Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Loki Passage 14

The tales of Loki’ would not be complete without the mention of ‘Loki’s Quarrel’ extracted from the poem ‘Lokasenna’. There was a feast hosted by a grateful figure associated with the sea for the assembled Gods and Elves. Loki was not invited but he made his presence known regardless. He walked into the rousing feast and was stopped at the doorway.

“You are not on the list.” The one who stood there was a squat and obese looking figure holding the plate of roasted meat. “So move it and I can served them hungry guests.”

“Is that Loki? Fimafeng, he ain’t invited here.” The one who spoke was taller and slim.

“Eldir, I think it’s him. He looked like a rotten apple.” For his remark, Fimafeng was given a left blow with the fist by Loki. Eldir rushed forth to assist his fallen friend.

“Hey, we are just the serving people. No reason to hit us on the bad food.” Eldir told Loki while he helped the other.

“I heard some talking about myself. So I am here to hear more.” Loki replied. He just ‘could not bear to hear that’ from the outside. “I am going in.”

Fimafeng rushed in to confront Loki but the later was ready for it. He grabbed the server by the arms and flung him off his feet. Fimafeng landed on his front jaw and then rolled over to knock his head on the flooring. He exhumed his last breath then on the Hall flooring. His fall was seen by the others.

“It’s that damn Loki.” One of the guests shouted out. “Let’s send him on his way.”

The guest was a burly one with the facial hair that gave him a grizzled look. His call was heed by the others who grabbed Loki and threw him out. They then returned to the hall, and continue drinking.  Loki was not giving that up easily and made his way back to the Hall. He met Elder outside of the hall. Loki greets Eldir with a demand that Eldir tell him what the gods are discussing over their ale inside the hall. He offered the server a sizeable piece of gold. He had conjured that from a stone and made it looked like a piece of gold.

“They were talking about their old battles; weapons and their prowess in war. The usual bragging when the ale goes up the head." Eldir replied. “No one seems to like you. They have nothing friendly to say about you.”

“Well, I am going in.” Loki told Eldir. “You just pretend that I was not seen.”

Loki then walked in and told himself that before the end of the feast, he will induce quarrels among the gods, and "mix their mead with malice".

The moment that Loki entered the Hall and everyone there falls silent upon noticing him. The same burly guest approached him but Loki interceded in.

“I need a drink.” Loki saw the goblets. “The famous mead."

Without hesitation, Loki took one of the goblets and drank his fill. None of those seated there questioned him or move to train him.

“All of you are very quiet.” Loki looked around. “No one would reply me? You arrogant bastards had so much to tell on me earlier and now silence. I wondered if all of you ever believed your own battles that were shared here.”

Loki reached for a seat but was stopped by a Skaldi God named Bragi.

“You are not invited. We are all …Gods.” Bragi told Loki. Loki does not respond to Bragi directly, but instead directs his attention to Odin, and state the words they once shared.

“Do you remember, Odin, when in bygone days, we mixed our blood together? You said you would never drink ale unless it were brought to both of us.”

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