Monday, June 9, 2014

The Crusaders II The stakes are raised higher 14.03

1.          Garden of Eden

The figure who greeted them was dressed in a toga wrapped on a beautiful lady with her long hair flowing like the water current in the clear stream. She step aside to showed the newly arrivals the long table with the feast laid out for a King and his Queen.

"My name is Eve. Welcome to seat yourself. Adam would join us shortly. He is needed elsewhere now."

Major Markov stationed his squad to watch the perimeter set, while he joined the Crusaders at the table buy he did not partake in the feast. Neither did the Crusaders.

"I can assure you the food are not poisonous." Eve took up a red apple and looked at them. "This would not put you to sleep."

"She is right." Another voice came from the perimeter. Its a man dressed in a toga and walks in casually passed the guards. "I am Eden, the main side of Eve. Crusaders, our role was to delayed you here while Lucifer escape. That's done and we are to now to defeat you."

"Beware to where you are. Welcome to Lucifer's country home." The garden had transformed into a two level building with a circular tower build on one end. The ground level covers the dining area where the table was laid, with the living area and kitchen. The timbered walls are lined with two glass casement windows spread out to give the areas ample sunlight. The side tower extension was all timber covered with only the top level having casement windows just before its roof. From that level, you can see the roofing of the house.

The Russian commandos came running in through the front and back door to tell their leader of the siege outside.

"Major, we are surrounded. Demons and wolves." Sergeant Trina report to the officer. She then signaled half the squad to take positions upstairs. Major Markov looked at the two hosts who had now dispersed into the air.

"They are gone." Geraldine spoke out. "We need to fight our way out. And then find the doorway."

Miles took to the second level and then up to the tower highest level. He was joined by the Sergeant who took sniping position. The second sniper tool position at the second level. The rest of the Crusaders stayed at the ground level. Kruger took to the back door while Geraldine handle the front door. Clawler transformed into its other side and rushed to the tower.

"Major, on the tower side we have a count of twenty." Sergeant Trina reported in. The others did on their sides; sixteen on the front, eight on the rear and twelve on the last side of the house. They are a combination of Harpies, Werewolves, Mapinguari and shape shifter.

"Commandos, fire at will." Major Markov gave the order.

Luisa took the first shot; the 7N1 variant used match-grade extruded powder instead of the coarser ball propellant and had a 9.8 g boat-tailed FMJ jacketed projectile with an air pocket, a steel mixed with silver core and a lead knocker in the base for maximum terminal effect. The projectile blew into the werewolf forehead and out the back of its skull. By the time the werewolf dropped backward, and the second shot went for the Harpies but she flew up in time. It flew up to be shot down by Miles silver coated bolt.

"We make a good team." Miles smiled at the Sergeant. She ignored him and took her next targets as the others in her squad all start firing. Miles did the same at another window.

Geraldine guarding the front door had her fight; the door tore off ifs hinges and the werewolf was met with the staff thrust into its jaw. With her strength augmented by the greave, the staff thrust itself past the jaws into the back of the head. She hurl the carcass towards the advancing numbers of demon warriors.

"Aargh!" One of the commandos was dragged out the window by a Harpy and Geraldine went outside. She stepped outside and saw the Harpy dragging the commando above the second level. Geraldine rushed forth and grabbed the dropped AK74 to fire at the Harpy. The automatic shot the Harpy' wings off and she dropped the commando.

"You can have the gun back now." Geraldine threw the rifle back to the commando. She looked at the approaching demons; two harpies and one werewolf. She rushed at them using the staff as a jumping pole to leap above their head. She split up her legs and kicked the harpies in the chest. She landed on the werewolf with her legs around his face; causing both of them to fall back.

"I hope you like what you are sniffing but I dislike you." Geraldine punched her fist into the werewolf left eye and into its brain. She then rolled off the dead werewolf and looked at the two harpies standing before her.

"Bloody wolf left a mess." Geraldine wiped at the pieces of flesh and blood between her legs while Clawler came from behind to grab the harpies. The Windingo tore their wings and pushed them towards Geraldine. She swung the staff at their heads and cracked one while knocking the other one senseless.

Kruger had his fight; thrusting and severing heads as the werewolves try to come in from the rear. He pulled out the sword and used the hilt to slammed into the next one. He saw a third one coming but the Major's shotgun stopped that brute.

"Thanks, Major." It was then he saw Luisa fell off the tower.

Miles was at the casement taking down the targets but he did not see the harpy that landed on top of the tower roof. It made its way down the roof and grabbed the Dragunov barrel. It pulled both the rifle and gunner out into the open air. Luisa fell out of the window and landed on her back. Miles saw her falling out and ran over. He reached over the window sill to see the Harpy still perched there. He reached up and pulled the harpy' legs to dragged it into the tower. He dropped the harpy facedown and stepped on the back of the neck.

"They are retreating." Major Markov spoke on the comms.

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