Sunday, June 8, 2014

Preys and Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.36

The Pieces moved in 

Dark Pawn
Sylvia Graden

White Pawn
Micheal Darren

Dark Knight - Killer
Billie Diane / Billy Dane

Dark Bishop - Hired Killer
Mitch Dane / Brennan.

Dark Queen - Leader
Mary Ketch

White King - Leader
Marlene Phillips.

Dark Pawn

I knocked on the door to the Mayor’s penthouse in the city. I was his guest before and that time, he was not refusing a free session from me. The door was opened by him, dressed in his bathrobe.

“Come in, Ms Graden.” He ushered me into his living area. I was greeted by his mistress, a red head who preferred a threesome, and some tools involved. The mistress was dressed in a skimpy kimono while seated on the settee. She was drinking direct from the bottle of water.

The reason for my appearance was that the Mayor was into dual play.

“It’s most unusual for you to come in and offered us a free session.” Mandy asked from the settee but the man himself was all into it with himself reaching for me at the back. I could feel his erection aimed at my spine, while his hands were roving over my body. I had one the same yellow dress which I had put on for Micheal.

“It does not matter. Jonathan is all worked up over some city issue.” Mandy replied on her own question. She got up and approached us while untying her sash on the kimono. She opened up to reveal the strap on she had on. In our play, we alternate between us. It was Jonathan’s fetish to do with it.

Mandy walked up to me and held my chin to lay her kiss. I returned her kiss while grabbing her shoulders. I pushed the kimono off her and leaned down to kiss her shoulder. I moved on down while the man was grabbing the hem of my dress. He pulled it up and found my thong was in his way. It was then I surprised them.

“Lets’ improvise. I am for some bondage.” I whispered back to the lady in the front of me. “Would you like a move towards Kinbaku?”

My participants nodded, and I am quite adept at it. A Kinbaku session is more than tying a person; its more of a exchange session through the use of ropes. With the ropes, the bound person would undergo emotional and physical reactions to the binds. It’s a unorthodox method of comfort, like how we hug a person hard during the emotional moments. The right restraint of the limbs then, released a form of comfort. The vigorous embrace promoted the strong released of endorphins, and may produce a sense of relaxation with the tension release, couple with the abandonment feeling. That last feeling generates a need for someone to take control of yourself, hence the fun of the act.

The method of applying; note the term used here, allowed the person tied down to experienced different simulations depending on how its applied. It’s a form of eroticization with the pain as part of its offerings. It’s a form of self offering as during the session, you are unable to dictate the movements. The sensation of the ropes passed all over the body intensified the sensation of the touch to the flesh, with its nerves heightened to the surface of the skin. The beauty of the act was that after it is done, the bound person may feel a sense of gratification and above all, intense sexual release.

“Is it tight enough?” I had Jonathan bounded like a hog waiting to be skewered up its anus. He nodded, while I pulled it up one more one notched, bringing the tears to his eyes.

“Could you loosen it slightly?” The man requested but the lady had the right to refuse. I moved onto the bitch was prancing around still with the strap on attached. I approached her with the other rope.

“Oh!” The bitch mellowed out. “He looked good for me to shaft it up his ass.”

But she did not expect me to shaft it on her. I gave her a whip lash with the rope, which hit her face. She reached for her face, when I grabbed her head to lower it for a knee kick. The kick at her jaw caused her to fall back. It was then Micheal rushed in by crashing down the door.

Talk about coitus interruptus.

But the bitch recovered fast.

“She is mine, Micheal.” I stepped forward to confront the bitch. She pulled off the strap-on and held it like a truncheon in her right hand.

“Mandy, I be darned that it’s long enough.” I chided her when I moved in with my rope swinging onto her. The Kinbaku ropes are tough and compact. I hit her right wrist and moved in with a back chop with the turn of my body. The chop hit her on the right shoulder, but she was good. She hit back with a finger jab into my lower rear back. It’s a crippling blow to an exponent, recommended by many arts. I went forward with the blow, and turned my body for a low side kick at her.

She keeled over on her front, while I grabbed a deep breath. It was my mistake; Mandy was no dumb mistress. She was also an exponent of the Krav Maga.

“Stop!” Micheal shouted out while holding his gun leveled at her. It was then I lashed out with my right side kick at the side of her face. It was my deadly move; unladylike in the dress, but it had a hard knock to it. Mandy went down to the side with a dazed look.

“I never take to losing well.” I told Micheal. I grabbed Mandy to push her head down on the settee. I used her kimono sash to tie her at the back. I took the strap-on and jabbed it into her mouth.

“Suck on that.” I then approached Jonathan who was hog tied to the armchair, with bathrobe spread open in the front. He did look rather silly although he was slim for his age.

“Jonathan, tell me of the Chessmen?” I asked him, while Micheal stepped back. He agreed to forego his duty as an agent while here.

“Chessmen? I know nothing. Who are they?” Jonathan was feigning ignorance, and that upset me. I swung my right hand to slap him across the face.

“Don’t take me for a fool. I knew of you and Mary Ketch. Mary Levine Ketch.”

“I don’t know her.” The Mayor shook his head. I approached Mandy and gave her a finger jab into her throat. She was already gagged by the strap-on and with the jab; she retched over on her side. Micheal pulled out the strap-onto allow her to catch her breath.

“Tell me. Or she dies.” I threatened the Mayor.

“You do not know whom you are dealing with.” Jonathan was cautioning me. “They are killers.”

I slammed my right fist into his groin causing him pain. I grabbed him by chin and pushed his head up.

“There ain’t any better killers than me.” I told him in the face. I then looked to Mandy. “Tell me or she would suffer.”

“You are mad. All of you are mad.” Jonathan squealed out in between the bouts of pain. “I would rather die than tell you on the Chessmen.”

It was then I grabbed the water bottle and approached Jonathan. I pulled him up and laid my right leg against his inner left thigh. I had them spread up and shafted the bottle into him. He screamed while I rammed it up his anus.

“Tell me or I would hurt you more.” Damn! He would now know what it’s like to be on the receiving end. He blurted out everything and names. He told us of the written records in the Bank vault. 

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