Thursday, February 26, 2015

Coriolanus Act Scene 1.2.1

Scene 1.2.1

Corioli Senate House

Tullus Aufidius dressed in his military ceremonial dressing of blue with red stripes on the left shoulder, stepped with confidence into the Senate Building. Tullus walk along the corridor towards the hall was announced by the sound of his knee high leather boots. It resonated off the tall walls that were guarded by the half dozen guards in the ceremonial dressing of the Royal Corioli Guards. It was ironic to adopt the name with the designation of Royal for there was no monarch in the history of Corioli. The last reading to remove the word Royal was rebutted with the statement that the word was only symbolic of the people as they are all royalty themselves.

Tullus stopped before the high doors of the Senate Hall. He need not knock as the sensor there will have announced his arrival. The doors slide open sideways and opened the Hall to the young General. He stepped in and the voice of the Senator coursed towards him.

“Your opinion is, Aufidius that they of Rome are entertained in our counsels, and how we may proceed.” The Senator stepped forth to ask. The hall was filled with the one hundred members with the Presiding Consul holding the hammer as the hundred and one member. His vote carried ten in the count, but there was never a need for his when all the statutes were passed without any members objecting. He looked to the assembled members; only nine were missing. That would not affect the quorum or the readings. Unlike the members of the Roman Senate, the ones in Corioli wore battle fatigues that were the nature of their life.

“Is it not yours?” Tullus replied. “Whatever had been in thought on in this state that could be brought to bodily act on Rome had circumvention?”

Tullus looked to the Senator for the reply. The Senate holds the power on the decision and yet they debate nonsensical on the action.

“Is it not four days gone since I heard them; these are the words, I think the letter here: yes, here it is.” Tullus reached into his frock to pull the piece of paper which the Senate had replied. He read from it.

“They have pressed a power, but it is unknown.” Tullus looked to the assembled Senators with puzzlement in his face. 

“Whether for east or west, the dearth is great. The people mutinous: and it is rumored, Cominius, Marcius…”
Tullus paused on the name and glared to the Senators. He who is Rome worse hated than among you, he muttered to himself.

“And Titus Lartius, a most valiant Roman; these three on this preparation. Consider of it.”

 “Our army’s in the field; we never yet doubt but Rome will answer to them.” The Senator who addressed Tullus spoke up. He was most defiant and protective of his army.

“You think to keep great pretenses when Rome had shown itself, which is in the hatching now. By the discovery, we shall be taken the action before Rome knows we were afoot.” Tullus vowed action before the situation gets desperate. The Senator smiled and then declared what was agreed before the arrival of the General.

“Noble Aufidius take your commission” The Senator looked to the others. “Let us alone guard Corioli.”

The Senator meant well that the Senate will sanction the new war, with its reading in the hall.

“Bring up your army, but I think you will find they are prepared for us.” The Senator beamed his confidence towards Tullus. Such confidence that Rome will be defeated soon.

“Oh doubt not that.” Tullus smiled. “I speak from certainties. I leave your honors. If we and Caius Marcius chance to meet, I will swear between us we shall strike till only one left standing.”

“The Gods assist you!” The assembled in the Hall hailed the General.

With that Tullus made his exit towards his army. 

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