Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Preys and Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.37

White Pawn

Later I confronted Sylvia in the parking area. We had waited

“Sylvia, I am no killer.” I told her off. “I agreed to your methods, but I specified no killing.”

“There were no killings.” Sylvia fought back. “I only tortured them.”

“Well, it looked ~” I could not find the words for it. She had them tortured and then lashed together with photos of them in compromising positions before she emailed it out.

“Micheal, if you are not up to it. Then leave me alone.” Sylvia grabbed me by the shoulders. “Your brother did not die back there.” 

I wanted to reply but found my portable ringing. It was Marlene again. I been ignoring her calls but that time I took it.

“Marlene, it’s me.” Her reply was a smattering of indecent words and curses, before she mellowed down to the real thing.

“Do you know where to find Sylvia Gates? I can’t find here anywhere.”

“How would I know? You told me yourself, Sylvia is not here.” I retorted back.

“Sylvia Graden is Sylvia Gates. You were investigating the Tempest.” Marlene was not buying my excuse. “You had long suspected it.”

“Did you see the news break?” Marlene changed subject. “It’s about the Mayor.”

Shucks! The news had been made public. I turned to look for Sylvia but she had sneaked off when I was on the line.

Dark Knight

I had pulled myself out of the house and made it to rear of the house. I stumbled on a fallen rifle; a M4 which can be used as a sniper rifle. I took it up and leveled at the trees. I saw Mitch took down the second sniper, and with his back turned to me, I fired. I aimed at his shoulder but the bullet hit his left arm. He dropped out of sight but I had to move. I was to take this fight on my own. I don’t need him to protect me, or get killed in the process. He does not know who we are dealing with.

I made my way to the bottom of the hill and found the two vehicles parked there. I took one for my trip to the city. I need to find the Queen to understand the situation. I was not to bargain for the patrol car signaling me to stop.

“Damn!” I was sure that the speed was within the speed limits, but I had to oblige to avoid any attention. I pulled over and waited for the officers. There were one in the patrol car, and he was walking towards me. He was a tall one with his dark shades, and seen holding the stick.

Most unusual, as that was not the norm here.

“Licence,…Miss.” I heard the request, but I was without one.

“Officer, I ~” I tried to explain but he asked me to step out.

That was expected.

“Spread your legs and lean on the car.” I did as he requested. It was a good view with my hotel maid uniform. I braced myself for the rubdown, but he gave me a jab with the stick into my left kidney. That hurt when I went down onto the car top, while he followed on with the stick on the front of my neck. He was pulling it against my throat for the killing choke, but I had my share of back stabbers.

I had on my boots with the two inch high heard heels. I kicked back hard on his left shin, and then the inner calf. He moved to cover for his pain, and that was when I turned my body for the elbow blow into his chin. He went backwards, but I followed on with a body slam. We fell together on the ground but I had my advantage of the ladies favorite; the knee kick into his groin.

I pulled myself while grabbing his service gun. The officer was groaning on the ground, when I crouched down next to him. It was un-lady like posture, but the condemned needed a last view. I pulled out his gun from his holster; left mine in the car when I stepped out.

“Never refuse a lady’ butt when it’s offered bent over.” I told him and placed the gun in between his thighs. I gave him a scrotum with the bullet traveling up his groin to the chest. It was then I saw the portable in his pocket. I took it and searched the numbers log.

I remembered that number.


This was getting more interesting.

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