Monday, June 16, 2014

The Crusaders II The Cards are revealed 15.02

1.          Brooke View Forest

"Halt!" The warning came when the Crusaders came to the small clearing. A figure clad in chest armor with a sword at the waist belt and holding a spear appeared. "Hold there in the name of God's Army."

"We are the Crusaders. Take us to your leader." Geraldine looked to the sentry. "I am Geraldine Black."

A short while later, they were taken before the commander of the army; Raphael, standing there in the tent while pondering the sketch on the town. He was dressed in a warrior garb; metal chest plate, greaves, and metal guard for the shins, with a sword hanging on his waist belt. The helm of his was similar to that of the Roman Legionaire, but has a spike on the tip.

"Commander, the Crusaders are here." Raphael looked the four human who have just walked into his tent. He extend his hand and shook that with Geraldine.

"I am proud to meet descendants of the original Crusaders. Your deeds are documented and praised by many in the Halls above. I wished we had met in more peaceful time, but right now we are concluding a war that should had been ended centuries ago." Raphael smiled at the Crusaders. "Micheal have escaped their imprisonment and now confront the demons to surrender."

"Micheal?" Miles sounded out surprised. "The Micheal of the angels?"

Raphael nodded.

2.          Brooke View Library

"Micheal, stop this." Gabriel stepped forth to step in between the two warring brothers. "Lucifer, Satan, Asmodeus, Mammon, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Leviathan; they were once our brothers. They were misled by the temptations of Man and descended here. Among those out there are many more of our brothers."

"I am doing this to bring them back to the Halls. We are not waging a war, we are congregating to evacuate back home." Gabriel sighed in his words. "I know you would agreed so we had to imprisoned you. I would suffer your wrath but let me get them back home first. I am almost complete with the coding for the gate. The one they fallen through and would now return them."

"The Fallen Gate; the one which we named as the Mother of Gates?" Micheal looked in disbelief. "How could you do that? Our Father has foresaid that none would repair the gate. Do you want him to bear on you his wrath?"

"Father is the all knowing, and I am sure my workings here did not evade his attention, but he is not the all perfect. He has flaws and faults which made him more merciful. I am trying to bring back the family together. Is that wrong too in his view?" Gabriel questioned Micheal. "Are we not the guardians of mercy? Or are we to judge mercy and punished the undeserving?"

"Man is his creation, and yet they have defied his aspiration many a times. Man has commit more sins than any other creature in this dimension; but they still come to him for mercy. Does he neglect them or forgives them?" Gabriel looked at Micheal for any expression. "I am doing what mercy was meant to deliver. I am delivering my waylaid brothers to come home. If you understand mercy, you would allowed me to complete my task."

All those who stood there looked at each other in silence. Then Micheal turned and walked away. Micheal then stopped and looked back.

"Remember the words of Job. Father need not be questioned on his works or faults. There are no faults but the way set by him. I am his Judge on the brothers who had attack his name. I stand by Leviticus 24:23. He may may step as he did in Genesis 18:25. But till then, I am the Judge. My ruling are based on action and facts. Lucifer and his brothers are to be judged. I speak on the rules under Deuteronomy 19:21; not to show mercy. But my action also speaks from witnesses who saw such acts. My judgment is not flawed; I have reviewed many witnesses, Deuteronomy 19:15."

"Brother Micheal, just like David once asked Father to be the judge, I plea with you to allowed to then to face him once more. They deserved the mercy granted to others; Manasseh, Nebuchadnezzar, and Saul. They too had done terrible things against his people, his house, or both. But they changed their attitudes. They became his humble servant and to serve." Gabriel spoke again.

"Brother, your task may be noble but not everyone will receive Father’s mercy. They had not changed and in recent weeks, they had sow their evil on others. Father will never forgive them. And then there will be no mercy." Micheal turned to walk on to the town boundary.

"Lucifer, please bear with me. I shall complete the task set before me. Do not despair." Gabriel rushed to the basement and onto the wonderful creation of the universe and buried for centuries. Its a giant pillar of wood like material that stands over twenty metres with a base of over three metres in a square layout. On it are the etching of words known only to the ancient before the formation of the dimension. Its the predecessor to Yggdrasil or the Yew Tree, or even the gates in ancient Egypt.

Gabriel reached out with this hand and touched the wooden surface. He called on his ability to communicate to Father to give him the strength to resolve this conflict. He is after the bearer of messages from him to Man.

Meanwhile Lucifer looked to his assembled army of demons which await his order.

"We shall defend the Gate till its opened. Let no one stop us from returning to the Halls of Heaven. If we are met with hostility, we shall return in kind."

The army of Lucifer roared to his words.

Loki looked to his companion, and said.

"I would recommend the playing field stand. We can get vantage view of the coming battle."

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