. Skaoi drilled a hole in each stone.

“Bring forth the others.” Skaoi commanded. Loki’ other sons., Vali and Narfi was brought forth. They were Loki’s with his lover, Sigyn.

“Vali, we held your father in captivity.” Skaoi threatened the young sons of Loki. “We may spare you of the same fate if you were to kill your brother, Narfi.”

“I will not strike my own brother.” Vali replied. “For I am not a beast willing to kill one of its own.”

“A beast? You will be one like your half brother Fenrir.” With that Skaoi used the magical spell taught to him and made Vali into a wolf. “You are one of the beasts now. You have shed your other self. Do your deed or both of you dies.”

Vali then a wolf lost senses of it original self and attacked the other. It killed Narfi before the Skaoi stabbed it in the neck. Skaoi then took the wolf entrails and bound Loki with them over the three stones: one stands under his shoulders, the second under his loins, the third under his houghs; and those bonds were turned to iron.

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