Monday, June 16, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 2 Part 1.1


Prelude to Act 2 Part 1

The peninsula was surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea on the east and Atlantic Ocean on the west, except for it northern boundary where the Pyrenees divided the peninsula from the main continent. At its southernmost tip, the Strait of Gibraltar split it from the darker continent. At the core of that peninsula, there was the province of Lusitania. It was a province populated by native Iberian and Celtiberian; a mixed of Celtics and the local Iberian. Rome interest on the Iberian Peninsula began with the Carthaginians in the Punic Wars. The Roman Empire, aimed to destroy the ruling Barcid Empire in Iberia, and to prevent them from being a flanking force on Rome. The Romans had begun on the southern territories and then moved up north, until the full occupation in Twenty Five BC.

"Tell the Legatus, we have sighted the tribes. They are massing here in the valley." The Centurion told his men from his vantage point on the hill. They were part of the recon units sent to observed the tribesmen. He had counted the numbers of the warriors there. It was like revisiting the old Viriatus Rebellion. The Consul had one Cohort there in Iberia; a mere four hundred eighty legionnaires. The Emperor felt that the main Legions would be at Dacia and the Germanic borders. The Centurion had heard that Rome had send a legion; a ten cohort strength to counter the threat.

The tribesmen here numbered about the strength of a Legion, but they are made of various tribes and a mix of warriors; both experience and raw farm boys. Like in any rebellion, there are the women in tow, but hopefully, they won't be like the in previous rebellion; joining their man in the battles.

"Do you have any ideas where is the legion from Rome?" The Centurion asked but no one replied to him. Maybe the Governor would know.

Or maybe not. It was then the rain came falling down; hard and dense. It blinded the legionnaires. And so would the tribesmen.

"Darned the rain." The Centurion looked to the sea on the other side of the hill. He saw the dark skies that lashed out with its winds and rain while the sea waves have turned high on it.

"Is it Neptune against us on this war? He called on the Tempest which would sink the whole fleet; there gone would be our reinforcements." The Centurion sighed. He looked down and saw the lighted houses by the sea port. He knew that a warm tavern there awaits him,,but it also housed another anxious soul like himself. But that one is the aide of the Governor, a noble named Montana; one who was also expecting his information on the gathering hordes. The Centurion rode down towards the beach bearing the news for those who are awaiting the late arrival of the legionnaire fleet. 

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