Monday, June 23, 2014

Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated for Mature Readers ) 1.41

Dark Queen

I laid out my terms while Marlene listened. I had my eyes on her while she searched out the area with her sight; looking for my elusive sniper.

“Marlene, you need to ease on your concern. Simon, give him a sample of your skills.” Simon was my hidden Pawn; not registered in the roster, as I used him to cover for the information with the authorities. He was formerly with SWAT due to injuries on his leg, he had to swap department. He was out there with a rifle and aiming at her.

The shot came and missed the Agent on the left leg.

“Marlene, it was only a warning shot.” I cautioned her. “Do we have a deal?”

“I cannot confirm it. Your name is listed on several agencies, and they would be difficult to bargain with.” Marlene replied. I knew she could not. I gave her a list of unreachable terms.

“Thank you for being realistic, Marlene.” I told her. “I do appreciate your honesty”

I looked at the gagged protected piece of my Chessmen. All of us worked for him; protecting him beneath the layers of security. All of us are to sacrifice if he was ever threatened, but he was an imbecile to us. He may be the King, but neither of us really cared for him. We only want to capture the other King, but on the board we are playing, we just end up as survivals or death by wrong moves.

“I guess we don’t need the King anymore, if there are no more Chessmen.” I ended the King with a shot in the head.

“Hello, Queen.” I heard the familiar voice. It came from the far corner of the place, behind some crates. It was Mrs.Treacher. She was dressed in her usual attire; the matron look but her look was all untidy. She was armed with her gun in the right hand.

“Surprised to see me? Your ploy to have me killed did not work. My informant from the Precinct called me in time for me to crawl away in the battle.” Mrs.Treacher was always resourceful. She looked up at me. “You are not the only one with the contacts. I have more than you can imagine.”

“Me?” I feigned ignorance, but the next move surprised me.

“Hello, Tracy. I could see you made it out in time.” Marlene spoke to the newly arrived lady.

“Tracy?” The Dark Queen asked.

“Yes, your Mrs.Treacher is also known as Tracy Darby. She was formerly my colleague, but she left us for more adventurous life. The Cleaners are one of our many hidden secrets; an organization sanctioned by us to do the dirty assignment. You had her daughter killed, and Tracy came to see me. She wanted to hit back, but I planned with her for you to hire her as your aide. It was an elaborate ruse to plant someone close inside your organization.”

“But your killings took to a new alert level.” Marlene continued on. “My Director asked me to re-open your files. I had to send someone to investigate.”

“I am surprised. I had placed my trust with Mrs.Treacher with absolute trust. She is also my Drill Master for the Chessmen.” I looked at the lady I trusted.

“So what made you wait? You could have killed me anytime.”

“The Cleaners are indebted to our employer. They told me to wait. I wait.” Mrs. Treacher smiled. “It’s part of my military training.”

“Funny how closely knitted our acquaintances.”Marlene walked over to the other side. “Tracy and me are good friends. So is your shooter.  Simon is one of my Cleaner crew too.” Mrs.Treacher told me. She then looked to the King who had slumped on the seat.

“Hail the King!” Mrs.Treacher voiced out and had her gun leveled at the King. She shot him again in the head. “Down goes the King. What a despot!”

“My Queen, you were good in your work, but of late, you lacked the leadership. And courage. Somehow, this Sylvia shook you up very much.” Mrs.Treacher looked towards me. “I wondered why. You did not hesitate to remove these after your fuck.”

Mrs.Treacher threw the clips of the dead lovers of mine. I had removed numerous of them; no one cared when they are homeless or runaways, but easier for my trail, I had them harvested for their organs while their flesh served some hungry canines. It was the real side of myself; the young lady who once trusted a man and in turn, he had me raped by his friends for fun. I became a recluse since the incident, but there was a second attempt by him. He paid the price of coming back for seconds; I had him castrated and hung in the bathroom bleeding for days. Since then, I had been one killer like the Black Widow. They don’t live after the fuck.

“Mrs.Treacher, why are you doing this? You were my friend.” I recalled she said I killed her daughter, but I wanted to taunt her.

“You killed my girl.” Mrs.Treacher was losing control on her emotion.

“Who’s your daughter?” I asked her back. I could see the lady was all shaken up with emotions. She may be tough on the exterior, but she has a raw nerve for me to kick in.

“Who was she?” I asked again. Mrs.Treacher reached into her side pocket and threw me the photo. It showed a young girl in her teens. I can’t recall her face. There were just too many of them then to recall who.

“You could not remember, huh?” Mrs.Treacher hit back. “She may have looked different when you killed her, but she was mine. She was my child. I gave birth to her and you killed her.”

“Cut the crap, bitch.” I hit back.”We killed them all. We cared not who birth them, as they are meat to us. You ought to know that. You are the Iron Lady.”

“No, I cared not of the others but my own blood and flesh. If it is mine, it may not be touched. Those are my rules. No one questions me, as their Queen.” It was then she gave the command. “Shoot her.”

But the shot did not come.

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