Monday, June 23, 2014

The Crusaders II; The game ends

The game ends

1.          The safe house near the Vatican

Geraldine woke up in her own bed and slowly made her way to the living area. She can see the three others all sitting there looking groggy from their first night of rest. Just as she sat down on the couch, Father Ricken stepped in bearing a tray of hot drinks and food.

"Good morning, everyone." Father Ricken placed the tray on the coffee table. "Good rest was what all of you needed."

"Father Ricken, what did happened? I could only remember leaving here for Russia with Clawler. They were going to Washington." Geraldine took up the hot chocolate drink and took her first sip of the day.

"Yes, I remember leaving here but then nothing after that." Miles confirmed her statement. "Have we been drugged or something? I been in Special Forces to know such things do happened."

"No, nothing of that. In Moscow, you had a bad accident. No major injuries but some bruises. You were in coma for a week before we brought you back." Father Ricken explained to the lady.

"Miles and Kruger, you were in Washington but on your back; the terrorist blew the car you were in. Both of you were in shock and had a temporary loss of memory. You only recovered two days ago but the doctors said you would have relapses."

"A coincidental occurrence which tells me of some conspiracy." Kruger spoke up. "I don't like conspiracy."

"This would helped you to recollect." Father Ricken passed them the folders. "Your mission was a success. Moscow recovered the secret book while Washington found the culprit who stole the data."

Father Ricken left the three Crusaders to read the folders while looking at Clawler. The last Crusader was looking at the fireplace trying to remember its version of the last few weeks. It had images in his mind but when he was Windingo, he loses his conscious of the happenings then.

Father Ricken picked up his portable and called the number.

"They can't remembered. We can go to their next task soon."

2.          On the River Rhine

Lucifer dressed in his dressing gown sat himself at the dining table while taking a spoonful of the caviar to place on his cracker. It was a good start to a better day until his cracker laid with caviar was taken away.

"Eating caviar is the perfect closure to a lovely night of sex. You sure know how to please a lady." Lilith nibbled at the cracker and sat herself opposite him.

"Don't you considered dressing up for meal times?" Lucifer watched as the vixen spilled a small of the caviar on her cleavage. She used her finger to picked it up and raised it to her lips. She sucked in the caviar and smiled.

"Only for you I am always comfortable in nude." Lilith replied in a sexy manner but her mood was soon interrupted.

"I am sure you wouldn't mind being here." Lilith got up and stormed out of the living area back to the bedroom.

"I guess that means a no." Baal took the seat vacated by the vixen. "You came close to winning. Your demons were overriding those of Micheal's army but you gave up. I am beginning to suspect you are weak as Asmodeus said."

Lucifer picked up the bowl of caviar and threw the contents into Baal's face.

"Get out. If I see you again, I would have you removed to...."

Baal laughed at the threat.

"Hell?I been there. Nice place."

3.          In another dimension

Micheal was standing there holding onto his sword in front of him pointing downward while waiting for the Gabriel to catch up. He can see Father sitting there on the throne was getting impatient.

"I am sorry, Father. I had to collect the healing probe." Gabriel placed the wooden case down at his feet.

"Gabriel, your foolish mission disrupted my research. You know I do like to be disturb during my research time...."

"Father, Lucifer wanted to come back. He asked me and I assisted him. I would had succeeded if not for Micheal here." Gabriel protested. "I told you then."

"Silence! Gabriel, your action was not well explained to me. I punished you to the Cube." Gabriel was led away to be placed in a rectangle cell of two metres by two metres.

"Micheal, your lack of leadership caused me worries. I cannot be here every time you hit a problem with Lucifer." Father reprimand the second generation of officers. "Do not let it happened again."

Father beamed away in a flash of lights. Micheal looked at the window screen that showed him the planet Earth in that dimension. Of all the dimensions, this small planet gives him so many issues for centuries. Lucifer was his second in command before he revolted and took off with his followers to that planet. Micheal pursued him but the intervention of Father stopped him and leaving the revolutionaries there stranded without the means to leave the planet. Now the hundred odd discards have grown their own numbers.

Soon they would rebel us.

4.          Brooke View

Sheriff Tommy Jones III greet the five residents returning back from their trip to Roswell. They handed to him the crate they collected from there. It was to go to the Library.

"Anything happened here? The driver asked. Gabriel had since restored the town structure and the damaged vehicles when he erased their memory of the battle.

"Oh, nothing much. Brad proposing to my daughter but I doubt she would accept. She in love with my successor, Andy."

"Well, if there is one stud to add another Tommy Jones in the registrar that would be Andy. He is a bull." The wife of the driver spoke up as she stepped out of the truck. Then she looked at her husband and smiled.

"A woman can tell by the way they walked. The bull next to me drove me nuts in those motels we put up. Sheriff, I hoped you pay for Pay per View expenses. We saw a lot of them of them during our trip."

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