Odin held his goblet at his lips
when he heard Loki's words. He had ignored the adopted son of his all the while while he did his joyous
with the others. When the other asked him, he stopped to look at Loki. Odin then asks his other son Víðarr who was mute to bring Loki to
“Sit by me, wolf’s father.” Odin
told him with the snarl in the voice. Loki heard the reference on his namesake
but he chose to ignore it. He will sit by Odin and be part of the Hall.
“Speak not unless you are spoken
to. These are not my guests but of the invited ones. They bear no command from
me today. And I have not the command to save your head if need be.” Odin told
Loki into his ear. Loki looked to the great leader and nodded. He will watch and
remembered them all. Víðarr stood and poured a drink for Loki. Prior to
drinking, Loki stood up to propose a toast.
“I stand to toast for Bragi.”
Loki then looked to the annoyed expression of Odin. Loki gave him his smile and
then drowned the mead into his throat. Bragi responded hastily that he will
give a horse, sword, and ring from his possessions so that he does not repay
the gods "with hatred."
“Hatred? I am most amused at your
word.” Loki tuned up his smile and approached the warrior. “I smell in you many
short things.”
With that line, Loki swayed his
hips at the warrior and then continued on.
“You were always wary of war,
lest you be sent to fight one. You shout from afar yet you shoot shy of your
Loki threw in sarcasm at the
warrior. Odin stood up and was to speak when Bragi injected back.
“Were you not the son of Odin,
your head will be offered as reward for those lies.” Braggi looked with scorn
at Odin.
“You are loudest with your voice
but bravery shunned you when you are to confront.” Loki threw a mocking punch
at the other who ducked his head in reflex. “The bench ornament could move fast
when strike at.”
The other warriors took to Loki’
side and laughed at the enraged warrior. Braggi stood up and was to challenge
Loki when Goddess Iðunn interrupted. She
was Braggi’ lover.
“Behold you anger, Braggi. Loki
is being himself; the trickster and jester looking for a laugh.” Goddess Iðunn soothed the
warrior. “Be true to yourself not to fight for such menial words. Your family
honor resides in your action.”
“Goddess, you need to be silent.”
Loki retort towards Iðunn. “I
remember you well. You were there when Pjazi kidnapped you for your apples.”
“Yes, and it was you who lure me
there. Do you recall that?” Iðunn
raised her voice to be heard by all. “You were to be blamed for it. With my
absence and the missing apples, the gods grew
old and grey. You were the one who was responsible for that action.”
“Yes, I did lure
you there but I also saved you. I turned you into a nut and took you back to Asgard. Pjazi had turned into an eagle
and furiously chases after you but the Gods built a pyre in Asgard where Pjazi’ feathers caught fire. He fell and the
Gods killed him.”
“Enough of
this.” Iðunn called for a truce. She did not
want more tales of her being revealed to the others. Braggi was to challenge
Loki when Iðunn told
him off.
“The mead makes your tongue
loose.” Iðunn
cautioned her lover. It was then Goddess Gefjun asks why the two
gods must fight.
“Loki is a trickster. He always
amuses us with this with antics. He is so loved by many; in fact all living
things love him.”
Loki responds to Gefjun by stating that
Gefjun's heart was once seduced by a "white boy" who gave her a
jewel, and who Gefjun laid her thigh over.
“Enough!” Odin spoke from his
seat. “Loki, you will remain silent. Give your respect to Gefjun for her wisdom
determines the fates of men that may equal even mine.”
“Yours, Odin fails there.” Loki
was not to be told to remain silent. “You done a poor job in handing out honor
in war to men. Even the faint-hearted gets your decorated honor.”
“Silent, Loki.” Odin responded.
He held back his emotions in view of the guests and the esteemed host. “Even if
this is true, Loki you were no better. You once spent eight winters beneath the
earth as a woman milking cows, and during this time bore children.”
“Dear Odin, you once practiced seiðr on the island of
Samsey, and, appearing as a wizard, traveled among mankind, which Loki
condemns as perverse.” Loki retorted back stating the leader
practiced deviant magical spells in his hey days.
“That will be enough from the two
of you.” The voice belonged to Frigg.
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