Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 2 Part 1.2

Act Two Scene 1 Part 1

The sea front which was where the small harbour was built, had two rows of shops to serviced the incoming boats. It was laid inside the bay and served as a shelter from the gales and high waves. There was several taverns there but of one was drew the interest of most folks there. The tavern was warmed by the large fire places in the center of the tavern, but there were several fire pots that were placed strategically around the hall. It housed the tavern owner and his three assistants serving the handful of customers who had taken shelter from the rain. It housed the long bar with the overhanging boar skull looming over it on the wall. The place was called the Boar, but everyone came for the ewes that served the drinks. The four round tables with the long table were all occupied, but that long table drawn to the window, however had an exclusive quiet group remain seated while watching the rain outside. It was the Lusitania delegation of a Governor aide, and his personal entourage of two companions and twelve guards. The important guests were seated at the long table while the guards are seated nearer to the doorway.

"Montana, did you get the information correct?" The one who asked was Lucius, a trader who have a flourishing trade here and Rome, does not wished his coins depleted by this war. He was build with a rounded frame that was loosely covered by the toga he wore. He swept his hands across his forehead of the sweat there.

"Lucius, I met the seafarer who met them at the open sea. It was before the storm build up, and he had told me they are headed here." Montana replied while his hand held the wine in the goblet that would warmed his body.

"Aye, a news of over two weeks, and not only you have heard it but we all did. But with this Tempest, which may had ail the fleet. Could it had been wreck by it, or swept off to the other continent?" Lucius replied in dismay. "I am truly concerned."

"Mathias, why are you silent?" Montana looked to the other aide who had accompanied him. That one was like an identical of Lucius but he lacked the height of the former; he was shorter.

"I speak when I need to. You know me, Montana." Mathias looked to Lucius. "While he speaks, I had arrange a tireme of my own at the far beach. Once this storm have lifted, I would be leaving."

"Pardon me." Mathias looked to shocked Montana. "I have other trade lines that needed my attention."

"None taken. I am here on the favor of the Governor." Montana replied. "Don't sail without me."

That was not a request, but an order. Montana held an influence on this province. It was then the Centurion rode in. He was excited on his entry. Across the hall, the tavern wench looked to the rain through the window shutters.

"Aye, the storm getting softer. I could see the wind flag now. Its blowing hard but not like then." Cassie told her counterpart behind the bar.

"Not as hard as your Favell, I presumed." Alica replied. She knew Cassie was heaving her arse at the other for some weeks now.

"Can your lips, Alica. Its them she is looking to have a piece." Stella the other wench was at the far end of the bar, cleaning the goblets. "Them loud colorful garbs must had cost more than my frock."

"Stella, your frock would come unloose on the drop of two coins. I know you better than them." Alica replied. "I wondered if they got the ladle for my pot."

"Aha! You pot all stewed up by Hani, even a plough horse would had less to do with going past you." Stella replied. That riled up Alica, but in came Glauco, the owner to stop the possible cat fight.

"Hold onto you lips, wenches. We got some gentlemen there and I don't need you to spoil their moods." Glauco was holding on the prospect of them staying on, more so with the juggling of the coin in their purses and them reserving the upper rooms for the guests. He was to asked them if they wanted more wine when the Centurion came in. 

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