Friday, February 6, 2015

Loki Passage 16

“Frigg, my caretaker.” Loki took another gulp of the mead. “You asked of us to hold our tongue on the past, but why. Do you have any you would like to stay hidden?”

Frigg was a major goddess and Odin's wife. Frigg was the daughter of Fjörgyn, a personification of the earth. It was rumored that she once taken Odin's brothers Vili and Vé into her embrace.

“You ain’t as clean like my butt.” Loki hit back while Frigg took offense to the remark.

“If Balder was here, he would had your butt kicked out of this Hall.” Frigg remembered her other son who had perished. “You were there when he died.”

Loki recalled the event. It was not entirely his fault. Balder was toasted as being invulnerable. The Gods and warriors have spoke of it in a similar feast then. Larger weapons were used, including Thor's axes and all refused to hurt the god. 

Loki was not convinced of it and decided to do something about it. He disguised as a disgusting old hag to sought Frigg when she took a break from the festivities.

“Why are they throwing weapons at thatone? Don’t they know he may be hurt by them?.” Loki in disguise asked.
Frigg ignored the other but Loki kept at her asking questions until he got the reply.

“It was only mistletoe that may hurt him.” Frigg replied. Loki then set off to the forest to get himself a branch of mistletoe. He then returned to the festivities at Gladsheim and sought out Balder's blind brother, Hod, God of darkness, who was in a corner because he couldn't aim and therefore couldn't participate in the test of Balder's invulnerability. Loki told Hod he would help him take aim and handed Hod a piece of apparently innocuous mistletoe to throw. Hodur was grateful and accepted the offer, so Loki steered Hod's arm. Hod launched the branch, which caught Balder in the chest. Balder died instantly. The gods looked towards Hod and saw Loki beside him. Before they could do anything, Loki fled away.

“Me? I was there but it was Hod who threw the mistletoe.”“Stop the madness, Loki.” The goddess Freyja spoke up. “Only a mother knows her own pain on losing a son.

“The whore of the Gods speaks.” Loki lashed back and drew on the wrath of the other.

“Loki, you are a lying knave. You yelp about wicked things that makes us upset." But Loki calls Freyja a malicious witch, and claimed that Freyja was once astride her brother Freyr. It was then Freyja farted and made everybody laughed. .

“Well, it ain’t harmless for a woman to have a lover or "someone else" beside her husband, and that what is surprising is a pervert god coming here who has borne children." Njörðr who was Freyja and Freyr' father. He was referring to Loki birthing of the three children.

“Silent, you old cur. You were once a hostage from the Vanir to the Æsir during the Æsir-Vanir War, that the "daughters of Hymir" once used Njörðr "as a pisspot," urinating in his mouth. Speak more, you once fathered Freyr with your sister.”

The god Tyr defended Freyr, to which Loki replies that Tyr should be silent.

“You lost your hand, Tyr. You can’t deal straight with people.” Loki mocked the other but Tyr snapped back that his hand may be lost, Loki has lost the wolf, and trouble has come to them both.

“Be silent, Tyr.” Loki laughed. “Your wife had a son with me. Pity that you never received any compensation for that. You are such a wretch."

“Silent, Loki.” Freyr himself interrupted at that point. “Speak no more or you will be like your wolf, bound until Ragnarök.”

“Freyr, you useless cur too.” Loki laughed at the other. “Your consort Gerðr was done with gold while you have given away your sword, which you will without at Ragnarök.”

Byggvir, the servant of Freyr defended his Lord.

“If I have a noble lineage and as an honorable a seat as Freyr, I would have grind down Loki, and make all of his limbs lame.”

“You are another cur too. Yelping at Freyr's ears, or twittering beneath a grindstone.” Loki laughed.

“I am proud to be here by all the gods and men.” Byggvir displayed his proud self. “More than you will ever be.”

“Enough, Loki. Silence to all.” Heimdall the Watchman of the Gods raised his voice but Loki was not be silenced. He was upset then with the remarks made on him.

“Heimdall, you are just the watchdog. So be there and watch.” Loki snide the other. It was the Sif, the lover of Thor who stepped forth.

"Hail too thee, Loki, and take thou here
The crystal cup of old mead;
For me at least, |alone of the gods, blameless thou knowest to be."

Sif, the lover of Thor, stepped forth to pour Loki a glass of mead into a crystal cup. Loki took the cup and drank it. He was still in his emotional state when another made more ‘revealing remarks’ that Sif had a lover beside Thor, namely, Loki himself.

“Enough of this.” That time it was Beyla, the servant of Freyr) says that all of the mountains are shaking. She thought that Thor was on his way home, and when Thor arrived he will bring peace to those that quarrel there.

“Silent to you Beyla. You are much imbued with malice that no worse female has ever been among the "Æsir's children," Loki told her. “You are also a bad serving-wench."

“Who dares to intrude on the feast?” The voice roared out.

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