Friday, June 27, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 2 Part 1.3

"I saw the fleet." The Centurion told Montana after approaching the later. "It may not be much of a fleet, but its reinforcement."

The Governor aides rushed out to see the incoming fleet of tiremes and quinqueremes. He sighed at the fleet which was fighting the waves in the bay. He saw a smaller fleet of assorted guinguereme with a complement of four hundred to  the halve size tireme of two hundred crews including marines. He counted and estimated that there was only one fifth of the legion there. It took them over two hours for the first vessel to anchored in the bay during the storm.

A small boat was lowered and the leader of the fleet was seen on it. Montano and his companion went out to greet the leader of the fleet at the jetty.

"Hail Legionnaire." Montana greet the new arrival. "My name is Montana, the aide to Governor of Lusitania."

"Primus Pilus Cassio of the 3rd Legion. I had come on the orders of the Emperor to assist in the threat on this province." The Pilus introduced himself. "My Legatus would had met you but he was called away on some more important issue."

"Legatus called away and taken more than half the legion? Truly it must be an important quest." Montana stood in the rain swept jetty without moving the entourage to the warmth interior of the tavern. It was Cassio who was asked that they moved to a warmer area.

"Perhaps you would know more of Legatus issue there." Cassio explained himself. "More to that, my men needed some dry lands to clear their sickness. They are needed to march in a short time. We got a battle to win."

Cassio looked at his newly arrived guests from the ship.

"I have some ladies which are in need of some shelter." Cassio pointed to the two ladies who had just came on the dry land.

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