Sunday, June 1, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 1 Scene 1 Part 6.1

Act One Scene 1 Part 6

Roderigo was there outside of the Senate Hall waiting for Iago. He watched everyone leaving and had waited for his friend. When he saw his friend, Roderigo pulled Iago to the far corner and asked him of the happenings inside there.

"I was not allowed in. I was made to wait here." Roderigo spoke out. "Do you know how much I wished I could had gone in there. Its killing me here. I would had drowned myself in the fountain if you had not come out. Tell me what had transpired."

Iago looked to the corridor and noticed that they were alone. The Praetorian had departed with their Emperor while the others had left for their own destinations.

"Brabatio agreed to the ceremony...." Iago told his friend. On hearing that, Roderigo pushed aside his friend and headed to the fountain. Iago pulled him back.

"What's wrong with yourself? Drowning yourself in wine, I may agreed but in that plain water of the fountain, your death would foul the water." Iago shook his friend of his suicidal notions. "For a women, when you can have many."

"Please do not mock me. You are the one who refused the slave at the bathhouse until I forced you." Roderigo told him.

"Then I did take your offer. I am not one who had others to tell me what to do. I did it on my own." Iago defended himself. "Now you are in despair over a love that was to be yours."

"You chose to drown. Drowning are for the weak; the ones who cannot face the reality of life's. The one like the lost kitten abandoned by the mother cat. The child on birth discarded by its mother. Are you discarded? Or you have merely lost a battle when the war had yet to be over." Iago taunt his friend.

"Roderigo, you wealth. You have friends, and above all you should have self dignity. Where is it now? Hidden away or given to the depths of that fountain?" Iago pushed his friend. "If I was you, I would had thousands drowned for my sorrow, but never would I succumbed to it myself. I am Iago and you are Roderigo. We still have one another."

"Hear me out, my friend. I am here for you. Sell all you hold; the villa, the caravans, the wares, and even the servants. Made them into coins." Iago whispered to his friend. "I would not say it again, lest these walls have ears."

"Desdemona can’t see the forest from the fire now. She thinks she is in love. She would be for sometime. Just as all hasty plans, they would come to naught on the end. She would find herself in pain during the journey. The back breaking walks, and the hard board that she would be pounded upon. Is it this alone you would sway her forever?" Iago pushed forth his hips to displayed his point.

"Like yours and mine, it would come down at sometime. Then she would crave for more. But it would not be as we are on a journey of battles. We have hardly time to eat lest to fornicate"

"But not you. You would joined us with the wealth you had converted to coins. You would buy a caravan with the interior as comfortable as the chamber you retained at your villa. You would be escorted by guards that offered nothing but loyalty to you alone." Iago looked at his friend.

"You would be there to offered your comfort to her. She alone would be pampered by you. She would soon find herself losing the jest for his, and strike for yours." Iago reached down to grabbed his friend's by the balls.

"Ouch!" Roderigo reeled back in pain, while Iago released his hand.

"It won't be when Desdemona grabbed it. She would be handling it with care for you." Iago laughed. "To think that you would die before you actually bed her. Please, my good friend. If you want to die, there are more reasons than that to do it."

"Killing yourself is cowardice of the worst kind." Iago taunt him further. "That woman would be under you soon enough. Just get your house in order. If you are to die, then die with the crime of fucking her. Don't shame me by giving up and drowning yourself." Iago laughed out to himself.

"Would you stand by me? I meant if I am follow your advice." Roderigo asked.

"Am I not your friend? Go now and be haste on your coins. We got a woman to be wooed into your bed. I would live to see that happened. If she gets to you, he would be humiliated. That alone can atone for his mistake in not appointing me as Pilus."

"Go now, Roderigo. We got a war to fight. Seduction is the strategy. Desdemona is the prize." Iago saw Roderigo leave but the later stopped to asked again.

"I would see you at the Castra?" Roderigo asked of him.

"Of what?" Iago replied.

"To tell you that I am to joined with my coins. As your partner." Roderigo replied.

"Hush your voice, my friend. A war is not won on braying out your strategy. It calls for stealth. You would keep silent on our involvement. Just be there when we leave. And ....." Iago paused. "Don't get killed by yourself."

Roderigo laughed and walked off to his own destinations.

Iago watched the fool walked off and sighed to himself.

"Fool! They are all fools." Iago spoke to himself toward the walls. "You can be ears tonight. I would tell you that the fools I have taken off of their wealth. Roderigo was the not the first and would not be the last. You may said I am waisting my skills dealing with idiots when I could be with the best."

"Ah! I hear the Legatus. He had everything I had wished for." Iago bowed down as if he was facing the Emperor. "He even seduced my wife."

"Did I see it? Did I feel it? Yes, the first was not seen by me, but there were others who told me. If someone tells you, there would be an element of truth. Of the second, I had that feeling. Emilia had been cold to me. She laid there while I made love. She hardly moved but only on my coaxing."

"Ah! I could had more from a slave than her." Iago looked to the wall. "Your friends could tell you more, but you won't tell me. I know how you worked. I am with the Legions. We also hold the same trust among ourselves. One who squeal would be dealt with."

"Yes, if Othello trust Cassio like all of us in the Legion, then I would use him to hurt the Legatus. I would spread the words. One I could do the same as he did to me; his new love is sleeping with his Pilus. He would suspect; the other is handsome, younger and above all, a charming man. Above all, Othello is another fool. He trust all those who with him like his own brother. He's blind to their moods., but they respected him as the Legatus; a foolish one, and not me. I am smarter and more .....vindicative."

"I like that word; vindicative. With a little of that, I would be Lucifer to win. I will bring this plan to success." Iago laughed. He then hit his hand against the wall.

"Be my spectator. Whisper to the others. You got a play to hear out."

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