Monday, February 2, 2015

Loki Passage 12


That day, Prymr saw another unusual flying creature. It was not a bird yet it flew like one. He was to hit at it when the creature landed by his side. It was Loki once again, in some feather suit.

“What could be amiss among the Æsir and the Elves; why is Loki alone in the Jötunheimr?” Prymr asked.

“Mjöllnir, is gone.” Loki told him. “Do you know where it may be?”

“With Gerriod; down eight leagues in the ground.” Prymr replied while he tended to his plaiting. “I have no need of it but I thought Gerriod may need it.”

“You are a fool. Was one and will always be one.” Loki snapped back. “Do you realized that Thor will not rest until he get back his Mjolnir. It’s his companion.”

“And I lost mine then when Thor killed Gerriod and his sisters.” Prymr hit back. “I have been all alone since then.”

Prymr then looked at the feather suit. He had seen it before.

“Is that from Freyja?” Prymr asked. He then continued on. “I am in need of a companion. Since you killed the only friends I have, you bring me Freyja to be my woman.”

“Do that, or prepare for Thor to get a new gift from Odin.” Loki heard the Giant and flew back to Thor.

“You are absolutely …out of your mind.” Thor had replied when he heard the request. He had earlier scouted the land, but there was no sign of Loki. When he finally did, he called out to Loki.

“Tell me while thee still in the air as tales often escape a sitting man, and the man lying down often barks out lies." Thor called out. Loki had no choice but to speak while on the air. It was then when Thor told Loki he was out of his mind. Loki ignored the statement and landed. There came Freyja from the woods to join them. She examined her suit of feathers and then stood to listen to the duo. She heard the crucial part and voiced her refusal.

“I am the lover of one other. And more to it, I am a Goddess. I am not a whimsical woman who would leave her lover on a wild excursion of lust.” Freyja made her voice heard. “If he wants to mount a woman, ask him to join the queue at the taverns.”

Freyja then had the duo sent off her land back to the Hall. There they convened a Council Meeting among the others. It was a heated discussion from a declared war to sending in the goblins until the wiser of them all Heimdall voiced out.

“If the Giant wants a woman then we will send her one.”Heimdall then looked to Thor. “You have nice long hair.”

Thor soon stepped out dressed as the bride, complete with jewels, women's clothing down to his knees, a bridal head-dress, and the necklace Brísingamen. Thor rejected the idea, and Loki interjected that this will be the only way to get back Mjöllnir, and pointed out that without Mjöllnir, the jötnar will be able to invade and settle in Asgard.

“There is one thing, Thor. Your beard must go.” That statement by Loki towards Thor made him into a raging warrior which needed six others to hold him down.

“Okay, you made your point. We will cover it with a thick veil.” Loki gave in. Loki then states that he will go with Thor as his maid, and that the two shall drive to Jötunheimr together. It would had been a fine ride if only they did not dressed up the goats in pink.

“My woman is coming here.” Prymr was singing to himself while he cleaned the chambers. He then invited the friends of his to celebrate the feast. Prymr invited the two guests to seat themselves on the main table which was filled to the edges with assorted of food and drinks. Thor eats and drinks ferociously, consuming entire animals and three casks of mead. Þrymr finds the behaviour at odds with his impression of Freyja, and Loki, sitting before Þrymr and appearing as a "very shrewd maid", makes the excuse that "Freyja's" behaviour is due to her having not consumed anything for eight entire days before arriving due to her eagerness to arrive. Þrymr then lifts "Freyja's" veil and wants to kiss "her" until catching the terrifying eyes staring back at him, seemingly burning with fire. Loki states that this is because "Freyja" had not slept for eight nights in her eagerness.

“She will mellow like a cat when she had her fill.” Loki whispered to the ears of Pyrmr. He laughed at the statement and continued his feasting. It was then his long lost sister of his appeared.

“Pyrmr, I hear you are getting yourself a woman.” The newly arrived lady spoke up. “I demand a gift from her for the hardship I have put up before raising you.”

Pyrmr did cared for him when he was younger and later she was with her lover, leaving him all alone. Pyrmr was to offer his gift when the sister of his made her demand.

“I do not wish any of your artifacts except one. Give me Mjonir and I will be gone.” The sister demanded.

“Mjolnir? That I have placed next to Geirrod for eternity.” Pyrmr replied. “He deserved it.”

“And you will get it back for me or you will not have her for your woman.” The sister replied. “She can be my maid servant or guard my hogs in the corral.”

Pyrmr was upset that his sister made such a demand but he feared his own sister. He then walked to the burial mound and dig. He dug so deep that he was lost from sight of the those who were assembled there. Then he appeared with the hammer in his hand. Thor laughed when he saw the hammer. He grabbed it from the Giant hand and whirr the hammer like before.

“There is no companion that best suited to Mjonir than me.” Thor declared and then shed the bridal head piece with the veil. He aimed the hammer at Pyrmr and had it rained multiple blows on the Giant before it sent it down the same hole he dug.

“Take your place with your friend.” Thor called out for his hammer to return to him. He then turned his attention on the other guests including the domineering sister. During the killing Loki was by himself enjoying the feast.

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