Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Preys and Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.35

White King


I ran that name through the system, and came nil. Like Mitch Brennan. They are all the same; doctored past and present. I ran it through other networks. But I got an address to work on. I roped in the Special Division to back me up. There were seven of them in the team.  

I also tried to call Micheal but he was not within range.

“Agent Phillips, we are in position.” The officer in charge of the Division told me. Our target was a suburb single level unit with a spacious backyard. We have three of them in the rear while the others were to do the front assault.

“Move in.” I gave the order.

They approached the house, but stopped short at the porch. The shots came from the windows; automatic firing with a arc spread. Two of the four personnel went down. The backup team rushed in and grabbed the wounded to safety.

“Hostile prepared for us. Seek cover.” The officer called in. I was behind the cover of the van, but I wanted to get this case solved soon. I climbed in the van, and drove it towards the house. The shots came but I had huddled down behind the wheel when it crashed. The van tore through the front door and stopped in the living area. I huddled further down when more shots came on the sides. I reached up with my gun and shot back.

It was then the Calvary arrived.

There were two of them; all males with overalls. The place showed there were more than ten of them who had stayed there. But there was no sign of Mrs.Treacher. According to Mary Ketch, I was to find Mrs.Treacher here. But what we had was a nest of killers.

“Agent, you might want to see this.” The Officer in charge led me to the basement. In there, I discovered a wall of names and pictures. It told me that entire structure of the Chessmen, and who’s who in the current roster. Then I saw the name of the organization which was removing them.

They are the Cleaners; a killing outfit ran by a lady named Iron Lady.

Then it occurred to me where I seen these guys before. I could not see Mary Ketch there. I called at the Mayor’ office, and she was not answering.

The squad cars called in to find her.

Mary Ketch was on the run.

The Queen is running.

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